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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Hey there! Welcome on the forum! We got quite some music in common, I just checked your last fm Sweet Anyways, feel free to join us in the MH chat sometime!
  2. This J-drama has recently aired, called ''Shitsuren Chocolatier'', it's a live-action Might worth to check out! Starring Matsumoto Jun and some other well known actors
  3. omg, Jin is backkkkkkk This is awesome
  4. Shugo Chara mangas SOLD! Up it goes <3
  5. Rize

    Wow, finally a new release after 4 years, damn that took some time ! Very exited for this though!
  6. You should definitely watch Hard Nut! The first few minutes might sound boring but it's really an interesting drama! At least if you're interested how everything is is related to mathemetics. I recently finished the J-drama ''49'', one hell of a good drama! (It's been subbed til episode 5). Also pretty guys dressing up like girls and even Golden Bomber showing up in an episode makes it totally awesome xD
  7. Funny song titles, looking forward to this.
  8. Good to see MiA joining too haha <3 sweet
  9. Rize

    A new bag for school/work ;3
  10. Welcome on the forum Visutox! Damn, you really know many languages! I'm font of you! Really good music taste you got there! Anyways, I hope you have a good time here and feel free to join us in the MH chat sometime~
  11. Added some more items for sale, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.193922830807057.1073741834.100005680231624&type=1&l=b92607615f
  12. Rize

    Hi Dibur! Welcome on the forum! I hope you'll have a good time here! Come join us sometime in the MH chat! See you around!
  13. Rize

    This is great Their last release was pretty good.
  14. Rize

    Welcome on the forum John! Great to see you being an singer and a guitarist as well~ nice video! I hope you have a good time here, feel free to join us in the mh chat sometime!
  15. Happy new year everyone~! :3 Let's make 2014 a good year with smile! *special linh hearty pic* http://24.media.tumblr.com/0af78288bde267ee80067b6eca3238b1/tumblr_myofjf8OtE1rlsry9o1_1280.jpg ( ^_^ ) /

    1. Raburr7


      Happy new year to you too Linh ♥♥♥♥

    2. Gaz


      dont have a pic, but HAPPY NEW YEAR LINH! (^_^)/

    3. nekkichi


      happy new year! you look fab

  16. Rize

    Welcome on the forum! I used to be able to speak Chinese when I was younger, though I totally forgot the language > _ < ) Anyways, I hope you have a great time here and don't hesitate to ask any of us when you have questions! You're also very welcome in the mh chat! Feel free to join me sometime!
  17. Rize

    Why actually EVE ''2'' now? xD ''EVE'' itself was perfectly fine though. Anyways, will be looking forward to this release
  18. I'm currently watching this new drama: ''My love from another star'' // 별에서 온 그대 So far this is one of the best new-comer, highly recommend to watch it
  19. Today it's been announced that BLACK LINE Mikaru has launched a new art project called "G.L.A.M.S". Official website: http://g-l-a-m-s.com/ He'll be holding an exhibition next year: ------- I'm curious what this all is going to turn out after BLACK LINE went on hiatus after their last recent concert.
  20. ADAMS cheki & Gothika - yomi signed album SOLD!
  21. Rize

    かわいい!(#^.^#) Merry Christmas to you as well!
  22. Rize

    Funny to see they release both singles on the same day :'D But well, it's better for us so we don't need to wait another month for a next single
  23. メリークリスマス????ん????\(^o^)??☆彡 Merry Christmas everyone!(^ー^)ノ

  24. Rize

    Welcome! You have discovered J-Rock actually at a pretty young age! Lucky~ Anyways, I hope you have a nice time here! Feel free to join us in the mh chat sometime. See you!
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