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The Bread Wolf

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Posts posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. 35 minutes ago, platy said:

    I tried playing FFVII on my PSP and holy shit it's so ugly. I know the story is great, but it's hard to get over how badly it aged. I don't have a nostalgia boner for this game at all, but I know nostalgia fags have been begging and crying over a remake for more than a decade. Now that they're getting one I've already seen people writing huge threatening "letters" on Squeenix's social media, about how if they screw up this remake then "I'll personally set your building on fire." Final fantasy fans give me ulcers. 

    Final Fantasy fanboys are one of the worst because they all think they know how things should be done, and they throw around claims like "people want this, not that" and "this game didn't have voice actors to begin with, so it should be left as such" and "people want a turn based rpg, not an action rpg". 


    I can not call myself a Final Fantasy fan in a sense that I have a long, nostalgic history with it. I played VII remaster because I wanted to know what the hype was about and I did not hate the game, but I certainly, at that point, didn't think it was the bestestest gaem evah. It might've been, when it came out, I could give especially the CGI cutscenes some credit, as they were probably prettier than most of the other early 3D games. But like so many other PS1 games, it aged badly and not even the cutscenes are that impressive anymore, especially when you watch like full CGI movies like Kingsglaive being made. 

    I also think turn based rpgs have their niche, but they are by no means a way to reach a wider audience anymore. There are probably a good number of such rpgs on the indie market, and if people want to play with that style, they should look out for them. However, Square Enix is too big of a company to be following some niche market for the HC gamers who only play turn-based rpgs and Soulsborne with no equipment and call it "the true experience".  Same goes for the voice acting. Final Fantasy games have had voice acting for a good number of years now, so I don't see any reason for Squeenix to not have them in a remake. Basically these are the same people who are now complaining how broken and stupid FFXV is and versus XIII was going to be better despite no one actually knowing what versus XIII would've been like BECAUSE THE GAME NEVER GOT MADE.


    (Not to say that FFXV isn't a little bit borken but hey, Tabata was given a bad hand and he played it the best he could. There's no turning twos into aces.)


    35 minutes ago, platy said:

    btw can't wait for episode Ignis, it looks like it'll be the best out of the three. Ep. Prompto was great and not just because I totally have feelings for him. If they're really working on an Ardyn DLC I will forgive SE for their mistakes. 

    I already know I'm going to cry at episode Ignis. I just told my husband today how episode Ignis is the only one of the episodes equally related to Noctis as it is to Ignis. Gladio had his own little adventure, Prompto was mostly searching for himself and trying to find out how he fit into this world, but Ignis's episode seems to be just about his loyalty to Noctis and how he's willing to sacrifice anything to save him. 


    My inner IgNoct fangirl weeps. 


    Ignis is bestgirl. Beats both Luna and Cindy. Kills monsters and cooks and fixes loose buttons. Perfect waifu. 


    Damn it rambling again.


    Oh yeah forgot to talk about possible Ardyn DLC! Okay, Ardyn DLC would be neat, but damn I wish they made a FFXV-2 completely set in Solheim and how Ardyn became the anointed first king of Lucis only to be deemed unworthy after literally sacrificing everything of himself to the gods and the people. 


    I WOULD PLAY AS ARDYN. I wanna play as Ardyn. I wanna follow Ardyn's story from his point of view. 


    But I also know Tabata confirmed there won't be XV-2, because he wanted XV to be the full experience. But I hope he changes his mind. 

  2. 17 hours ago, platy said:

    Persona 5 is way too fucking expensive and the price won't budge which annoys me because I really want to play it.

    I wanna say P5 is totally worth it, but if you don't have the money it doesn't matter whether it is or isn't. However, it IS a great JRPG. 


    17 hours ago, platy said:

    Although I heard the story ends up being disappointing, it's worth playing for the level of detail alone.

    I think this is up for debate. I don't think the story was disappointing. I personally think it was quite inventive and intriguing, but it does require a lot of reading and listening to get all the finer details of the premise of the story. And it even left the ending a little open for a possible sequel, which I expect the game will get as it did massively well.


