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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. @xrikoI am in front a real keyboard so now I can help explain this. I will be writing my examples in SQL Server SQL, which is very similar to MySQL but a few small things are different.


    I will start with the SONG table, because that's going to be your most important table. ID_SONG will be in every other table (or almost every other table) so the work we do here will make it easier later. When thinking about it, a song can belong to one artist and a song can belong to more than one CD or sometimes no CD at all. I would add two values, ID_DISK andID_ARTIST, so that I can link a song back to the CD or CDs it is on and the artist that recorded it. I would also think hard about how you want to represent a song performed live that is never officially released (either live distributed or only ever played live). Also if a SONG is on more than one release it should have more than one row in this table. That is okay.




    For the ARTIST table, you can add other fields that you want to track like years active or the label they are signed to.




    For the CD table, you want to add another column so that you can join back to the band that released the CD and any other columns that you want. I would also heavily advise against storing images in your database and find another way to represent them, because that can cause your database to get big really fast, but if you still want to use the special LONGBLOB data type. Also, instead of maintaining a list of tracks that belong to an album in your CD table, store the ID_SONG value next to a new value called TRACKLIST_ORDER, so you can reuse the data in the other table and also keep the order that it was released in the album. It's up to you how you want to store different versions of the same release.


      PRICE NUMERIC(3,2),
      EXTRAS VARCHAR(1000)


    The LIVE table can stay exactly as it is, except I would change SET_LIST to ID_SETLIST, and BANDS to SUPPORTING_BANDS. ID_SETLIST is a new column that you will use to join into another table (I will explain why shortly) and SUPPORTING_BANDS has the same values as the column ID_ARTIST in your ARTIST table. This means that a live that has two supporting bands before the main act will have two rows in this table. That is okay.


      DATE DATE,
      VENUE VARCHAR(100),

      Now all you need is a SET LIST table that has the ID of the set list, the ID of the band, the IDs of all the songs played, and the order they are played in. You want another table for SET_LIST because you do not want to store the set list as a string. It will be a lot of work to get the answers back later, especially if you want to look at all the concerts for a particular band. You can get back all the other information such as dates and albums by joining the tables that you need together, so there's no reason to store anything else here.  




    I hope all of this made sense.

  2. There's raw as in sushi, which is good for consumption.

    Then there's raw as in water, which isn't good for consumption.


    Raw as a descriptor for music isn't always a good thing for me. It has to bring together the intended effect and the actual effect. Tsuzuku may have been going for seductive, sensational, or even some weird mix of sexual and creepy, but he was unable to execute what he heard in his head. Terrible execution does not get points for trying in my book.


    This is a problem I've had with MEJIBRAY for as long as they were active, and is why I fell off the MEJIWAGON early. They have plenty of ideas - ideas I wish the rest of the scene would have - but they are barely ever able to translate those ideas into results for whatever reason.

  3. On 2/28/2018 at 6:27 AM, Saishu said:

    The Tsumi to Batsu remake sounds unrecognizable, but a lot of the original elements are there, just played at a much slower tempo. Hydra 666 kind of keeps the spirit of the original with the flicka flicka guitars and the way Die and Kaoru trade off on the main riff... but other than that yeah, it sucks. But so does Hydra anyway. 

    I'm not sure about HYDRA. To me, the defining aspect of that song was the gregorian chant in the middle, which was relegated to background SFX in the remake. Tsumi to Batsu is more recognizable, just slow & sludgy as hell. I'm hoping this "Ash" remake sets a new bar for how little the band changes a song when they re-do it, since it's technically a re-do all they need to do is play it a tiny bit faster at a slightly lower guitar tuning and they'll get the effect I am looking for.

    But knowing these guys they'll try something more amazing and fuck it up in the process...




    56 minutes ago, Reiko said:

    I'm well aware that its an older song.

    Are you sure there isn't anything else you are missing? Some B-side or something?

