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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    "Violin" Good stuff, indeed. And I agree their darker songs are better, but this one is cool too. Reminds me of Misaruka. I don't dig their vocalist, but he's so so. Their new album is pretty good too.
  2. This band was amazing when they started activities but then they kept getting worst until that hideous Xmas video they posted on Youtube a few days ago, which is ratchet as fuck. I can't believe they don't even play the song called Link in their lives anymore, which is by far their best song, so they should come up with something decent this time, because I absolutely love the voice of their vocalist. Let's see how it develops.
  3. Ugh, all Ains bands look and sound the same. Repetitive as fuck.
  4. Yes it is. I'll have to watch it when it comes out. I also have to catch up with all of their other live DVDs too, but some of them are hard as fuck to find online >:
  5. jon_jonz

    Yep. I've actually listened to their whole discography. I just hate any band that makes shitty plagios of musics from The Nightmare Before Xmas, like this band, that hideous halloween junky orchestra and many more. It's a matter of taste, yes, but you have to admit SaTaN's vocalist was way better in BLOOD and he actually has talent, which's why I want something better for him.
  6. jon_jonz

    Sinking in da pussy !!!1! Those videos actually sound better than usual, btw.
  7. Amazing, indeed. Too bad Kokusyoku Sumire only shows up in one song and one can't even see their faces, but I'm digging it.
  8. They looked way better in their previous bands, but let's see if it's any good. I just hope it's better than Keke's solo career.
  9. jon_jonz

    I was totes skeptic about this but ended up loving the PV. Looking forward to w/e comes next from them.
  10. jon_jonz

    It's weird that they only chose to share it 2 years later, but at least they shared. I love it when VK bands put full lives up on Youtube. Too bad only a few of them do that.
  11. That's an epic setlist. I hope they don't cut it when this comes out as a DVD. I think it's a huge idiocy that they are releasing a 10th bd special CD in their 11th year, but who cares ? I'm anxious for the DVD.
  12. jon_jonz

    This song alone is way better than D.I.D's whole disco. Really, really good ! Unlike most bands heavy of nowadays, they're really skilled and the composition is solid. If they keep up with this quality they may become one of my favorites. Looking forward to more from this band.
  13. jon_jonz

    I bet those are rerecordings, but I'm skeptical about this, because VK rerecordings are generally shitty and almost never better than the original, but since their version of Sumire September Love is better than the original, I'm also curious. I'm glad they'll make a PV for VIPER too. Looking forward to this. Megamasso always delivers.
  14. jon_jonz

    Indeed, and if they're half as awesome as Crimson Shiva is, they'll be one of the coolest bands ever, but doubt so, judging by the weak ass bands they cover.
  15. Sounds like X JAPAN, which means it's boring.
  16. jon_jonz

    This sounds a lot different from what they usually do and I happen to like his more than most of their previous stuff. I dig it. I just feel like the excess of homosex is getting repetitive. It was cool a 1st, but now it's just getting predictable.
  17. LOL, what a train wreck. This is the worst breakdown I've ever heard.
  18. Again ? Already ? Kiyoto has got to be trolling us. There's no way he's not ending all of his projects in less than one year if it's not on purpose. I wonder what he's up to.
  19. jon_jonz

    I love him and Sugar was one of my all time fave bands, so I'm really glad to see him back. Looking forward to this.
  20. That's a decent reason for being absent in a gig instead of the usual emo crap VKeiers come up with. That's more rock'n roll and all. Cool beans.
  21. jon_jonz

    Back in the day, Sacrifice had some live videos up on Youtube with music different from those 2 songs they released and it still sounded a lot like Diru. What I meant in my 1st post in this thread was that B.C sucks because they don't plagiarize Diru and Sacrifice is awesome because they do. Not that I only like Diru plagios. Not at all. But I do have B.C's stuff and it was just meh, so I'm hoping for this band to be tr00 and all. And we do agree that Sacrifice is better than Diru, or at least their new stuff so, no hard feelings.
  22. jon_jonz

    Bitch, please. This sounds more like DIR EN GREY than Diru themselves in their new album.
  23. The full PV is out and it's fucking P-E-R-F-E-C-T ! Check it out: Aside from that ratchet white wig guy, it's flawless. The chorus is so good and catchy. Love the falsettos and all. Also, good guitar riffs and the song is very dramatic. I love overdramatic kei. Can we all agree that this band is the best thing to happen in the VK world in 2014 ?
  24. jon_jonz

    I didn't get the piano guy, btw...
  25. jon_jonz

    I don't think it sounds like an anime song at all. It started really boring and ended up being kinda catchy. Love the chorus and pre-chorus. It reminds me a lot of FAIRY FORE's "boys be ambitious", tough.
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