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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Yes. Bring SID back and so I can keep pretending Aki's awful solo carrer never existed.
  2. jon_jonz

    You can play the new Sengoku Basara game using Taka's costume, LOL
  3. Nice GIGAMOUS cosplays. Fuck all of those bands changing their names. I hate this trend so much, ugh.
  4. This is one of their best releases ever. Really liked the CD. It sounds somehow different from what they usually do, and I appreciate that because they were getting repetitive. Most of the title tracks are all like the same, but the b-sides are getting really good.
  5. Meh, Crimson Shiva was way better than just SHIVA. I just hope they don't stop playing their old songs.
  6. Eeew, I hate this band, so I didn't know this, because I don't watch their stuff. I don't even like D.I.D., btw, but it looks like quite a lot of people are doing this. Maybe they've been watcihng some inspirational videos, if you know what I mean. DO IT !
  7. Oh, yeah, that was Grieva ! I didn't even remember KuRt since it was forever ago, but thanks for the heads up.
  8. Didn't another band already had that same concept of bangyas in a gig wearing paper bags in their heads ? I remember seeing it here in the news section sometime ago.
  9. jon_jonz

    Boring, indeed. This looks and sounds like Angelo, but worst.
  10. They all look awesome in those CD covers and I hope someone leaks all 3, because I'm dying to hear it.
  11. What's this tracklist ? Schwarz Stein ?
  12. Meh, I was hoping for a new song too. I wish he'd dump that lame ass sukekiyo and keep releasing solo stuff. At least the songs from his previous solo stuff were cool back in the day. Anygays, he got a new promo pic for this book: I find it funny that most of the times he lets his hair grow he shaves his armpit but when his head is shaven his armpit is hairy, LOL.
  13. This band is like: 1st look: BORN look alike 2nd look: (some Osa band whose name I can't remember) look alike 3rd look: LIPHLICH look alike 4th look: GUILD look alike 5th look: Misaruka look alike
  14. Sounds just like all of Ginta's prevous stuff. What about that Goblin factory records ? Any info on that ?
  15. jon_jonz

    Nice tattoo. Was it made with Crayola ?
  16. So many DIR EN GREY plagios references... All of the PVs are flawless, tough. I miss their old drummer.
  17. What is this annoying trend of jap bands getting names other jap bands already had ? Not only they all sound the same and now this. Uuuughhh ! Looking forward to this because of the the ex-Pura and the C4 dude, tough.
  18. They keep getting better. I used to hate this band in their earlier days because they were too much wannabe sukekiyo. Now they're more into an avant-garde/progressive vibe and I'm liking it. Hope they keep it up.
  19. First they 'change' their name, then they add those unecessary autotunes all over their songs and now their DVDs look like sukekiyo. What's wrong with this band ?
  20. jon_jonz

    Damn, I'm really sad, actually. Y'all trully disrespectful. This is the end of an era. They've been around for almost 20 years. Biggest achievement of this band is that they were the first indie VK band to perform outside of Asia. Even tough they went major, it's too bad they never got the recognition they deserve. Maximum respect for these guys.
  21. jon_jonz

    I already hate this label due to the fact that almost all of their bands have names that another VK bands already have. THE EGOIST looks interesting, tough. Let's see how it develops.
  22. That's because INTETSU composed most of his stuff and now that he's retired RYOSUKE has to do everthing by himself or team up with someone else. That's a lazy ass tracklist indeed, but he always delivers. Looking forward to it.
  23. Can't believe, X JAPAN and ∀NTI FEMINISM are actually finally releasing new stuff. I'm excited, but this might be a bad omen or something.
  24. jon_jonz

    It's actually free. It's part of a huge abandoned industrial complex. Most of the VK PVs you see are filmed in different locations in this facility. I know this because of the making of of a Toku I was watching the other day, where they used the same location.
  25. It's sexy and all and I do like it. I just think it has nothing to do with the manga, so this should be released by PENICILLIN or HAKUEI's solo carreer. It's weird to not follow the concept of the manga like in their previous works and still use the manga's name.
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