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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Sure. I actually think KAMIJO is a talentless piece of shit, who has been trying to be Lady Oscar since the 90s, which is why his looks are always so similar. Lame. But he made friends with some people that are actually talented and/or relevant, so he managed to be part of cool bands. This dude didn't have the same luck, but at least he isn't annoying like KAMIJO.
  2. It breaks my heart to see BAN, Hitsugi and all those guys with lots of piercings taking off their jewelry. VK needs more piercings.
  3. jon_jonz

    Why is every cute band becoming dark? I actually prefer darker bands, but I think there are already too many of them. I don't generally enjoy bands changing concept, mainly when it's something totally different from what they originally did. This is getting way too repetitive. Buuuuuuuut, this song is pretty good. I'll get used to their new style.
  4. jon_jonz

    Their vocalist must be poor as fuck to use the same look in 2 bands, or maybe lazy, doesn't care or whatevs. This caused a bad 1st impression, but they sound ok.
  5. jon_jonz

    I won't give up on them because Ryoppi is still my fave musician, eiheartx, don't worry. And since you mentioned their latest live DVD, would be so kjnd to share it, please?
  6. I didn't know abingdon boys school was back.
  7. jon_jonz

    I'm waiting for the PVs. Something like Youtube would be just fine, but thanks for sharing anyway. As for the single, I'm sorry, but I hated it. Simply because the original versions of the songs are way better than the remakes and I'm sad to see that if I ever go to one of their gigs I'll have to listen to the new versions instead of the originals which are much better and I'm more fond of. It's the same reason for why I hate DIR EN GREY for ruining the classics. One should never fuck with the classics. It's a matter of taste, yes, but VIPER sounded much better in the preview and the fact that I hated something that Ryoppi did breaks my heart, because I he's my fave musician ever and I do think he's an amazing musician, since he composed many of my all time fave tracks and he's actually a really skilled musician kn therms of making good new versions too. Take for example all those participations in those anime VAs. He made some awful anime songs into amazing music, but fucked up his own compositions with this CD. I just wish it never existed and hope they don't ever remake any MEGAMASSO songs again.
  8. jon_jonz

    More D=OUT and less Kouki solo, plz.
  9. jon_jonz

    Oh, so that's why. Makes sense. They're kinda boring indeed, which is why I was impressed with how crowded it was.
  10. Overseas live? Where will that be? There's nothing about it in their OHP
  11. jon_jonz

    Looks pretty crowded for a gig of an unknow band. I got the impresssion people from Belgium are really kind when I went there. Looks like they're supportive too. I don't even remember ever seeing VK fans from Belgium after all those years I've been into VK. Interesting.
  12. jon_jonz

    It's a rerecording of this song:
  13. jon_jonz

    Fucking finally ! This song is catchy as fuck and the PV is gorgeous. This band is flawless. They deserve more love.
  14. jon_jonz

    Maybe he got BRAST cancer.
  15. I'm not even a big fan of this band but I want to tattoo the name of this album on my body.
  16. Radio Taisou is THE shit. They should come back. Btw, is that new look SMILE's or Radio Taisou's ?
  17. jon_jonz

    Catchy as fuck. I dig this song.
  18. jon_jonz

  19. Look guys, a VK fan wants to lecture me about economics, publicity and attack me personally just because I'm accusing one of the bands he likes of editing a pic. Why am I not surprised? Don't waste your time, Ritsu. Also, you know me personally. You should know that you shouldn't take most of the stuff I say seriously. Easy, dude. I won't waste my tume arguing and flooding this topic. Believe whatever you want. I don't care. Just stop wasting our time trying to discuss and lecture me, ok? Take a chill pill.
  20. Sure, honey. Indies bands do have money to advertise on a fucking truck and they never lie. Also, Santa is making them major after the next album. I just saw it in his ameblo.
  21. DANGER CRUE, srsly ? What's with BPR and this label signing all those nobodies ? At least umbrella sounds cool.
  22. Shocking news indeed. They need a new drummer, not another guitarist. LOL, THIS ! But also, this: This band could've been way better, because they have members from excellent bands, so we know they do have lots of potential. Not that they are bad, but they're just meh. They look tr00 as fuck, tough, so their next shit better be br00tal. If the songs turn out to be good I may even forgive them for recruiting that talentless sucker. Let's see how it it develops. I can't wait for previews.
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