    17 hours ago, platy said:

    A lot of the games I'm looking forward to on PS4 still haven't been released, but yeah thanks for reminding me that the FF series is usually a Sony exclusive. I'm sure there'll be many remasters to look forward to lol

    I think IX just got an HD remaster, and before that there was VII remaster and XII remaster. And of course, the hyped-not-hyped-anticipated-dreaded VII total remake is coming... eventually. I assume Kingdom Hearts III will be released first as it's been in the making for longer, and then eventually (maybe in a year or two?) they'll release FFVII.



    WHICH I HAVE TO SAY I'M WAITING FOR ANXIOUSLY. There'll always be nostalgia junkies who can't take a fact that FFVII didn't age well. Barely any PS1 game did. Honestly, the story is amazing, but you can't look at square polygons forever and think this is the peak performance. So I honestly think the game deserves a remake in the style of FFXV, and so far it's looking pretty sweet. My only problem is Square wanting it to be an episodic release. F U Square. We want a complete game. Not part 1 in one year, part 2 the following year and so on.


    17 hours ago, platy said:

    Oh yeah, I saw recently that they're remastering L.A Noir for the ps4 and I totally recommend it if you're a fan of Rockstar Games.

    On it, buddy. I have a love/sarcastic love relationship with the game. I played it on PS3 and laughed my way through it constantly repeating: "Cowl Felps on tha case!" But I do want the remaster, which, by the way, already got released if I'm not wrong. It's just not a priority on my list (because Okami and eventually all the FFXV DLCs and shite). 

  3. On 19/11/2017 at 2:30 AM, jaymee said:

    BUT as far as flowers go, flowers in Japan sometimes have different connotations than in the West due to how (especially in the past) flowers were used to express certain feelings/situations... Like some flowers are only used at funerals or other specific times, etc. so I would def let a Japanese florist make the bouquet, even if it will be pricier.


    Best way to learn about flowers in Japan is to play Persona 5 and work at a flower shop in the game.


    Almost OT. Just came to mind.

  4. I got f*cked by an advert today. 


    There's this ad on TV about, like... this lady eating yogurt, like, plain yogurt, and claiming how delicious and creamy it is and I thought to myself, oh, well, I don't really like plain yogurt but this advert is clearly suggesting this particular yogurt is good for eating just as it is (versus usually plain yogurt adverts adding berries or some shite into the yogurt or whatever). So I bought the damn yogurt thinking I could just eat it straight from the tub as it was.


    Newsflash, it's still plain yogurt. Nothing creamy or delicious about it. It's plain yogurt. 


    Effin advertisements. 

  5. 16 hours ago, platy said:

    Also even though I bought a PS4 (solely to play FF XV), I'm kind of struggling to find uses for it lol. Like, all the games I want eventually come to pc and cheaper too. In the end it comes down to whom I'll be playing the game with. If it's with friends, I'll probably buy it on PS4 (so I can carry it to their house if necessary), if it's solo then PC. I don't know, it really feels like a spare part lol

    There really is no other reason to own a PS4 than exclusives. In all seriousness. However, if you're looking for games to play aside from FFXV, I could recommend FFXII and Persona 5. And Kingdom Hearts series. My hubby would also like to recommend Bloodborne and Yakuza series, especially Yakuza 0.


    16 hours ago, platy said:

    there's so much unexplored ground in terms of concepts e.g Egypt, caveman times (FarCry Primal)

    And now also recommending Horizon: Zero Dawn. Brilliant game, that combines "futuristic setting" and caveman times, which is basically set in future but where the human race is mostly descended back to early evolution behaviour like tribes and living off of the land.

  6. Hey peeps. Okami HD is coming on PS4 and X BOX ONE on 12th of December and YOU, yes, you there, should buy it and play it. 


    The biggest reason being that while this game is fairly underrated in the means of how many people have played it, it has a very dedicated cult following for a reason. The game is absolutely gorgeous with the style of an old sumi-e ink painting and the story is breathtaking and emotional. Basically you play as a "fallen" goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, descended on the land of Nippon as a wolf and unable to return to her godly domain due to losing all of her powers. You go through a story of regaining her divine skills and at the same time, save the land from the oni (demons) that have suddenly started appearing for mysterious reasons. Along the way you meet a cast of different people and creatures, who try to go along with their ordinary lives amongst the chaos, and you form unbreakable bonds with them. This synopsis was provided by me.


