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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Digital release for High FANTASY is up on iTunes JP/Europe etc: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/high-fantasy-single/id685788652
  2. VANIRU is planning on releasing a 3rd song for digital release on 7 August 2013! Their third song is called ''High FANTASY'' which is the #3rd track of their live limited single ''Cosmic Night'' MV SPOT Previous digital releases: Cosmic Night (コズミック・ナイト), 柘榴 Download from iTunes JP iTunes NL Their releases are available on iTunes for your own country.
  3. Rize

    @Yuki kakkoii desu! Try to take a smile-photo for once! <3 Crazy wind-blowing today. Was able to take a nice shoot that looks less bad hihi. lol kawaii edit www
  4. Rize

    Like the vocalist too ;'D Interesting~~ this ^^
  5. Rize

    Ooh, really awesome, though a lot of songs are from their single release from what I see from the tracklist
  6. Yosh! Ordered a new Iphone5 case, VK www Subaru * v * ) http://24.media.tumblr.com/1d54abc3f75722047b6b1c4926ad8b59/tumblr_mqoud5lBjC1rlsry9o1_500.jpg Next week it should be here♥

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Want to trade your Iphone 5 for my 4S

    2. Rize


      ahw Dispo lol :P

      Sorry, I love my Iphone5 too much www

    3. Raburr7


      Looks good ^^

  7. Awesome! That Arkhelism album from Sujk with Juri was great! I hope Sujk can support Juri in making this album together with Leda too ;D
  8. Rize

    Let's make photos together one day.... !!!
  9. Rize

    Oh, this is a funny topic. :'D I wish I had photos from my primairy school, I looked really outstanding in bad fashion-clothes LOL. ;< Sadly can't find pics of myself that time. Here's me as little kiddo: Then during secondary school: My school-cards from 1st year to 4th year + 1st year of professional training for becoming an assitant sensei. ;p Last ^ pic is from 2 years ago? lol. -------------- Slowly starting to get into kawaii/decent fashion lol. ^ Yes, I had long hair and then short hair that time... www and now... well.. most of you know already how I look though. XD Sorry for pic-spam of myself lol.
  10. Rize

    Great duo and they are great at performing live!
  11. Rize

    Oh, you have quite some good music interests! Nice to meet you too! Hope you have a great time here! Feel free to come to the chat~
  12. Rize

    Just leaving my feedback here for Yuki ^^ I bought from Yuki the Airish and Avidit. single release. ;3 Communication went very well and shipping took ~4 days. Package came safely and the CD's were wrapped really well with bubble plastic! ^^ Also they were in great condition! I even received some bonus flyers (Thanks a bunch! www) I'd recommend people to buy stuff from Yuki, he's trustworthy :'D p.s. Yuki, you really got an awesome handwriting omg Ó o Ó )! Thanks again!
  13. Rize

    Not sure if I'd go since I don't listen much to this band... ;o But great for EAT YOU ALIVE European fans though www
  14. Whoop whoop, received my first package of 1/3 www My royz CD got cracks on the case ;<< xD https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/935848_567915826583124_1395322961_n.jpg

    1. Slsr
    2. Rize


      It means that CD is more EGOIST than it is xD Agressive CD www

    3. Masamune


      some nasty cracks, hate when they arrive like that.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  15. Rize

    I just updated my top 10 list: 1 - MEJIBRAY 2 - Royz 3 - カメレオ 4 - Called≠Plan 5 - Xepher 6 - LUCHe. 7 - Diaura 8 - LOST ASH 9 - DIV 10 - Avidit.
  16. Rize

    Would be great if it's true though www
  17. Rize

    Yeah, sure! that's okay!^^
  18. Rize

    okay ;'D eh, without tracking would do, as long u write my personal info correct www Then, if u can send me an invoice to [email protected]
  19. Japanese Green tea makes you hyped up... really. :'D ♥

    1. Gaz


      linh pls T_T you promised me...

  20. Rize

    Hi, i'm interested in Airish and Avidit.'s single. Which types are these btw? also how much would it be shipping to the Netherlands?
  21. Rize

    *crawling* ... noooooooh... *reach hands up... falls*
  22. Updated my VIP pics on my ameblo www http://ameblo.jp/linhsan

    1. Umi_Niwa


      Nice pics xD

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