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Everything posted by Rize

  1. Seriously I had a laugh kick for more than 45 minutes XD. That Retard posted on fb that the things I wrote are "rumers", dude with ur broken English HAHAHA. But baby ain't winning cause she holds all the facts in her hands. Mr.Player went back to his ex, rofl. He ain't deserve a gf, go buy a doll and cry in a corner dude hahahaha XDD.

  2. Rize

    Didn't see that coming eh..
  3. Morning rage http://ameblo.jp/linhsan/entry-11929558336.html huehue. So that cleared up my mind.

    1. Rize


      He saw my post and even favorited it on twitter dafaq hahahah

  4. Woah... What did I just heard. Even did things behind my back. My 3 months relationship was a joke as it looks like that... I hope karma will get you, get judgement from god, paying your huge sins and ask for forgiveness. This person isn't a human. I'm thankful for the breakup, THANK YOU U RETARD. /ragemoment

    1. sai


      pray so hard he'll end up in hell

  5. Never imagined to get a breakup because we don't see eachother often. Even though we knew from the start that would happen... *sigh* dafaq is this. screw relationships. I'm better off single.

  6. Looks like a pretty good release to me. Covering some songs of each other
  7. Je kan ook contact opnemen met postnl en even je trackingcode aan hen door te geven, als het goed is zouden zij ook kunnen zien of die is gearriveerd in Nederland of niet. Worth to give it a shot.
  8. Rize

    Instead of creating new topics, I merged both previous ''Who is this?'' to 1 and pinned it. Feel free to use this topic from now on
  9. Rize

    I got Sono too xD
  10. Rize

    Welcome on MH! Another fan of MEJIBRAY <3 Yeah! ^.^ Come join us sometime in the MH chat for a talk~ Hope you'll have a good time here, don't hesitate to ask anyone with a blue or red name if there's something you don't know See you around!
  11. Never wanna experience running around Paris Airport ever again for my transfer lol. Anyways, safely back ;>

  12. In ~15 hours my flight journey back to the Netherlands begins~ Lots of cookies & snacks... CHECK. :'D

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I just survived 22 hours of flying -- you got this qurl

  13. Rize

    Hey! Welcome on MH! Have a good time here~ join us sometime in the MH chat for a conversation~! (It would also be helpful for improving your English as well!^^)
  14. Rize

    Welcome on MH! I love all the bands you've listed there~ especially Luzmelt, deluhi & UnRealistic. I hope you'll have a good time here! Whenever you have the time, join us in the MH Chat for a talk
  15. I so love strawberry pocky's and panda cookies omfg <3

    1. colorful人生


      that and toppo, yan yan, and koala cookies = my childhood :D

    2. Rize


      Yeah totally agree :3

    3. Biopanda


      panda cookies are the best cookies.

  16. Woah, awesome! New songssssss~ <3 And the title for their new album, pretty interesting
  17. Recommending Hi! School Love On! And Gackt's new drama ''Time Spiral'' Might be worth to check out
  18. Rize

    Hope they'll recover soon, it's quite shocking all those incidents lately... *sigh*
  19. Next week on Friday, back home <3 The nervousness for flying alone back for the first time. (>_<) But I got my kawaii panda & pocky snacks for the flight <3 mhihi ^.^

  20. Rize

    Welcome on MH! LM.C & LUCHe. :'D <3 They're great! Feel free to join us in the MH chat sometime~ for a little chit-chat ^^!
  21. Rize

    Heya! Welcome on MH! So you're into oshare kei? I think we probably have pretty much in common then * o * ) LOST ASH <3 Have a good time here, and join us sometime in the MH chat
  22. Rize

    In case you can't or don't want to get an Japanese iTunes account, I can help buying things off for you as well whenever you need it. (But that's also when I'm back home though -> 12 sept, now I can't yet since I'm out the country xD)
  23. Less than 3 weeks before returning to Netherlands ( * o * )

  24. Yuhma's comebackkkkkkkk, yeahhhhhh! Finally
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