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Everything posted by Rize

  1. ^ That's my youtube account haha. That one was uploaded from a .VOB format as well
  2. I actually own this CD. ^^ I could upload it, but it will take some time before I'm able to. I'm in the middle of my exams so you need to have patience if you want my rip Just notify me during half april
  3. Rize

    Wanna see this badly! Why live-limited~ :<
  4. It's beyond my imagination, just what and wow?!
  5. The song is surprisingly great! Couldn't expect less than to see this song as the opening theme for an anime! This time it's for the anime Haikyu (ハイキュー!!)
  6. It sounds good, also the MV has some nice halloween influence. Kinda cool
  7. Oh! I remember that drama. I think I've seen the first 2 episodes. As I'm following too many dramas now, I might try to catch up that drama too. It was pretty interesting what I've seen so far.
  8. Giving this thread some life >.> Some new dramas I've been recently following which you might wanna check out too as it's pretty good. Japanese dramas Senryokugai Sousakan (Detective drama) Watashi no Kirai na Tantei (Detective drama) Korean dramas Emergency Couple Mimi Bride of the Century god's gift - 14 days
  9. It's been a while since the sun have been shining this beautiful ^_^ ) It brights up my mood *\( ^ o ^ )/*

    1. allisapp


      I agree! It's really nice to wake up in the morning to sunshine. :D

    2. stylelover
    3. Tetora


      Praise the Sun!

  10. Seriously love the MV, the song sounds amazing
  11. Rize

    Welcome! Great to see you introducing yourself. ^^ Many bands you listed there, I also like a lot I guess we have quite some music in common! Do you happen to have a lastfm account too? Anyways, hope to see you around & come join us sometime in the MH chat!
  12. Rize

    Welcome on the forum! Great to see you like oshare kei! I like kameleo, awake and DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ too! I hope you'll have a good time here! Come join us anytime in the MH chat Some members here loves to chit-chat, well see you around!
  13. Rize

    Haha, just do it!
  14. That hair dye stuff stinks. My head stinks now. XD

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      What color are you now?

  15. Rize

    I have dyed my hair after 3 years. I'm a brownie again~
  16. Rize

    Hey, welcome on the forum! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a blue or a red name. I hope you'll have a good time here! Also, join us sometime in the MH Chat! You might meet some new interesting people there. ^^ See you!
  17. Lately I've been into gaming XD Anyone here who plays League of Legends? If you do, add me. I'm ShiroxKitsune there :3

    1. Rize


      I'm playing on EU - West :3

    2. Raburr7
    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm on the NA server, so I'm not sure if we can play together. Rusubandenwa is my username.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  18. ^ That would explain a lot if they noted they'd re-record all songs with Yumehito on vocals. I'm really curious how they came up with this. This is pretty original xD
  19. Lol just what the.. :'D I feel like some new J-Rock trend is coming after this...
  20. Rize

    Haha, really? lol. *GUY LOOK SUCCES*
  21. Hope he recovers soon, he's one of a great vocalist
  22. haha thanks, but I can't really rap well XD I've tried it several times, but I can't catch up with any lyrics that has rap in it XD
  23. 3 months ago I recorded my first vocal cover and for today I felt like revealing it Check out my soundcloud in case I've added more songs xD *Note: I don't own professional recording equipments. I use GarageBand from my Mac Laptop to record my covers. *Note 2: Pronounciation might not be 100% accurate as I'm not Japanese XD Note 3: Song requests are welcome, as long I don't need to scream in it or something XD Linh's vocal cover list #1 [Vocal cover] Diaura - Lily *note: I have recorded this song mulitple times because I failed on the lyrics. From all ~30 (?) samples, I choose this one for the best Feedback is always welcome, but don't be too harsh on me XD
  24. Rize

    Here's some pics of me trying to look like a guy hahahahaa I actually really had fun making them yesterday. :'D
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