    The official reveal trailer below. Just watch it, it's sure to sway you.



    And if the game's timeless style and story hasn't yet quite convinced you, hear this: the physical copy of the game is only $19.99 on gamestop! It was cheaper on amazon, but unfortunately they've run out of the US copy altogether, which tells you that this is a highly anticipated HD remake you definitely should get. Still, less than 20 dollars is still an unbeatable price for a full, unused game nowadays! Get it! Get it now!

  7. On 10/11/2017 at 4:04 PM, peffy said:

    I just wanted to comment on weird translation issues. 


    I'm almost finished with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. The game gives you the option to play as a boy or girl. There are frequent instances of my female character being referred to as "that guy" or "sir", and there's even dialogue where other female characters will joke about how my character is looking at their boobs (or something similar to that). It's really strange unless they intended my character to be a well-known transgender lesbian lech. It seems more likely that the translator was not aware of the gender choice, and/or the original Japanese writing itself was written for a male character, with the gender choice being thrown in last minute.


    There are a few other Japanese -> English games I've played recently that all had egregious translation problems. Either awkward or flat-out wrong (and I notice because I play with Japanese voices). A good example is a line from Norn9 Var Commons. I don't remember the exact line, but it was something like "平みたいになるよ". The kanji 平 means "calm/peaceful/flat", and AFAIK is usually not used by itself. In this case, the 平 (Hei) is supposed to be a nickname for a guy called 平士 (Heishi), thus the translation should've been "You're going to become like Hei". But, the English line was "You'll become peaceful", which made zero sense, and I would've been really confused if I had not been listening to the Japanese voices. 


    This all comes across as sloppy work. How are the editors not catching these errors? Do they even have editors?


    Have to draw a teeny tiny tangent line from this to just strange translation choices. While replaying Final Fantasy XV recently (still on it, even without the updates the game is still like 60+ hours) and I have a very basic grasp on Japanese, but I could tell that some of the choices they made in the translations were just... odd. Mostly because they usually changed the tone of the conversation completely from one end to another. 


    As an example, after a decently tough fight with a level 51 bandersnatch, Prompto follows up the battle with a statement: "生きてる! (I'm alive!)" to which Noctis responds with "おめでとう (Congratulations)."


    However, how they translated Noctis's response was "Enjoy it while you can." 

    I just... don't understand why they decided on that. I mean sure, congrats could be taken as subtle sarcasm, but "Enjoy it while you can" is nothing if not in-your-face mocking. 

    I have not played the game in English, but have they just completely revamped the personalities of the chocobros? Another reason for me to avoid the English voiceacting, because apparently the subtitles for the original Japanese voiceacting are the same as the English voiceacting.


    I would ever play it like that only because I've kinda grown fond of Ignis's English voiceacting and his superduper posh British accent. And also because "That's it! I've come up with a new recipe!" makes me giggle.

  8. 23 hours ago, suji said:


    your child can now sleep comfortably while mario jacks off from the bedroom window

    I was disappointed in the lack of an Italian accent. 

    What was the reason someone made that? Why would you want Mario singing to your kids, especially if it doesn't even sound like Mario. (I'm going off with the unlicensed Mario's Game Gallery that has the "Guess-a I'm-a going-a fishing!" line here, don't get your knickers in a twist, Mario fanboys)

  9. On 25/10/2017 at 11:34 AM, PsychoΔelica said:

    I feel like Klaha was better than Gackt if only for all the off-key singing, that makes me cringe. But I find his voice to be much more pleasant and impacting in general.  Such a waste...

    Klaha was a better singer, technically speaking.

    Also, kinda related: Does anyone still remember the days when Gackt could kinda sing? Like in Malisu and early solo? Because damn I tricked myself and my husband into watching his latest MV and the cringe was real. He sounds like a duck attempting opera.

