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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Slightly reminds me of early Dio. You know what would be awesome ? If they never ever came out with clean vocals in any of their songs. I like this because it's really br00tal, unlike all those bands that do 20 seconds of heavy stuff and the rest is pop and then claim to be badass. More of this, please.
  2. Holy shit, I enjoyed this PV so much ! Don't even remember when was the last time I enjoyed a music video this much. At the time the whole band froze and the vocalist kept singing I was like Absolutely gorgeous. Love everything about this band so far.
  3. Here's the pic without all that stuff written on it: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CP6y5rnUwAAUkyc.jpg I like this look because it's kinda of a recreation of an old look with them wearing some clothes they used throughout the years and a framed version of their very 1st look. It's sad that their popularity dropped significantly, but I'm looking forward to the solo projects. They should revive Frantic Emiry too.
  4. The only thing that sucks more than this singer is their photoshop skills.
  5. jon_jonz

    Fuck, I like them a lot. The new look is great, but reminds me of this: lew
  6. WTF is shiranuri-kei exactly ? By the bands cited I can kind of figure it out, but I've never seen this term before.
  7. That's because all this band does is plagiarize other bands, so you get lots of references in everyting they do. It disgusts me to see they've already got so many fans by ripping off others' ideas. Ugh.
  8. Does anyone have a list of the original performers in both this and their 1st album ? I get some of them, like the GACKT song they covered in the previous album, but most of the songs I don't know. For example, I'm 100% sure that 追憶 is a cover of a VK band, but they've even changed the song name, so I can't figure it out. Do they even compose anything or all their songs covers ? If I'm not mistaken, their 1st album is enterily composed of vocaloid songs, right ?
  9. jon_jonz

    Woah, now that was way better than what I was expecting. Sounds like DIAURA meets Crimson Shiva. Really good. Looking forward to the full version.
  10. Do they seriously think they are fooling anyone with that band picture ? If you pay attention to their heads you'll notice it's just a band pic photoshopped over a big crowd. Everyone knows not even half of that ammount of people shows up at their gigs. This band is so lame, LOL.
  11. That's what caught my attention too. This is pretty good. Good to know a big label has their eyes on them, because these ands are great.
  12. So that's why the bassist left, prolly. They've become a comedy band ? Ugh, their old style was way better.
  13. They're unrecognizable. I hope their sound doesn't change as much as their look.
  14. LOL, they meant it as a joke right ? This is really rude to other VK musicians, assuming they've got no jobs.
  15. So BPR is making them reuse old CODOMO DRAGON's clothes, uh ? Shame on them.
  16. jon_jonz

    We really should get someone to record and share all of those nico nico videos. Most of them are never shared.
  17. WTF ? This shit is major now !?
  18. Another リモ☆ with SAVANNA P.K. ORCHESTRA?
  20. Amazing look. One of their best, actually. I love the fact that SEEK has maks with his previous looks hanging there.
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