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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    wow new album, but indeed kinda expensive o.o
  2. Rize

    Very cool line-up! Juri~!
  3. It feels good to work like a die-hard on schoolwork like I did 3 years ago. Hope I can stay this motivated til the end. Teaching license.... here I come!♥ www *Puts sensei-glasses on*

    1. Gaz


      sensei glasses is sekkusi <3

    2. orangetarts


      Good luck <33 wish I had that kind of motivation XD

  4. Rize

    Hmm... I'm proud of my (almost complete) MEJIBRAY Discography, missing a few CD's though w Ehm.. the Live limited CD from VANIRU - Cosmic Night And the 2 Keke CD's: DARUMAROMAN & Cosmic Alice Wonderland
  5. Had my first schoolday. They really want to give us stress on the first day, well I'm already stressed out. They even started a new method we need to follow if we're not able to finish our exams in January... That would mean: All my previous work I did, were for NOTHING (x_x ;) Ehh....NO THANK U. :<

  6. Rize

    Need NL date for this
  7. Are we getting A-zombies now? w00t?!!!
  8. Rize

    ^ LOL. Nooh, that can't be, I gave them both bands a huge chibi painting, they can't be on hiatus w XD Oh well~ I'm not even surprised that every band that does EU tours are going to be on hiatus or disband any soon.. we're cursed. XD
  9. Rize

    Chaos posted this on his journal on last.fm today. ww
  10. Hmmm, I'm sharing quite some music here, mostly my own rips but if it comes to those vk blogspots, I'm okay with everything as long they credit me if I asked to, but I don't really mind though. Also, when our uploads get re-posted everywhere, it wouldn't damage the band much either, their popularity goes straight-up thanks to all those re-bloggers and yourself als 1# uploader (if you look it as this, it's kinda true right?) Anyways, to stay on topic, we can neither prevent them from copy-pasting our links, that's a fact. There's no help in it.
  11. Hmm I see, a small difference, might be like some 2nd press release from it I guess.
  12. Today I bought Green tea with honey www :'D <3

    1. Gaz


      green tea again? omg D:

    2. Rize


      Yes, do you want some? :D

  13. Rize

    Seems we're getting more bands coming our way...!
  14. Jpopasia is too late with posting this, lol. I know them already back in July during their live concert in the Netherlands together with gothika & ADAMS lol.
  15. Rize

    ^ I feel like something like that might would happen.. actually. ' _ ' ; )
  16. Rize

    FADELESS - pretty okay song, but nothing special. Quiet - I though this was one of the best track of the single, since they're doing ballad pretty good, this was better. Forbidden Beaver - Actually, the song title is kick ass but the song combined to the title.. well I don't know, it doesn't really suit it, I would expect more heavier soundings. From all songs together: this single was actually one of the worst single I've heard by them, gomen
  17. Check out my Rilakkuma food, my first try lol -> https://twitter.com/Linhsan/status/369416100561158144

    1. Minami


      oooh.. cute.. but its so sad that you should eat so nyan Rilakkuma ;(

  18. I'm studying during my summer holidays, how good am I? :D

    1. Gaz


      lazing at school-time. how bad am i?

    2. Slsr


      respect XD

  19. Rize

    Happy weather photo www
  20. I found my soulmate/my pen-friend :D Unbelieveable to find someone with so many interests like I do www //happyface

  21. I'm addicted to that ameba restaurant game lol ♪

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