  10. On 26/10/2017 at 4:19 PM, Aferni said:

     I hate it when people hit you with the whole "it's not you" it's me thing. Like tell me the truth so I know not to make the same mistake twice.  Sugar Coating stuff like that only makes things worse for people on the receiving end. But it's not like they really care when they're interested in something else so lol

    As someone who's had to actually break a relationship off with someone else thinking those words exactly I can confirm it's not that easy to tell them there was something wrong. Or the thing may be that there wasn't. When I broke up with my previous boyfriend I knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with him. He didn't treat me wrong and he couldn't have done anything differently. I feel like it's easier when there's actually something you can blame the whole break-up on. That they weren't attentive enough or that you yourself have to sort things out in your head. But when it's just that you've fallen in love with someone else just because they were a different kind of person entirely, what else can you say? "I'm breaking it off, but don't think there's anything wrong with you, you were perfect, but anyways, so long".



  11. Yo peeps. I wanted to talk about an issue that's very dear to my heart, and that's called planning a family, or a lack of it. Just like the title says.


    At my age, most women (and possibly also men) are, if not already totally at it, at least planning for their own family. You know. Husband, kids, golden retriever, stuff like that. Most women have silently agreed to have children, even if they don't particularly want them, just because society thinks they should.


    I stand at the other side of the whole concept: I don't want kids. Ever. I've been told ever since I was a tot that I'll change my mind and when I'm older I'll understand the need to have children. Bitch, I'm older now and still don't want any. In fact, I would gladly have my tubes tied into one hell of a knot to ever avoid even considering the idea that I might be with a child. The idea of pregnancy scares me. The idea of childbirth scares me. I don't like kids. I don't think babies are cute, not in the least. In fact, I believe children up to the age of 10 are, at best, a bore, and at worst, horrible spawns of satan I want nowhere  near me. And yet, medical specialists argue I'm too young (nearing 30 here) to decide if I want kids or not, so they won't perform a sterilisation. Yo, people can decide on a sex correction surgery once they turn 18 but I'm not old enough to know I hate kids and don't want any. And I'm not saying this to mock anyone or say that transgender people shouldn't have the option to do that, but just that both are a part of body autonomy that I think one should have the right to rule over after a certain age.


    Are there other people who feel the same way as I do? Ladies and gents who just don't want kids, no matter what? Or people who want them but can't have them? Tell me your thoughts and give us some peer support.

  12. Like many others in this thread, I suffer from a depression, but that's not what I would like to talk about this time.


    Recently, I stumbled upon a YouTube video explaining, that in some cases, picky eating is not just about a person being fussy, but it might actually be an actual mental illness, known both as selective eating disorder (SED for short) and food neophobia. The description of this pretty recently admitted mental illness entails things like physical incapability of trying new foods, gagging upon trying, or even upon thinking about trying new stuff and particularly selective, often childlike eating habits. 


    This has made me question my own so-called "fussiness". Because it's not like I don't want to try new things and eat healthier (my diet is stupidly one dimensional), because it would help me lose weight and not get so easily bored with just plain old salad, but I can't. I can not bring myself to eat certain things. Most of the time I've never even tasted them before, but the thought of them being gross is enough to scare me off of trying.


    Basically my biggest problem is cooked vegetables. I can't eat any of them, except potato. Fresh veggies are okay and I do like them, but anything cooked I just can't even bear to think. I've had an experience before where, out of politeness, I agreed to eat cauliflower caserole at a friends place, and while my mouth registered that it wasn't that bad, I had a bad physical reaction and just ended up gagging a lot while eating and trying to hide it because courtesy. That was a bad experience in itself, and I'd rather not repeat it. Thus, I avoid all cooked vegetables. Because I don't like throwing up or feeling the need to throw up.


    Unfortunately, SED or food neophobia is not a recognised mental illness in the UK, and has only been a recent addition to the list of mental illnesses in the US, so I have no idea how to tackle this. Note that just "try new things" is not a helpful advice, since my reaction to new foods is pretty much the same as arachnophobe's reaction to spiders. You can't make an arachnophobe just go and poke at spiders on their own, and you can't make a food neophobe just "try new things".


    Other than that, if anyone has any experience with said mental illness or knows any useful tactics to tackle it, I'd love to discuss with them. People needing support with similar symptoms also welcome to message me anytime they want. Dunno, just wanted to get this off my chest. It feels better to have an actual reason behind the "you're just a fussy eater" comments and weird looks that I get when I say I can't eat cooked veggies, and knowing it's not because I just don't want to try anything new for the sake of being picky is a huge weight off me.

