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The Bread Wolf

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Posts posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. Ben's previously been very open about disliking the drag race format where the producers pit the girls against each other for entertainment purposes. I don't think she wanted to do all stars at all, but were either encouraged by fans or buttered up by the producers, or both. Ben made a statement, and all the power to her for it. I'm kind of sad that I won't see her greatness in the show anymore, because she was so above everyone else, no matter what you say. But at the end, I think she wanted to be part of the toxicity that is RuPaul's Drag Race.

  2. On 24/02/2018 at 2:20 AM, TheZigzagoon said:

    What if we're born in to complete nothingness and we're just aimlessly wandering through it whilst the oxygen we inhale makes us hallucinate, causing everything we know and have lived to be in our heads from us just tripping actual balls on a cheeky bit of O2

    Keep asking yourself "Am I dreaming right now?" and you'll get your answer one of these days.

  3. On 08/02/2018 at 4:15 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    I want to delete so many people off my Facebook , but then I have to justify why I removed them if they find out.

    Then again, why the fuck do I care?

    Fucking hate you Facebook. Now I can't even get rid of people.

    I remember now why I don't use it lol.

    Don't delete them, just give them a gentle push off of your feed. That's what I did with my sister, who wouldn't stop posting "inspirational quotes" and racist remarks about immigration. I couldn't remove her because, well, she's my sister and that would be very rude. She also didn't listen to me when I pointed out inconsistencies in her "arguments" against immigration (like it's fine when they're white but damn if they're any darker than that it's boot time), so uhh... I saved us both the trouble of arguing and just removed her from my feed. She can contact me if she wants, but I don't have to put up with her proud racism if I don't want to. And I don't.


    Kinda thinking of doing the same thing to my brother. All I get from him is pictures of dead animals (he hunts as a hobby, and while I respect his decision and have inherently nothing against hunting FOOD, I can't look at the pictures of dead foxes and raccoon dogs) and "funny" gay jokes. 


    God fucking damn it why does my family have to be the backwards redneck one.

  4. 3 hours ago, Axius said:

    Experience the world its very vast and big to understand. Some not all but some people don't fully understand that to a point. So Explore get in a car/plane and go somewhere anywhere hopefully no where dangerous. Maybe japan XD. Either way how you travel you'll experience a lot.

    Not to rain on your parade, and I'm sure not all depressed people are like this, but... If you are severely, clinically depressed, it's hard enough to get out of the bed each day to perform mundane tasks, let alone get out of the house. Travelling in that case is out of question.


    And another thing people have recommended: the councillors or psychiatrists or therapists. Sounds good, but doesn't always work. And I don't mean the therapy itself. I mean being in a situation where you can see one. Even in the UK, where I live, it seems to be near impossible to get a referral to a psychiatrist unless you're literally moments away from suicide. I certainly didn't get one, and my depression is crippling, albeit not life threatening as it is.


    Then you have, of course, the private way. And hey, that involves money. Lots of money, from one session with a professional varying from £50 to £100. To have that amount of money to spare, you need a job. To get and hold a job, you need to be able to leave your home and expose yourself to strange or unpleasant situations. And if getting out of bed and taking a shower is sometimes and overwhelming achievement, doing all that is going to be quite difficult.


    I'm personally not comfortable sharing much about how my depressive mind works, but I have a little wisdom to give: Take the pills if you need them. It's a majorly annoying fad nowadays that people think pills are prescribed for no reason and they just make you sleepwalk through your life, or that you can cure your depression by going out and enjoying the world. If you have a serious problem; if your depression is taking over your life and you can no longer function properly with it, take the pills. The decision to allow yourself to be medicated for a serious condition doesn't make you weak. It doesn't make you "the sheeple of medical industry". If you need it, you take it, and it doesn't make you less of a person.

  5. We haven't even seen the last two seasons of RPDR but we still jumped into AS big time.



    My favourite is Ben. Trixie and Milk come second. I do tend to like queens that are more honest and less bitchy, like Chad Michaels in season 4. However, I do think Ben is efficiently shooting herself in the leg thinking that everyone's gonna go along with the group decision. Um, no, gurl. If one of them doesn't like you they'll throw you under the buss even if the rest don't agree, and if you show potential competition, they won't like you. 


    But I do think Ben has the qualities to win, albeit I'm almost always leaning towards comedy queens rather than pageants. Is Ben considered a comedy queen?



  6. On 26/01/2018 at 8:54 PM, Zeus said:

    Oh I know. A side effect of being part of the "woke generation" is that I can see the ugly patterns mirrored across all these social justice campaigns. That's why I can't jive with most of them. From #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo, there will always be a loud minority that seek not equality, but to flip the status quo and become the oppressor on their own terms. Disclaimers stop the egomaniacs from missing the point and twisting my words to make it all about them.

