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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Let's make a review out of this MEJIBRAY mini-album release: MESSIAH.bat To be honest, I was really looking forward to this release and from the preview sample it looked kinda good + their looks are awesome...! ....so I put my hopes up until it was released. At first listen to this mini-album, I was kinda impressed but after a few listens I recognized some songs from their previous releases/they've used some instrumentals from what they had released before. I think they've kinda overworked themselfs like all their ideas are gone. But I'll review each song also... Messiah.bat The intro starts with some Tsuzuku grows afterwards they let MiA do the same guitar riff from their previous release ''KILLING ME'', it sounds cool but kinda a no-no for repeating in a new song. The chorus is really catchy, totally love it! Also the up-beats are nice, it keeps you in the song. Overall it's a great song to listen to. Falling ''Maria'' The intro starts again with some previous release melody, what I can get out of it is: APOCALYPSE & THINKER. Hmmm... I don't think there's actually anything new to this song, but it's good. 【worms】 I hate to say this, but the intro is like DEVIL ON THE BED by The GazettE & Diaura - Terrors, but with electro elements in it. I think this is the only song I really dislike on their new mini-album. Great to see they try some electro elements again, but I think their darker music like their 1st mini-album / Sadisgate / Sabato / KILLING me are suiting them much better. Just saying~ - 枷と知能 -それってとても人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの- Another electro elemento song, but I approve this one, it's not bad. It reminds me of their other song Mechanical Beauty, from some of those vocal parts. www Also the lyrics lol, what I can get what Tsuzuku singing, the song is about ''fucking''? lol ... ''You say I'm fucking to, fucking you over''♪ (or something close to that xD) I think they didn't need to add any electro elements, since it's already good in the parts without them. But overall, cool song. - insomnia Finally some darker song, the intro starts with a dark sounding piano.... sweet! The drums are really sweet here, same kind of drum beats used in Akercock (YEAH www) I also love the bass in this song that goes great along with the guitar. Just an amazing song! Actually this kind/type of songs should be used in this whole mini-album in my opinion. I think this was clearly the best song out this mini-album. All the other songs seems kinda weaker. Let's hope they'll do better next time with brand new ideas, also like I said before... I really think they are overworked. They've released so much in short time... they need time to get fresh ideas.
  2. Rize

    MEJIBRAY - 【worms】 is like..... Diaura - Terrors (Like the intro, but MEJIBRAY are using some electro elements in it) --------------------------------------------- MEJIBRAY - 偽りの仮面/じさつのうた sounds like... (the Intro part) Royz - eve:r ----------------------------------------------- MEJIBRAY - Chameleon YUMMY sounds like The GazettE - SLUDGY CULT
  3. My manga hunt was quite a succes. Got the 13th volume of Black Butler, yay ;D https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJRP2rNCIAEXm57.jpg

  4. Let's also do a review about Keke's 2nd single release ''Cosmike Alice Wonderland'' Those who're able to listen to this, please make a review! - コズミケアリスワンダラン This song is more a rock/pop song, compared to his first single. I guess this shows some more of his other talent. It's really a good oshare kei song, plus the PV is really cool. Fooooooood, everywhereeeeeee~ it makes me hungry. This is his first PV that looks really good made, sadly he didn't include this in his single ;< - スウィイトポイズンファクトリィ Hmmm.. about this song, it gives me some Halloween vibe actually, reminds me a bit of Halloween Junky Orchestra but it's more.. how should I put it... some crazy song? lol Somewhere at the end of the song he sings in some autotune/vocaloid-voice, usually I dislike those voices but this is pretty okay. A very cool song. - ワンダランクロウラア I think this song is my favorite song. It's really a rockish song-only, it really feels like he's back in a VK-band again, I can even imagine a music video from this song. So... this song is different from the 2 songs above. That's really a good thing, 'cause this track is really outstanding!!
  5. Okay, let's do a review about けけ(ヶ´∀`)'s DARUMAROMAN single! I'd love to hear your opinion! In short: - DARUMAROMAN This is my favorite song of the whole single. It's a happy-cheerfully song. Also, if you haven't seen his dance cheography yet, you gotta check that out! It's really a cute dance which you can easily learn as well! But anyways, this song is the best! It's really a creative but poppish-like song. I think it's really Keke-alike song...! it kinda shows his character / how a cheerful person he is. - MADa☆YADa This song is sweet, like a lullaby for me if I can't sleep. It's softer than the DARUMAROMAN song actually, but I like it. - Hello, Worker This song is also some softer song like MADa☆YADa, but has more some kind of up-beat. I think this song is also pretty, you can hear his softer voice also Overall, it's a good single, all 3 songs are really enjoyable to listen. If you haven't tried this single yet, I really recommend you to listen!
  6. Rize