  4. If you've been in the scene for a while, you've no doubt formed your opinions about piracy in the scene. For better or worse, free music has become the cornerstone upon which Monochrome Heaven - and to a larger extent, the scene - has been built upon. It's worked for a decade, and possibly even before that in less organized terms. For as long as I can remember, piracy was seen as a "necessary evil" to build up the scene and to keep it going, and that was the consensus everyone in the scene came to.


    But times are changing, and with that perhaps the attitudes of the scene are changing as well. A vocal minority of fans and band members are calling for all fans to put more money into the scene and to support their favorite bands with money. Here's an excerpt from a recent Facebook post that's gone viral within the scene.



    People asking me to order DDRM NEW MINI ALBUM
    And wonder why its so expensive...
    🤔 because I didnt make the price?
    Ask their managment. And 2500¥ (aka ~23€ ) its not expensive for a mini album. o.O thats why you guys want a copy or just download from internet. Www and wonder why bands are disbanding?

    Let me tell you one thing.
    To record 1 song only can cost you about 200€ 🤗 rent a studio for compose music up to 4000€ or more....
    25€ is still too much? Not worth to pay? 🤭 than you should quit this music scene.

    ++++add some words...
    ...some bands are there for making money, some for girls and most of them are there for make music because they live for it.

    No matter for what their intention are, to make music they need to SELL their music to continue.
    You wont help them by calling ‚i love you, i love your music‘ but just download from internet.
    Buy their CD is the best way to show them your love and support.
    And not only DDRM also for other bands.

    Many people agreed with this person. I want to understand how people here feel about this same topic. Serious replies only, and if you respond please vote in as many of the questions as you can. I will liberally delete any post that I interpret as attacking another member or otherwise not contributing to the discussion.


    NOTE: This topic doesn't mean that the staff is planning on doing something. We are simply curious and have been discussing this among ourselves for a day or two.


    NOTE 2: This topic will automatically close in two weeks on March 16th. If you have thoughts, try to share them before then.

  5. ORZ has been cooking up a topic that a good bunch of you would find very interesting but it is not ready yet.


    Visual en grey had a lot of good moments, but their early albums also have a lot of weak moments. MACABRE is the most consistent of the visual trifecta and has the least amount of filler, which is why a lot of fans hold that album up in particular as a favorite. GAUZE has the biggest collection of listenable tracks, with a side of help from YOSHIKI when he was still relevant, but it also has it's fair share of tracks that I wouldn't listen to more than once. "MASK", "Mazohyst", and the "Mode of.." tracks are examples of things that drag out the experience and add nothing. Kisou ... should have been an EP. I can go on and on about just how bad that album is, starting with the inconsistent track list, the recycled B-sides, literally filler instrumentals, and too much of an effort to be vulgar and provocative, but I won't. Even then, that had its good moments. But regardless, what it comes down to for me is that I prefer to listen to certain tracks over going through an album from start to finish, and this holds up for a lot more of their albums than I would care to admit. I liked Vestige of Scratches precisely because they cut out a ton of their filler tracks and distilled all of the things I liked about Visual en grey into 80 minutes.


    Dark en grey suffers from its own unique set of problems. For as much as the fans shat on six Ugly when it came out, it's the most consistent release they've had with zero filler tracks IMO. VULGAR was playing it safe, trying to show their visual fans that the sound may change but the core of the band is still intact, but in exchange there aren't a lot of stand out moments. Nothing good, nothing too unlistenable, nothing really memorable not named OBSCURE. And "Child prey" is a lazy single. Withering to death. sounds like a rebellious teenager proving that they can be metvl with the rest of the older Western sempai bands that shamed them for their interpretation of alt-metal on their previous albums. It starts strong and ends strong, but the entire middle of that album is the most forgettable Dark en grey experience ever released. TMOAB is even more of the rebellious phase, going all in on the metalcore, and it's okay, but it still feels like the band was trying too  hard to not be visual when the only people they were really trying to convince were themselves. UROBOROS feels like the band discovered Tool & prog metal & could begin embracing their roots again without having to look effeminate and go all in on the leather straps and thigh high boots like they used to. It's no surprise that this is the period when they begin re-recording their old tracks again. DSS just feels like they went too hard in the prog metal direction, biting off more than they could chew and ultimately crumbling under the weight of their own ambitions. Both of these albums has pretty questionable mixing decisions, and UROBOROS was exposed with that R&E version which pushed all the flaws to the center and sounded even worse. DSS had that farting bass which was a cool experiment but became really annoying by the end of the album, and it really lacked ballads to break up the pace, which is funny because Dir en grey at their visual days were best at ballads and failed at almost anything else. ARCHE is them trying to find a happy medium for themselves, but in the process didn't create an album with any engaging moments, just like VULGAR.