    This is also why the feminist movement nowadays has such a strong opposition against it; because a loud minority has made it their personal objective to not gain equality between genders, but to oppress men. There are way too many examples of this, like how women can hit men if they're being assholes, but if a guy slaps a girl because she's a bitch that's domestic abuse. And mind you, neither are acceptable, but that's not how some extreme feminazis see it. I'd rather not associate myself with said people as an honest feminist who genuinely wishes nothing more than equal opportunities within both sexes. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, CAT5 said:


    Ironic. It seems to me that the same, self-righteous hive-minded mentality responsible for these people attempting to crucify Erykah Badu is no different from the hive-mindedness that allowed Hitler to act out his agenda.

    Hitler DID like dogs, so he had that going for him, I guess.


    (Sorry, off topic)

  8. On 15/01/2018 at 12:16 PM, platy said:

    What the fuck is wrong with EA? I hate giving them money, but I just can't bring myself to pirate games. 

    EA does that because people let them. By buying an unfinished, broken game you've just confirmed that it's okay for them to sell it to you. :P 


    Have to say tho, Sims is like my guilty pleasure as a gamer. I would never in any real conversation with other game nerds actually admit that I've ever played it, but I've got 3 on my computer (because this little bae can't handle 4. It'll crash) and the best part is creating characters from other franchises and then explaining to your friend/SO what they did without giving context.


    Imagine creating the chocobros and then just one day exclaiming that Ignis burned down the kitchen and now everyone's upset but the apartment's only got one shower and Prompto is taking his sweet time and Noctis won't stop crying.


    On 15/01/2018 at 4:29 PM, chemicalpictures said:

    Started a playthrough of Pillars of Eternity, already pissed off with companions dying.

    I remember playing this with my husband a few years back, although never finished it. I also have no recollection of what happened in it, but I do remember liking it! But it might be because it reminded me of old RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale and such, and those games were where my gaming started in the day.

  9. I haven't voted yet because I haven't even participated in a trade-off yet, but I wanted to point out a thing:


    On 05/09/2016 at 8:04 PM, CAT5 said:

    For instance, as things are, most of the tradeoff themes are kept rather broad - which is great, but I think if there are more tradeoffs, that could give hosts a bit more leeway, and they don't have to feel like they're alienating certain users with a more specific theme, since users will have even more chances to participate in future tradeoffs.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. For people like me, who have a very limited quantity of music in their library, taking part in a trade-off is difficult, but if the themes of the trade-offs are rotating often, there's a bigger chance that we can pull off a decent mixtape at least once or twice a year. 


    I would also like to mention, that it's not all about what kind of mixtape we'd like to make, but also what kind of music we'd like to listen. Some people, like moi, are pickier than others and certain themes just don't resonate with them as much as others and again, quicker rotation of themes will give users a better chance to find something that they think they'd like to listen to. (Like the reasons why I didn't participate in the Christmas trade-off are 1. I don't have christmas-y tracks, and 2. the reason I don't have christmas-y tracks is because I bloody damn hate christmas songs, and it doesn't change whether they're sung in Japanese or not.)

  10. On 17/05/2017 at 9:14 PM, Komorebi said:

    "Bad vocalists" implies vocalists that lack skill and threfore can measureably be considered bad vocalists. Yet I see people posting quite good ones and saying "I personally hate this guy even if he is good".

    Is it an opinion post to share vocalists we deslike or a post more on the factual side to discuss vocal skills?

    I may dislike Hiro's singing on NCBL and he may make my ears bleed, but that doesn't keep me from admitting the guy has some serious skill.

    I think it's hard for people to distinguish their opinions from actual facts. Everyone wants to have a good reason to not like something, especially in a scene where educated (and sometimes pompous af) opinions are valued above everything else. In that kind of situation it's hard to say you don't like something just because you don't like it. Even harder for people to admit something is technically bad and yet they still like it. That's like admitting you like Justin Bieber. 


    So yeah, you're right. This topic is more like "vocalists you hate" than "bad vocalists".

  11. On 31/12/2017 at 11:19 PM, platy said:

    Yoshiki will collab with either Miyavi or Kanye West

    I like how these are the only two options.


    On 01/01/2018 at 7:44 PM, madygrain said:

    Kiryu will go on hiatus.

    No they won't, unless someone gets hurt. Which would be my prediction.


