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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Replies posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. LMS if you ALSO think ALICE and BUSSY are superior live concept night titles rather than ABYSS and LUCY.

  2. Just spent $650 on shipping from Japan. KILL ME、カミサマ

  3. have there been any vk bands in like... the last decade or so that have only made instrumental music? i somehow feel like having a frontman of some sort is kind of like an implied requirement for vk bands 

  4. Smart marketing: uploading your songs to YT before jajaBijiaruBR does so you get ad revenue and control over distributed quality.


    Dumb marketing: 


  5. are you excited for the TIMELESS CLASSICS off sia's upcoming 🎄christmas album🎄 drilling into your brain through every shopping mall voyage starting @mid-november, MH? 🎅🏻


    ((I went from a chandelier stan to a hater over past two years so this is especially jarring, don't judge))

  6. hi Im Nekki Nekkinsky from the Monochrome Heaven, just want 2 tell u all I luv u & Japanese music xo just wanted to tell ya!

  7. What's your FAVORITE release of this year? That one that will stay on your playlist for years to come? I need reasons to believe music isn't DED.

  8. ha ha who the fuck is even this dude in my avatar!!!!! i have no fucking idea!!!!

  9. I asked vk god for phantasmagoria and he giveth labiaser, vanishing to chaos and imperial propaganda excites the taste buds. aaqaaaaaaaaaa

  10. I know people give SID a lot of (mostly unwarranted) shit, but they've released some stellar stuff even during their mainstream period:



  11. I know people give SID a lot of (mostly unwarranted) shit, but they've released some stellar stuff even during their mainstream period:



  12. i may have fallen for the gallo <3

  13. was in a bus accident today. entire thing flipped over sideways & landed in a ditch. miraculously, nobody got hurt... still, wtf though. felt like everything was happening in slow-motion for a bit

  14. I will need to register a bankrupt if I am continuing to browse on Puresound Japan....

  15. Scarlet Valse is cool but I feel they could be even better with a different vocalist. The only thing holding them back from being Versailles tier  imo. That and maybe being on starwave. 

  16. My nephew is now "into visual kei" because this girl he likes is into it.  I'm thinking in my head "oh god, no" as I'm afraid what's going to happen with my CDs later today as he want to come over after school...or he's going to judge me to hell and back on my taste of VK.

  17. LET THE FACTS STATE THAT I AM THE REAL MAKO. mods ban that old whore @Peace Heavy mk II.

  18. three new banners y'all can you spot em?

  19. I survived Maria with only a broken finger. The damage is bad. Really bad. I have already seen a couple of looters. We have been told we wont have power for at least 4 - 6 months. :(

  20. "mazohyst of decadence" has always been my most hated DIR EN GREY song of all time. Despite how much I like GAUZE, it's the only song I would skip among their entire discography. lol

  21. any reason why penicillin and hakuei are so slept on here?.. 💔


    I’m onw ER because my pwussi got (hardcore!!!) jettisoned outta my loins during approx 30th virgin groove replay, I now want LmC to disband STAT just so hakuei would form a full-time band with Aiji.



    your fav disney song? I feel like I'm missing out




    your fav disney song? I feel like I'm missing out




    your fav disney song? I feel like I'm missing out




    your fav disney song? I feel like I'm missing out


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