    Ultimately, I feel that the band's albums would be much better received if they axed the four weakest tracks off each album.

  6. Can people just like what they like instead of trying to call each other out with faux-musical knowledge and passive aggressive statements deriding the musical taste of another? It doesn't matter if one person likes "The Inferno" and the other person does not. We're not all going to like the same things! That's fine! Dir en grey has been around for twenty years and if they retread some old steps or make some songs you aren't going to like, you can live with it.

    And don't call out mods to "do their jobs" when we're watching this thread constantly for the actions of three of you. Just because we don't say anything to you doesn't mean we aren't aware. Don't dig yourself a hole you can't climb out of.

  7. This is the right section for this topic. Dealing with depression is like learning how to love and have a relationship with yourself all over again.

    I actually think more people are depressed than we would like to admit because our society and the way things are set up are not good for our mental health. We get up, slave all day, come home and have to take care of our personal responsibilities before we hit the hay and do it all over again tomorrow. There's a reason why they call it "the grind"; there's really no end to it if you're stuck in a loop doing something that you don't want to do. Having said that, I would recommend to do what you are doing right now which would be identifying and verbalizing the reasons for your depression and finding things to do that make you happy. Medications and counseling may help in some cases, and I really can't say if it would work for you, but I managed to claw my way out of the dumps with sheer willpower. Find what works for you and stick to it. Depression is a bitch because it's a vicious spiral that makes you feel like there's no way out but down.


    You only get one life to live. There's no point in spending it hating yourself and what you do.

  8. 5 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I'm not necessarily a proponent of diversity for diversity's sake when it comes to fiction. For instance, Game Of Thrones' outstanding lack of melanin has never once prevented me from tuning in with wide-eyed amazement every Sunday @9pm sharp, and Hogwarts not being located in Africa hasn't made Harry Potter any less enjoyable. I'm much more concerned with the quality of the creation rather than details like race that I'd otherwise consider vain. YET...actually seeing a big hollywood superhero film with a predominantly black cast (of actual great actors) doesn't feel trivial or vain to me at all. I could go into the myriad reasons for this, but I'll spare you all (and myself) that dissertation. Suffice to say that this is just pretty damn refreshing.

    I agree but maybe our reasons are different. These are mine.


    The argument for more diversity in media is that it reflects real life. But once again, people confuse diversity for flipping the status quo. There's nothing wrong with a show featuring a majority white cast if that's what the story calls for.  There's nothing wrong with a show featuring a majority black cast if that's what the story calls for.  There's nothing wrong with a show featuring a majority asian cast if that's what the story calls for. Game of Thrones was written in 1996, inspired heavily by English history and especially The War of The Roses. Of course it's going to feature mostly white people! It should not matter as long as the show is good, and it is a very good adaptation. It's refreshing to see things like Black Panther but representation in media is not some zero-sum game where some group has to suffer. That's such an archaic and outmoded way of looking at the world.

  9. I remember distinctly saying all of this when DOGMA dropped in my review. The album has legit zero staying power, so while it's cool to listen to at the beginning the draw back is just not there. I'm quite glad these guys went hermit on us because that means they are giving themselves some time. Time doesn't mean that they will produce something good, but I'd rather that then churning out obvious crap to punch in sales.


