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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Info about the goodies are also up!
  2. Rize

    Yeah! Totally exited for it! Just in case, if no-one might have noticed: b7klan has put up some rules regarding to the ONE OK ROCK concerts in Europe: • Original link here.
  3. Wow, a Christmas single? Sweet! Even a day before my birthday. Lol the title for the 2nd track seems very interesting, I wonder how ''chaotic'' that Christmas song is!
  4. Rize

    It's pretty good, the instrumentally part. Vocals should have done a bit better, but who knows... the vocalist might improve with some practicing!
  5. Rize

    Really the most promising release so far in 2013. Can't wait to hear the full songs of this album release!
  6. Rize


    Hey there, welcome! Nice to meet you. Glad you like D.I.D. Have a good time here, see you!
  7. Rize

    Great! Looking forward to this release Their free songs were really good which was available for download on their OHP
  8. Finally, after some weeks... my friend is responding to me again :> Look what this amazing guy has prepared for me: https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1382149_607464615961578_1892212071_n.jpg OMGOSH (; w ;) <3 GOD I LOVE HIM. :D ww

    1. digi



      He seems like a great friend xD

      especially for sending meji CD's ; w ;

  9. I started to watch a new K-drama called Marry Him if you dare with Jung Yong Hwa (Main vocalist CNBLUE) in it! Also the J-drama Hakuba no Oujisama Junai Tekireiki seems to be interesting too.
  10. Ah, a new band! Hopes up for this! I'm also curious about the line-up!
  11. Rize

    Welcome! Have a fun stay here ;> See you around!
  12. Ah great, wonder what that digital single will be Looking for their full album as well!
  13. So today I was able to accomplish my last difficult test<3 No more upcoming tests during my whole school year... Means no more studying www feels good ≧(´▽`)≦ ! ♪

    1. Gaz


      congrats! (◠ω◠✿)

  14. Omgod that preview lol. Dolls dancing~~ I think I like the 1st press over this one though, but it looks kinda funny.
  15. Rize

    Hm, except myself and 6 other Dutch members I know, not mutch I think? But we have our own language topic here with some other Dutch members: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/15377-dutch-nederlanders-verenigt-u-20/ (But it's kinda deadly now though ;< )
  16. Rize

    Hey there, welcome on the forum! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Great to see we have a new Dutch member! Since the GazettE is your favorite band, did you went to their concert(s) last month? Anyways, see you around and hope you have a nice stay here! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
  17. Having very strange dreams lately... Even today wtf a raincoat thief?!(;゜??゜)

    1. Jun_


      Someone wants you...wet [?]

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. Rize


      Lol. No :'D www

  18. Rize

    ^ Oh, that's really great w I need to hear them all! www
  19. Exhausted! My boss got flashed today by a customer XD Next time my boss will own her since she need to pay back some of the amount we gave her xD She's always bringing all her stuff back before the end date, frustrating! www But it was fun :P

  20. Rize

    Hey there! welcome on the forum!^^ Nice music taste! Have a great stay here! See you around!
  21. SOS - I need green tea with lemon :>

  22. Rize

    Ah, I really liked REDRUM previous vocalist, wonder how this will turn out > _ < )
  23. Rize

    Wow, these are really pretty! Great job!
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