  13. I have long since stopped trying to understand my musical taste. I have now gone from Finnish parody of Mulan's 'Make the man out of you' to 'We are number one but it's in Japanese' (which is, incidentally, done by a Finnish lady) to Touhou Project's 'Bad Apple' and honestly, all of them sound good to me. I mean... I guess there's a logical transition between all three, but still.

  14. Ugh. Negative-Nelly here again but honestly, guys...


    I know this thread has been on the forum for a good while now, and I didn't understand it when it was first posted and I don't understand it now. Do you guys seriously need a support group for not finding VK likeable anymore? Or what is this about? I'm about this full of people constantly whining about how "current VK bands aren't good" or "I've realised VK sucks" or "I've just moved on". (And by constantly I mean multiple times throughout years, not necessarily all the time every day. ) OK, that's great. Good for you. But do you need to be telling everyone else about it? Why do you feel the need to come amongst people, who most likely are still into that stuff, in some way or another, and just tell them that you're not that into it? Do you think anyone cares? 


    Damn this forum sometimes. Makes me wish there was a therapy moderator who'd just listen to people's whining so they wouldn't have to come on the forum to do that. 

  15. Almost at the end of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age and my feelings for Gideon Emery's (Balthier, in case someone familiar with the game doesn't know who I'm talking about) voice have been rekindled. Enough so that I went through looking for audiobooks read by him and realised I'd listen to just about anything if it was Gideon Emery. My greatest intrigue is definitely one book of historical romance from the perspective of a woman. I don't know whether that would be absolutely hilarious or potential explosion of libido. Maybe both? Do I want to try?


    In addition, I'm actually not saying no to Dorian (Dragon Age: Inquisition) reading fantasy books or Solas (same as previous one) reading H.P. Lovecraft.


    It's honestly the best feeling when your brain wants to associate these actors/their voices with a particular character, and then whatever happens in the book they read is from the perspective of that character. 


    Too much fangirl. Too little time.

  16. Sometimes I feel like minorities are causing their own racism/exclusion.


    Remind me to not bingewatch RuPaul's Drag Race anymore. Feelin' mah face muscles pulled into a painful cringe every time one of the minorities WITHIN a minority excludes themselves on purpose.

  17. On 18/07/2017 at 11:58 AM, Platy said:

    The 2nd picture has a huge improvement in proportions!

    Thank you so much for noticing! And commenting! Aw you, you're awesome.




    Here's some more.






    I have such a problem with this one. It's kind of my first perspective practise like... ever, and while the arm in the foreground worked miraculously well, the arm near the face... ehh... well, let's just say that I erased it and redrew it and erased it again and repositioned it like 4 times and it still looks like a melting candy corn. 


    I understand that it looks wrong but I somehow can not comprehend how to fix it. 


    I require halp.


    Please halp.


  18. On 02/07/2017 at 0:31 PM, ShTon said:

    My favorite is Qwuorg, because that's some good coloring. Also I like that angry look on Solas's face.

    Uwoooooo what is this a person what is it doing here thank you for coming tho. orz


    Angry Solas is angry. Maybe someone served him tea. 




    Annnnnywaays. Here's more awful artstuffs. Hope yall like.



    Here's a piece I call "No clothes is no excuse for a bad hair day":





    But as usual, I ended up hating this one. Started to notice mistakes immediately after I had finished drawing it and it looks nothing like I wanted it to. So, two days later (last night) I redrew the picture from scratch:





    Note that the time between these two pictures is about 2 nights. So which one do you think is better?


    I vote for the second one. Kinda feels like whenever I draw something, the first attempt is without an exception absolute pile of shit. And then, when I get more comfortable with the concept of my drawing, it suddenly gets better. I feel like I managed to capture better anatomy with the second one, and also a better angle, although the latter'd still need some work, but fudgesticks, I'm not good at angles.


    Pwease give advise my mighty masters.

  19. Went out with goggies.


    Wanted to find a safe path to the beach (vs descending an upright wall of rock).


    Stumbled on the way.


    Landed on my right hand.


    Booboo ensued.


    Hurt like something was broken for like an hour. Bathed in ice. Just the hand, not the whole bread. Now feels kinda better. No longer stings like someone's trying to rip my thumb off.


    But hey my little floof swam in a big sea! Now he's wet and not allowed on the bed. 

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