    I'm looking forward to the new album because then we will get a bunch of B-sides that they have no faith in which could potentially be some of their greatest work yet. They always put the good stuff on the singles and they know it, but for some reason they refuse to put them on albums where they belong. FADELESS is the only single exception in recent memory where the B-sides were total garbage.

  10. Call me a hopeless optimist, but I don't think Dir en grey will ever break up. They've joined the likes of bands like BUCK-TICK where they will always be together to record an album, but maybe the bulk of their efforts will be into their personal projects. We're already at the point where it takes them four years to come out with a new album, so what's an extra year or two so they can focus on DECAYS/sukekiyo/Seraph? I don't think Dir en grey will end until one of the core members dies tbqh.

  11. For that, I would have to know all the songs they never put to tape or disc. I remember listening to Ai Murasakiiro, an early version of CAGE and ZAN, and something else, but nothing quite like what you've described. I wonder why they decided to scrap the song (or maybe they reworked it into something else).

  12. 45 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    I actually gotta correct myself. They played 新曲2 (Re:birth) at least on five occassions:






    No idea why my contact randomly told me that they played it five times, as if it was new information. He had even sent me the five terekos months earlier. But then again, his own setlist file has it wrong... ^^'

    I'm so curious to know what this song sounds like you have no idea. It's not every day that I find out a band I've been following for ages has a song I've never heard. You said they were different lengths, so can you describe what the track sounds like and the differences between the versions?

  13. I had heard a different explanation for the meaning of [KR]cube, but I cannot find the page now. Basically, Kyo wanted to originally name the track "crazy crazy crazy" and the other band members (I think Kaoru) was like "no", so then he changed it to [KR]cube.  If I can find it again, I will post it here, but it's been a few years so no promises. It didn't seem to make much sense to me, and the "kururi" explanation is also a good one too.


    Also, is Re:birth an old song or a new song? Title looks too visual kei to me monkaS

  14. 10 minutes ago, AliceParanoid said:

    I know what you mean, but in this case it was directly about LGBT people, like Komorebi wrote. I know that's Heterosexuals ect. can be like this aswell. 

    Oh I know. A side effect of being part of the "woke generation" is that I can see the ugly patterns mirrored across all these social justice campaigns. That's why I can't jive with most of them. From #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo, there will always be a loud minority that seek not equality, but to flip the status quo and become the oppressor on their own terms. Disclaimers stop the egomaniacs from missing the point and twisting my words to make it all about them.



  15. 17 minutes ago, AliceParanoid said:

    I know - but it's still ironic af when ecspecailly gays/lesbians ect. who are thereselve a minitory are against people who are different then them. 
    Like they know the struggles and all and still zone them out just for beeing Trans or making fun of them for beeing asexual or other stuff.
    I can't understand such people lol. 

    Those kinds of people want the world to revolve around them, want throngs of people doting on their every word, and want to be important and influential. They see a rising movement associated with them, latch themselves to it, maybe even define themselves by it...but when a couple of verbs are changed and suddenly there's something else that they aren't a part of, they can't handle it because it takes away from their self-perceived shine and importance. They need to be on top. They must be on top and if you don't agree there is something wrong with you. It's a paradoxical mix of ego and lack of self-esteem, exacerbated by social media, blog posts, and algorithms that lock these people together in insular, online bubbles.

    For the record this isn't just about LGBT. It can be associated with any movement where the minority wants to make their voices heard and then the crazy minority within them attempts to hijack discourse to butter their croutons.

  16. 8 minutes ago, AliceParanoid said:

    Cause LGBT People can be shitfucks with air in there head when it comes to such topics  - Fags are so often against Trans/Bi People aswell or fem guys lmao. Kinda ironic lol. 
    I feel kinda embrassed to be a fag aswell when I read things like this lol

    Because being a dick head has less to do with sexuality and more to do with being a dick head. You can be an awful human being no matter what you like. I really wish that people didn't use LGBT status as a shield to deflect criticism when their actions are worthy of being criticized. It just promotes double standards and confusions. If you can't deflect arguments on logical merits, take the L and keep it moving, you know?

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