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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Rize

    Date for Amsterdam, the concert room has been switched to even a bigger one just now. Instead for 700 people it's now for 1500 people~
  2. Rize

    Paris Le Trianon and Bonn Brückenforum GmbH are sold out!♪ Date for Amsterdam, tickets still available: buy here!
  3. YOSH. I got my ONE OK ROCK ticket, KYAAAA :D gonna see them in October, FUCK YES :D!

    1. DeithX252


      congrats!! They come to my country too

    2. freesia


      I can't wait to get my own ticket too!!!=D

    3. Nobody


      they dont come to my country, but im glad you get to see them, have fun c:

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  4. Rize

    o.O) losing a member, didn't expect Kenzo would leave ;o
  5. I passed my Dutch exam, yahoo www 3F/HBO ;'D ahaha www

    1. Jigsaw9


      Awesome, congrats~ ヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ

    2. Rize


      Thanks sweetties ;'D <3

    3. GazeRockSnob
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  6. I'm going. ^^ With or without VIP. www Sounds pretty fun actually ;'D
  7. Rize

    All dates for now: The wait is over!! ONE OK ROCK's Europe & Asia tour has finally been set!!! October 23 , 2013 - Paris , France October 24 , 2013 - Bonn , Germany *Venue has changed. October 26 , 2013 - London , UK October 27 , 2013 - Paris , France October 29 , 2013 - Amsterdam , Holland November 08 , 2013 - Hong Kong November 10 , 2013 - Seoul , Korea November 19 , 2013 - Bangkok , Thailand November 21 , 2013 - Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia November 23 , 2013 - Singapore  November 24 , 2013 - Jakarta , Indonesia December 07 , 2013 - Taipei , Taiwan FUCK YES. ;'D I'm goingggg~~ Amsterdam date must go www
  8. They just released a new mini-album so I'm not expecting a full album yet, but 3 new singles sounds really good! Hope these 3 releases are good!
  9. Rize

    Someone showed me a MV by them, then I was like sweeeeeeeettttttttt. ;'D I love their newest album the most, NOW!! <3
  10. Rize

    Really sad about this ;< Damn whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Signal really had a lot of potential and their music was pretty outstanding and good ;'D
  11. I made this today for my kiddos ''Throw balls game'' https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BL7AU99CUAI-yq4.jpg don't these look cute? www took me like 3 hours XD

    1. Slsr


      wow, you seem to take it seriously putting so much effort XD... they look cute tho.

    2. Rize


      Of course, when it's about doing some creative things, it gotta be cuteee~!! & Thankies! ^^

    3. Raburr7


      Awesome Linh 0_0

      It would take me 3 hours just to make one....

  12. Do you happen to make this mistake: After a drive in your car, you step out, close the door and left the key(s) in your car. My mom just made this mistake for the 2nd time already lol... *sigh* Also my dad has our spare key, but eh.. he's not home til next week lol. OKA-SAMA DOSHITEEEEE. XD

  13. ANY CUTE PEOPLE.... who use the app LINE? Feel free to add me; linhsan (o^_^o) ♥

    1. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      I use it :D I'll add you ;)

    2. stylelover


      i usetu eitsits

  14. I passed my Dutch plea exam! *\(^_^)/* Now some less stress! Time to enjoy myself with NEGA's best album and Korean/Japanese dramas<3

    1. Gaz


      congratulation ^_^

    2. Jigsaw9


      Congrats! And now have fun~ ;3

    3. Yadora



    4. Show next comments  72 more
  15. Rize

    Bought some new dresses today and a cool pantsu...! ALSO NEW BOOTS. ... see here:
  16. Rize

    lol.. are u serious? ah...
  17. Rize

    I wanna go so badly!!! Concidering to go to the german date, but I have no sense of direction neither buying from b7klan lol.
  18. Having the most stressful week in my life. Give me some free time plies~ *school sick* www

    1. Jigsaw9


      Ganbatte neeee~

    2. Rize


      Haha I hope so! ??り????????????(*^^*) ??ん??り????????

    3. Yasupon


      Have a chocolate chip oreo cookie cookie! http://i.imgur.com/2GNm9p6.jpg

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  19. This is really great! VIRGIL YEAAAAAH ;'D!!
  20. Rize

    Let's see, today I bought some candy and other food www And last sunday: 2x Limited Edition Plunklock shirts (one for me and 1 for onii-chan) 1x Calmando Qual shirt 2x CD: JUSTart. & NOW or NEVER.
  21. Rize


    Heya, nice to meet you! Hope you have a great time here!
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