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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Calmando Qual comment video is up! ^^
  2. Rize

    Wow! Awesome work Jig ! I wanna learn that too ~ ;3
  3. Rize

    You guys are pretty * v * )
  4. Rize

    Heya, welcome on MH! Nice to meet you as well! Hope you enjoy your time here! See you around~!
  5. Wow he's back again, can't wait!
  6. Rize

    I don't like the chinese language in singing but this impressed me! The previews sounded really awesome! Might buy this as well if I still have some itunes credit left
  7. Rize

    A social game? And hurray for D!
  8. Judgement day!!! Omgod! My teacher is proud of me! So glad! She judged my work positive!(^O^)?? Now I'm back on track and ready for graduation in January!(≧∇≦)Keeping my motivation up even more!!! Yeah!!*\(^o^)/*

  9. Rize

    Welcome on MH!(=゚ω゚)ノ Nice to meet you! Also great to see you in the chat! Have a great time here!^_−☆
  10. Rize

    Hello!(=゚ω゚)ノ Welcome on MH! Nice to meet you!(^ω^) Have a great time here!
  11. Rize

    Username: Linh-san Country: The Netherlands Gender: Female Profile/Link: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/user/2466-linh-san/
  12. Rize

    Welcome! I hope you have a great time here! Also great bands you listen to! I just checked your lastfm ^^ Your musical compatibility with Yadora is VERY HIGH Music you have in common includes the GazettE, ONE OK ROCK, Alice Nine, ナイトメアand DIR EN GREY. Very nice~ ;'3 See you around!
  13. Rize

    Yeah, the covers are cool too. TYPE A really looks like Slivers.exe photoshoot lol. same pose XD
  14. I have some fan moment right now! (lol) MiA & Tsuzuku used my youtube linku for メサイア/MESSIAH PV SPOTTO on youtube, yay! (≧▽≦)

    1. kyoisKILLINGME
    2. GazeRockSnob


      bet you'll be fangirling even next week lol.

    3. Rize


      MAYBE...!! :P

  15. Rize

    PV SPOT on youtube uploaded by me ^^ Everyone is RT'ing me now thanks to MiA posting my link too~ yes XD! (lol)
  16. Rize

    Great PV, this album will be definitely great! ♥
  17. This thursday my last exam(?) I guess, ganbarimasu~ :'3 Today internship with my kawaii kiddo's <3

  18. Rize

    Ganbatte with everything! See you soon!♥
  19. Rize

    New post from b7klan for French people: Hi Everyone ! Info about the GazettE Official Tickets ! The sales will start at 10 AM this wednesday. You can buy your ticket on www.fnac.com and www.francebillet.com (Francebillet is also available in English for people out of France) Are you ready ?
  20. Just created an extra facebook account, feel free to add me. ;'3 https://www.facebook.com/linh.chan.39 (This is not my personal one though ;p)

  21. Rize

    Haha, yeah, DARUMAROMAN is definitely a catchy song ^^ I wonder what his 2nd single will be, I'm kinda curious~ ;'D Must be something cheerfully or rockish single for sure
  22. Rize

    Neko-chan Linh desu
  23. Rize

    From satsuki's FB: 砂月-SATSUKI- 3 days in Europe -Scene of "LUMINOUS"- Member Vocal : 砂月-SATSUKI- https://twitter.com/Satsuki_Rociel Guitar : SANA ( ex. MASK ) https://www.facebook.com/pages/SANA-Official/177851115580781 Bass : 星夜 ( ex. 音影 ) http://twitter.com/seiya_0305 Drums : Aki ( Lc5 ) http://twitter.com/Lc5_Aki Schedule 【 DAY1 : 6/21 (fri) Paris - France @ LA BOULE NOIRE】  * open/19:00 start/20:00 Venue INFO : http://www.laboule-noire.fr/ Ticket INFO : http://www.weezevent.com/satsuki-fr (France) 【 DAY2 : 6/22 (sat) Munich - Germany @ GARAGE deluxe 】  * open/18:00 start/19:00 Venue INFO : http://www.garagedeluxe.de/ Ticket INFO : http://www.weezevent.com/satsuki-de (Germany) 【 DAY3 : 6/23 (sun) Poznan (PL) @ blue note】 * open/18:00 start/19:00 Venue INFO : http://www.bluenote.poznan.pl/ Ticket INFO : http://www.weezevent.com/satsuki-pl (Poland) *a signing session will be organized after each show!!!
  24. Hi there! Welcome and nice to meet you!! Great music taste you have!!^^
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