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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Hello~~ Welcome! Nice to meet you~! I hope you'll have a nice stay here~~ ^^ If you ever need any music recommendations, I'd love to share some~
  2. Rize

    Hello~ and welcome! Nice to meet you!! You have great music taste!! Especially MEJIBRAY haha^^
  3. Rize

    Nice, looking forward to this :'D
  4. Rize

    Really glad for them! :'3
  5. Let's look up to those 7 education magazines 8-) HOMEWORK IEK.

  6. Let's look up to those 7 education magazines 8-) HOMEWORK IEK.

  7. Who can help me with a cheki translation? Cant figure out these kanji's lol http://twitter.com/Linhsan/status/310810758457982976/photo/1

    1. CaRaN


      魔王!! (Devil King)

  8. Rize

    Okay, my review for each tracku~ 01.Tear drop - One of my favorite track of the whole album. It's a really catchy and sweet song, also the PV is really pretty.. Good melodies! my favorite part is when that little girl touched Subaru's (the vocalist his) hand. So cute!! 02.Starry HEAVEN - Was already my favorite track, great melody and just so enjoyable everytime I listen to it, now still!! 03.Ms.Veronica - Really cool song! Good track that got my attention! 04.アルカロイド - Ah this track was cool too, the way this song was put together is really well, moreover Awesome track! 05.NOAH - Just 1 word: AWESOME 06.糜楼 - Really pretty track. 07.FlashBack - Nice melody, it's like someone is running after you with danger lol. But awesome track of course, even those grows haha, it's cuuwl! 08.INNOCENCE - Great song as always (somehow I feel like all the single title tracks are re-recorded..). 09.アテナ - Sweet song! 10.夢空 - Another great and sweet song! 11.恋花火-Re Arrange- - Catchy melody, for me it's a keep replaying all the time lol. 12.Aerial cord - Another very pretty song~ Recommend to listen while you're lying in bed when you about to sleep. Also the vocalist can sing so pretty in high-voicessssss * v *) Royz - Tears |
  9. Rize

    Hurray for Luche! Can't wait for this their lastest release was impressive
  10. ONE OK ROCK's new album is SWEET. :'3

  11. It seems glue was very tasty. From a kid who had glue in his mouth and came to me ''Teacher linhhhh.... I have glue in my mouth... '' I was so shocked and felt like throwing up to see that stuff in his mouth while he was talking to me.. so gross. XD

    1. CaRaN


      Holy shit xDDDDD

    2. Rize



  12. Rize

    Awesome news, can't wait!
  13. My fever went down this morning, pfieeuw. Still having a bit of a headache but it's better than yesterday ^__^)/

    1. Raburr7


      Hope you get well soon Linh <3

    2. Rize


      thanks sweettie ^__^<3

  14. Rize

    New photo of me took by my epicu new iphone :'3
  15. What to do on my list: GAMING after school! :'3

    1. Yasupon


      Which game

    2. Rize


      Pandora's Tower :D

  16. Rize

    I loved the song Tear Drop, they really did well on this. Couldn't expect better. ;3
  17. I turned back and became a White Foxy again~ Wanna see my yokai powers?! :3

  18. Give me some sugar.

    1. Slsr


      doso (sorry but kinda bad quality)
  19. Rize

    One of the great news, I hope they won't cancel dates like for the MICRO HEAD 4N'S once they confirmed it.
  20. Just picked up my mom from the airport! She said she had a small present for me... well it wasn't that small~~ I got an Iphone 5?! XD Thank you dear Auntie, uncle and my nephew! :P

  21. Time to watch Kuroshitsuji Season 1! Re-watching everything now mhihihi~ :D

    1. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      I love Kuroshitsuji!! <3

  22. Rize

    One of a great news I'm going for sure~~
  23. Game hunting was a succes. I bought Pandora's tower wii game! And 2 DVD boxes of Black Butler Season 1 & 2... accidently hehe.. XD http://ameblo.jp/linhsan/entry-11473661737.html

    1. nick


      Your blog is so kawaii.

    2. stylelover
    3. Rize


      :D thank you nostalgia mhihi~ ah yes it really is :D but it was expensive as hell though. XD
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