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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Their last release didn't sound that bad, but definitely losing Meku is really a big loss for GALEYD.
  2. Rize

    Welcome on the forum! Have a fun stay here! Feel free to come to the chat sometime! See you!
  3. Rize

    I don't mind to record it, but if you know a program for the iPhone to do that, let me know
  4. That visual kei otome game is pretty funny! I'm currently doing yo-ka's route! Aoi -168- is jumping in the story trying to catch the heart of the main character :> I'm playing it now in the good route, after it I'll do a totally bad route xD

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      fff i wish i had a ipad lmfao

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      fff i wish i had a ipad lmfao

  5. Rize

    Doing yo-ka's route at the moment, he's really funny XD (you might have seen some screenshots on tumblr by me but..) www Curious about the other characters ;>
  6. Rize

    Not sure if it's working or not since I got a blank screen without those buttons on the "home" xD NVM! It works when you change your iPhone language to english!!
  7. Rize

  8. Rize

    The concert definitely kicked ass! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34MGEpnRz0 The security here was pretty bad though lol. They did some flashing with the light but everyone ignored and just took photos and filmed, so I did as well Definitely a super performance! Taka sung really amazing!
  9. Uploaded 5 videos from yesterday's live @ ONE OK ROCK :D Find them all on my youtube! sample:

  10. Just got home from the ONE OK ROCK concert! It was fuckin crazy and amazing! Pictures will be up on my Facebook: Linh Chan for view!^^

  11. Tonight going to ONE OK ROCK's concert *\(^_^)/*!

    1. freesia


      Yay! Just a week and a little more for my city

    2. electrastar


      Wah, I hope you´ll enjoy it! :a

  12. Rize

    Ooh~ it looks pretty
  13. It's stormy outside! It's even worser than yesterday (O.O ; ) Don't even feel like to go to school now, but I have to... *puts wings on* imma gonna fly... very high! XD

    1. nick


      I believe I can fly

    2. Rize


      :D ^ inmiddels heel veel stroom storingen op Utrecht Centraal :P
  14. Let's make this topic the most delicious, drooling topic of MH: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/24464-show-your-lunchdinner/ - Show your yum-yum lunch/dinner! :D

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is this like Ameblo for us?

    2. nick


      Not recommended to those who are starving. XD

    3. Rize


      lol you guys www ;D

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  15. This might be a fun topic As many of our Japanese artists always making photos of their lunch or dinner, I decided we also should post and share it too each other! So... what to post: A photo of your lunch or a photo of your dinner, if possible describe what it exactly is (if it's something people don't eat often or don't know what it is). Also! If you don't have pics for during lunch or dinner, maybe you can take a photo of some snacks you're eating while during your breaktime! For example: I made this some time ago~ my home-made lunch It's Onigiri with tamagoyaki, salmon and soya sauce ^^ And now it's your turn!
  16. Rize

    Glad to see you're doing an introduction anyways! I hope you have spend a good time here so far and I hope to see you around! Feel free to come to the chat once! See ya!
  17. Rize

    Watching non-stop horror movies that is (because we don't celebrate halloween here ;o)
  18. I'm in love with my Rilakkuma cape~♥ aishiteru~ ww

  19. Sweet~ their first release was kick ass! Can't wait for this one!
  20. Tadaima~! Work has finished and that customer got owned by my boss today from last time -giggles- It was funny to see. :> We both fired-up once we saw her on the security camera like ''WE GOT YA'' ;D

  21. Rize

    5! ooh wait, I'm not yellow anymore
  22. Rize

    Ooh~ I used to be a big fan of her Goodbye Lullaby was indeed good, though I haven't listened to that album much myself even if I do own that CD. Might wanna check out this newer release.
  23. Rize

    ooooooooi~♪ How can this topic die off for so longgggg, my kawaii mejiburayyyyyyy. Our awesome wheelchair guy can play fooootball! Omgod ww Koichi-sama getting colourful Ah in this pic I can't even recognize meto-chan~ He looks somehow pretty cool. MiA~ ^ uwaaah~ Tzk trolling www Enough picspam from me :> Anyone looking forward for their upcoming release? Decadance - Counting Goats … if I can’t be yours~
  24. ^ this Though it's pretty cool to hear it from 2 different bands which MiA was in
  25. Rize

    That MV spot is just awesome!
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