    • Someone in Kiryu will be injured, possibly in a music-related way (carpal tunnel, voice cords getting wrecked etc.) forcing them to have a hiatus
    • We will continue to hear absolute fuck nothing from HIKARU (Kameleo), Rame (Black Gene), Shun (Vidoll) and CO- (FUTURISM BOYZ)
    • KISAKI will try to be relevant again in some scammy ass way

  12. 5 hours ago, Reikatsumi said:

    You're right, they're following the same boring scheme, it is not nice

    It might not be nice, but it's ensuring their relevancy and that way, their pay. I'm pretty sure that the only reason Kiryu has managed to stay together for ten years is the fact that BP is pushing them to continuously do something to stay relevant and on the charts, and that in turn ensures they get paid for what they are doing enough to do it full time.


    It doesn't matter what you think about the game otherwise, but you gotta admit that Shido and twins boss battle theme is beyond kickass. Like darn if this doesn't get you all pumped up for beating up an evil bald guy then I dunno what would.

  14. I do not understand people. The hot topic of the latter quarter of the year has been loot boxes, and people are being completely hypocritical about it. They condemn EA and their predatory practises with Star Wars: Battlefront II, and then go ahead and buy Overwatch, or Destiny. 


    Newsflash, both have loot boxes. Both are equally greedy, just like EA. Blizzard ain't some almighty divine being that can do no wrong. And the argument "but the loot boxes don't affect gameplay, they're just cosmetic, you can choose to not buy them, no one's forcing you". Eff that. If cosmetics didn't affect gameplay, we'd all be playing games in 8bit. 


    The worst are the people who complain about loot boxes and then go ahead and buy the games anyway. "The game's great, I just wish it didn't have loot boxes". Mate, the message you just sent to the companies is literally: "I'm willing to put up with your crap anyways."


    And the worst thing? I say all this and at the same time I'm worried that the loot boxes haven't gotten a big enough backlash for EA to not put them in the next Dragon Age game, and I'm going to be a sucker fangirl, break my resolve and buy the insane $100 limited edition game not included version of it. And I'm going to cry and say it was not worth it because the experience will be all crap due to the loot boxes and that will be the day my DA fangirl heart dies.

  15. 3 hours ago, Triangle said:

    Not all of the Japanese people are narrow-minded and stuff, but to the core they still give that kind of awkward vibe. Maybe it's just me, obviously I've yet to meet all the Japanese people on this planet, but from my short experience of one year in Japan this is what I came with.

    Not to take Japan's side, but we all have our narrow-minded side, because really, it's kind of natural to think about something that you haven't seen/experience before as "weird".

    You have to admit though, that historically speaking Japan doesn't have a rich immigration culture like the States, that was founded on immigration, or a lot of progressive European countries. That's why they think outsiders are outsiders, no matter how nice they are. You are not one of them. You are not viewed as Japanese, no matter how many years you've lived there. You'll always be gaijin. 


    So in contrast, I do think Japanese people are more narrow-minded than for example, people in the UK (or at least Scotland, to my experience) or the States, where immigrants are every day life. It's not their fault. At least not the current generations, because they had no say in Japan staying closed to the west for as long as it did. But it directly results in treating immigrants as some rare animal that's passing through the country.

  16. On 08/09/2017 at 1:04 AM, khouji said:

    As I searching online for some tips on training a dog, I saw this training collar which they said that is one of the most useful tools used for training. Primarily used to correct bad habits such as barking, digging, and chewing, a Training Collar can transform a misbehave dog into a well obedient dog. What do you think? Are these actually effective or is it just some sort of industry push to sell products? Any suggestion will be helpful to me

    I personally do not recommend using a training collar. Nor any kind of punishing method with your dogs, as this can turn them even more aggressive, especially towards things they're not yet aggressive towards.


    It's really hard to tell what works for you without knowing what kind of problems you have with your dogs. Like for example, one of mine dislikes other dogs, especially puppies. She will bark, growl and eventually bite if they're not smart enough to back off, which puppies rarely are. For this, and other purposes, I've taught her "leave it" command, which essentially works as snapping her mind off of a "fixation" and makes her leave anything alone at command. I suggest teaching that to your dogs. 


    A good method of teaching almost anything to a dog is the clicker. Clicker works as positive reinforcement that reacts quicker than your voice to situations. To start off, you need your dog to have positive association with the clicking sound that the device makes. What I did was just sit one of my dogs (or all of them, doesn't really matter at this point) in front of me, click the device and immediately reward my dog. Rinse and repeat. Click -> reward. Click -> reward. Use something REALLY GOOD. Like chicken or freshly cooked meat so they know that this clicking thing is good stuff. Next you start using commands, like for example something your dog already knows, like sit or shake or lie down. Lets say sit. You tell your dog to sit, and immediately when they do, you click and reward, both with treats and voice. 