    As promised, the Keke CD scans from Darumaroman and Cosmike Alice Wonderland -> http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/20920-scans-keke-darumaroman-%E3%82%B3%E3%82%BA%E3%83%9F%E3%82%B1%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3/
  7. Never though CDJapan could be lost www https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJJR2SNCcAAPcer.jpg But the good news is: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJJU_qwCUAAwYgM.jpg *\(^_^)/* In a few hours my package will arrive, yay!

    1. Rize


      yes :D getting both CD's *cries of happiness* XD

    2. Raburr7
    3. stylelover


      oh thats cool and weird XD

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  8. Can I cry because Called≠Plan is going to disband? ( ; _ ; ) And can I cry of happiness for MEJIBRAY's new mini-album? ( T ▽ T )

  9. Rize

  10. Rize

    Merchandise info up: JUSTart Tour Merchandise : CD`s : 1. JUSTart - 20€ 2. Now or Never - 15€ 3. World is Mine - 10€ 4. Gradation - 15€ 5. Breakout - 10€ T-shirt ( Men and Women available on black and turquoise) - 20€ Poster - 10€ Photoset ( 5 pic) -10€ In countries that do not use Euro merchandise is available on local currency.
  11. Rize

    ahw seriously ;< that beardy drummer was pretty cuuwl xD Wonder which drummer they get next~~
  12. Rize

    Awesome can't wait! Tears was really a catchy album ;D Looking forward to this! wwww
  13. My breakfast today: https://twitter.com/Linhsan/status/328424183585447938 It was the first time I tried to make Tamagoyaki wwww It turned out pretty well ;3

    1. Kazuya Tanizawa

      Kazuya Tanizawa

      Looks Pretty Yummy XD

    2. Rize


      haha thanks wwww

  14. Been a while since I listened to this song

  15. Happy holidays! :3

  16. Ooooh, C.N.BLUE's new Japanese single release is pretty cuuwl. ;3 I think With your eyes is the most catchy song. ;3

  17. My コズミケアリスワンダラン/ ????(ヶ´∀`) will be shipped tomorrow and my darumaroman was out of print so I'll be getting a partial refund iI guess...^^

  18. Today my internship teachers celebrated their birthday but I also received some presents, so cute!! Though it was not my birthday, I felt it was haha. Love my kids! https://twitter.com/Linhsan/status/326696635025481728

  19. Rize

  20. Everyone is unique as the way they are~☆

    1. Raburr7


      what a positive person you are ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    2. Jigsaw9


      True... I'm just a bit ~more~ unique. ;<

    3. Rize


      That's the spirit Jig!!! haha I always or most of the time am @ Rabur !!

  21. Today is my day off from school! Going to take another walk in this sunny weather! Bringing my homework along and going to the lake studying there :3 www Who wants to tag along? *lonely* ( > _ < )

    1. Cupcakes


      Better make sure your homework won't fly away with this wind!

  22. lol so many re-recording songs from para:noir but too many types seriously, are they going to act like BGFNS?! XD But oh well, I love Akane-sama ♥ love and support! Looking forward to the re-recording songs!
  23. Rize

    Welcome~ Great music taste! And also good to see you like to draw anime/manga figures as well, me too! ^^ See you around~
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