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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Hi, welcome and nice to meet you ;'D Good you like MEJIBRAY too! www
  2. Rize

    [edit] PANDA UR HELLO KITTY PYAMA IS CUUUUUUUUWWWWWWL. <3 me with plunklock & calmando qual, my nervous face www That shirt <3 www
  3. I have posted my blogpost about last Sunday's concert: Plunklock & Calmando Qual with pics www ameblo.jp/linhsan/entry-11534461450.html ♪

  4. Yesterday I had Plunklock & Calmando Qual's concert! I've recorded the opening song by Plunklock: http://t.co/NKWUj3oPr2 I'm gonna make some review of yesterday on my ameba soon♪

    1. Gaz


      wow, awesome *_* and you were so close to the stage =)

    2. Yasupon


      Nice performance. Is that their support guitarist?

    3. Rize


      Seishou is a new member in Plunklock ;D He joined a while ago ;p

  5. My Hikaru from kameleo pose www https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKcto6gCQAAQgVb.jpg

    1. Raburr7


      haha, cool pic Linh ^^

    2. Rize


      thanks rabur ;'D Hikaru said on twitter to sent him a pic with that pose so I did lol.

    3. Raburr7


      lol XD nicely done anyways :D

  6. Rize

    Sweet Gaze !
  7. Rize

    Cool band name lol. Literally translated from dutch it means ''THROAT'' awesome www
  8. Rize

    Oh lol. Then... Tsuzuku from MEJIBRAY or Keke pliesuuuuu~
  9. Rize

    Some other random drawings I made~ Taketoshi - un Garo - GALEYD I'm not so skillfull with drawing realistic, somehow it always turn out.... manga-like?
  10. Rize

    wow you're really good in this lol www create for me a cool fb header plies www
  11. Awesome! Thanks for linking Darumaroman & Mada Yada ^^~
  12. Want to request romaji lyrics and translation for DARUMAROMAN & Cosmike Alice Wonderland. I've posted the scans also in the Scans section on MH and on tumblr If anyone is willing to make romaji lyrics and translation for me, it would be great! Songs: DARUMAROMAN MADa☆YADa Hello, Worker コズミケアリスワンダラン スウィイトポイズンファクトリィ ワンダランクロウラア Thanks a bunch www
  13. Rize

    Looks great panda♥♥♥, now show us your hello kitty pyamas plies wwww
  14. Happy Mother's day! ♥ My mom is now in Belgium while I'm home alone with my onii-chan... then for today.. Let's eat delicious foood!

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      isn't the same date in all coiuntry ? French mother day it's on 26th May....

    2. CaRaN


      In Spain it's the first sunday of May xDDD

  15. Let's do a battle with Ayabie VS AYABIE! I think this is a really interesting band battle www Which band do you prefer the most? The old Ayabie or the newer one? Also... why?! Members are all the same, except the change in vocals. Ayabie (彩冷える) [2010] AYABIE [2011+] For me I'd choose the old Ayabie because I just love Aoi's voice. And it also sounded more Oshare kei-like then the newer one.
  16. Rize

    I love Akane but I'd go for NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST. Hiro's voice is just too amazing
  17. A 2nd Blu-BiLLioN bando as appeared!

    Wow that voice sounds like Mike-san xD
    1. Raburr7


      Yea Linh XD thought exactly the same ;p i like the preview though ;p

  18. Rize

    oh my lol. Let's see how this best album turns out www Why is everyone been releasing best-albums now in the first place? Must be really a trend to do so... XD
  19. Rize

    Why cat? XD lol... u choosed 2 favorite bands of mine aaah. Well, obviously it would be MEJIBRAY if I have to xD Why? Hmmm.. I think the main reason is because I love the vocalist his voice which goes very smooth together with the music that's been played by the other members. Lately they've been trying to make their music in many different directions, which is very cool to try out of course but also risky. But that's what I like about the band, they dare to take the risks and the lyrics of each song is very catchy, which was like 90% (?I don't remember much from the interview how many percent it was) used from real life experiences. I could feel the pain and sadness of the lyrics ( I think most of the songs they have now are pretty sad and depressing, but I haven't looked up for all lyrics yet xD) But they had also some ''brighten-up'' lyrics if I remembered well... Anyways, they stay 1# for me
  20. Rize

    Adding my SE reviews to the list: Schwarzer Anfang intresting intro SE. I think they could make some cool halloween song out of this one www MEJIBRAY is really into electro elements now, I hope they keep their music to their original soundings. 4.0/5 Schwarze Messe Oh! This SE was also used as the intro for サバト PV! I loved that intro sound, so defenitely like this!! Good one! 5/5
  21. Wow, amazing! They're releasing quite a lot now, hope this one will be also good ;D!
  22. Rize


    Hey welcome on MH! Nice to meet you as well! Do you have any music you like?
  23. Lol.. for real? I didn't expect this www
  24. That's great! Looking forward to this! btw, I thought they might try to release their new upcoming albums like in their single releases in 4-5 types again wwww
  25. Rize

    Bye bye Style-sama~ See you soon! Have fun with whatever you're going to do!
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