    Why clicker training is so effective is that you can essentially reward your dog for even the smallest of success, whereas your voice or your hand grabbing a treat and handing it over to the dog takes time, which means that by the time you've said "good dog!" or are ready to feed that treat to your dog, the dog might already be doing something else and then associating the reward for something you didn't want. 


    If you want your dog to stop barking, I encourage teaching the command "that's enough". Mine know it and usually listen to it. It can be hard to teach and takes a lot of time, but I usually let my dogs bark for a few seconds before telling them to shut up, because barking is still an important way of communicating for them. Letting them bark a bit and then telling them to shut up is like saying "thank you for guarding/informing me of a threat, I'm now aware of it so you can stop". 


    How I taught mine to stop barking at command was distract them when they're barking (say enough and then, for example, clap your hands, something to break them from the fixation if a word is not enough) and if they stop, even for a split second, click, praise and reward. You need to do this alone for a while. Once you notice that your dog doesn't really want to bark anymore, but would rather sit by you because you've got all the good stuff, lenghten the time after "enough" that they have to stay quiet for before clicking and rewarding. And gradually you can get this to a point where the "threat" they're observing has gone and so they have no need to bark anymore. Ta-dah! You've got a quiet dog. I do recommend working one on one with this though, because pack mentality can sometimes distract dogs too much and they'll just end up barking because someone else is barking. So one dog at a time until they all know the command.


    Hopefully this helps. And please always use positive reinforcement instead of "training collars" or shock collars or hitting or poking your dog. 

  17. 9 minutes ago, Nyasagi said:

    I'm not sure, I struggle between bisexuality, gray asexuality, and asexuality. My sexuality has been confusing me since I was a teenager. I thought I was into women, but it didn't work, I didn't like it (both romantically and sexually) and men scare me because I'm not good looking and I'm not attracted to most of them anyway. Figuring it out can be stressful sometimes, because I don't even know who I am.

    You know what. It can be difficult, but the only advice that I can give to that is to stop thinking about it. People love to categorise themselves, I know, but when you seem to fit multiple lockers or none at all, stressing about it is just not beneficial. I've often wondered myself whether I'm bi or pan or whatever, even being told by gay people that I'm gay (which is not true, being that I'm married to a member of the opposite sex), but I get most happiness out of just not trying do define it and go along with what feels alright. Sure this can strip you off of any community you might want to be part of (especially LGBTQ+ community can be so fucking toxic within itself and discriminate against people they don't feel are queer enough to fit with their little niche), but it's better than fitting yourself into a group and constantly being aware that you aren't truly a part of it. 

  18. 28 minutes ago, Nyasagi said:

    My main concern is whether I'm asexual/aromantic (or both, or maybe I'm actually straight and I don't know it???), or if it's something normal to feel. It's scary to see all these people living in a certain way, while I'm not even sure how it all works and I don't know what I want anymore

    Whichever you are, it's normal and you should not feel pressured to be anything else. You can also be asexual and straight, meaning that you just feel very little sexual attraction to the opposite sex, or the attraction requires a lot. If you feel like finding out is too taxing, you do you. It's perfectly normal to be happy without "that special someone" everyone keeps ushering you to find asap. 


    30 minutes ago, Nyasagi said:

    Is it also normal that if I were in a relationship I wouldn't like to tell anyone, especially my family? I don't want people's attention on me, it's not something to brag about to others... it's rather private.

    This, I feel, should be normal where it's not. I think a relationship is your business and whether you wanna disclose it with family members or relatives is up to you. I certainly hated it whenever my family had some sort of fucking massive gathering and all half-relatives and whatnots were asking: "So do you have a boyfriend yet? Are you interested in anyone?" No, great aunt or who the fuck ever you are, none of your fucking beeswax. Not to mention I absolutely disliked the fact that they were expecting me to like guys instead of girls, but that's beside the point. I never liked fitting into a mould.


    That's a lot of swearing. Sorry about that. 

  19. 19 minutes ago, lichtlune said:

    And to the women of this forum. How did you find your boyfriend? Did they message you somewhere or did they cold approach you at university or a concert or something? I'd really like to hear from the perspective of some of you here. 

    Lol, don't think that all the women here are just passively waiting for someone to contact them. I chased after my elusive boyfriend (now husband) for two years before he succumbed, and I was the one taking the lead.


    To answer the rest of your questions: I met mine on this forum. He used to be around back in the day, so I got into talking with him and realised he's just the kind of a jerk I wanna marry and proceeded to hunt him down like a wild animal. 


    To answer a question you didn't ask: Dating someone from another country is not such a difficult feat if either of you is willing to move. I was itching to get out of my own country and it so happened my love interest lived in a country I liked, so I moved after we had dated for about... half a year. 

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