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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. In one of their DVDs he talks about how he dislikes VK and doesn't want to to be associated with it. I won't remember it's name, but it's the one in which they get on stage and play inside of a truck (!?) And thanks for the info on koki.
  2. I thought anchang was dead or at least retired. I still love sex machine guns, BUT anchang was extremely disrespectful to VK as a whole back at the time that sex machine guns was at their peak and the media associated them with VK, so he claimed he wanted nothing to do with VK and proceeded to offend VK as whole while constantly appearing on VK magazines and selling their stuff at VK shops because it was convenient for them, so fuck him and the flop that was his solo career. I don't think VK bands should be welcoming him at all. Also, who the hell is Koki?
  3. jon_jonz

    They look like Alice nine as well.
  4. Ugh, #LOSTWORLD was dope. This is awful.
  5. jon_jonz

    So is half of the population of the world nowadays. I don't mean to disregard his pain (in case this is true, since many bandmen just lie about their reasons for leaving bands) but come on. This sounds like a lame excuse so we can sympathize with him and not get mad over him leaving the band. It also sounds very unlikely that a person that is struggling with depression to the point of leaving a band would still come up with a new look and tour for 1 more month, since it bothers him so much. Also, being an artist and meeting fans,no matter how little their fan base may be, is a great way to overcome depression so that he will feel useful and that people care about him, so yeah, I think it's time people stop using mental health as an excuse for letting others down. #unpopularopinion
  6. jon_jonz

    So that's how Kiwamu gets his stuff, eh ?
  7. The song is good, but quite messy and confusing. Sounds like just a bunch of clichés glued together and It lacks consistency. I get it's a parody and all, but I think they should stick to more upbeat songs, which they compose much better. The breakdown is dope, tough.
  8. Inb4 Vice, Buzzfeed or a similar website starts campaigning for VK bands to finally stop using swastikas every now and then no matter how much you argue that it's a Buddhist symbol or that it's just 4 da LOLZ.
  9. So what's the tea ? They refuse to perform as AYABIE but are willing to do it as 彩冷える ? I don't get it. Also, DEATHBIE was DOPE ! They should get that project back.
  10. Hello Tomoe, I want to play a game. So far in what could loosely be called your life you've made a living by using my name in order to perform with your band. Society would call you a VKeier. I call you unworthy of the body you possess, of the life that you've been given. Now we will see if you are willing to look inward rather than outward to give up the one thing you rely on in order to go on living. If your band manages to get 100+ retweets with the statement about your "disappearance" you are free to go and your band will go major, however, if you fail to contact the band mates you have been neglecting I will inform your sugar daddies that it is all fake, so they can stop supporting you and your career will he over. Live or die, make your choice. Let the games begin.
  11. jon_jonz

    Yeah, my bad. I forgot they already auctioned off their used costumes full of sweat/cum/whatever back in 2k10. Source: http://shattered-tranquility.net/index.php/05/18/phantasmagorias-live-only-goods-for-sale-costume-auction/
  12. jon_jonz

    Cool beans. Reminds me of early SCREW.
  13. jon_jonz

    KISAKI's been using the same outfit since 2004...
  14. Inb4 Takepi comes up with this bullshit now, but whenever it's convenient to him he uses the names 彩冷える or アヤビエ and performs at least 2 more "last lives".
  15. Did he really release this many tracks already ? Guess people ain't leaking his CDs then, eh ?
  16. jon_jonz

    Then they also saved tons of money, because 16 PVs in 5 months is A LOT ! I wish more bands would do the same. I mean, these are all low budget af, but it's still nice and I think every song should have it's own MV.
  17. jon_jonz

    How come they get to release a new PV, like, every week ?
  18. You may hate this band as much as you want but you have to admit they have the best PVs in VK history.
  19. This looks a lot like ダウナー (DOWNER)
  20. YAAAAAAAAAAAS ! I hope they come up with something as epic as usual, unlike that shitty latest Kaya solo release.
  21. jon_jonz

    Y'all buying "new versions" of Skyrim being rereleased every week but refuse to support Kisaki, eh ?
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