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  1. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from raspberrynilla in 己龍(Kiryu) will release their new single 「花鳥風月」   
    i hope they enjoyed their weekend break before they were sent back into the recording studio sweatshop
  2. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Depresso in 己龍(Kiryu) will release their new single 「花鳥風月」   
    i hope they enjoyed their weekend break before they were sent back into the recording studio sweatshop
  3. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from gret in 己龍(Kiryu) will release their new single 「花鳥風月」   
    i hope they enjoyed their weekend break before they were sent back into the recording studio sweatshop
  4. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    wow racist much?
  5. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from nullmoon in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    ''Objective decline in quality'' can't even be called an opinion anymore at this point if you take the amount of live houses, vk stores and publications that have shut down over the course of the last decade in Japan into consideration, not to mention the way in which the stream of notable acts & dedicated fandom events happening abroad have p much entirely dried up at this point other than the occasional bouts of Satsuki descending upon some poor Ukrainian village to spread his seed Genghis Khan-style or some local z-rate band of weebs dredged up out of the abyss to play at some derelict anime con. 
    I wasn't just talking about the quality of the music itself, the (foreign) scene as a whole is absolutely in much more of an anaemic state than it used to be back between, say, 2005 - 2010 or so, and that sorta shit inevitably does affect the music as well what's w/ musicians trying to cling onto whichever formulas still do work to bring in that drug money/pussy/anime op contract even if it means you end up w/ a scene that's nowadays comprised of  like 25 ''mystery bands'' playing the same tired style of metalcore & disbanding after their second single.
    To deny that any of that's been happening or even try to play it off as ''woooow stop being so elitist'' is just willful ignorance 
  6. Thanks
    Tokage got a reaction from saiko in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    forever lmaoing @ people who prolly weren't even there for the ''golden age'' of the scene acting as if things haven't objectively declined in quality and homogenized over the last decade
  7. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Miku70 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    forever lmaoing @ people who prolly weren't even there for the ''golden age'' of the scene acting as if things haven't objectively declined in quality and homogenized over the last decade
  8. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from suji in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    forever lmaoing @ people who prolly weren't even there for the ''golden age'' of the scene acting as if things haven't objectively declined in quality and homogenized over the last decade
  9. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to nekkichi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    this is such a wild statement to make regarding a scene that has a plenty of
     - bands that dropped putting in any resemblance of effort a single into a sell-out major contract (I'll use fucking an cafe for this to avoid the elitism punch)
    - bands that relied on outside producing help from people who left the music biz/passed away which let to an immediate drop in quality (see  - pierrot/ex-pierrot) - which on top of that regularly happens in literally every other music scene out there;
    - bands/members that understandably lose enthusiasm for creating anything at all in a scene sandwiched by tangible and narrow walls and piss off to grow organic lettuce;
    - bands that never were anything in the first place but the gya got the HottS  - and this is where bar for "elitism" drops to "minimally developed taste"
    - why "2010"
  10. Like
    Tokage reacted to Karma’s Hat in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    You can also go through my posting history where I like things both new and old ( or ask anyone on this board who’s been here for longer than two minutes since they ought to know me if not in person then through the chat and my presence here otherwise) despite mainting a very firm stance on when things were better; and in addition to this I refuse to placate to the people and their opinions who I wouldn’t even piss on if they were on fire, and I most likely wouldn’t have to do that since by the time I’d get there to piss on them, these people have moved on to some other scene to adopt a new identity for themselves.
  11. Yikes
    Tokage reacted to Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Butthurt people over a comment on the "unpopular opinions" thread, fancy that.
  12. Yikes
    Tokage reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I never understood that mentality. It’s not like suddenly everything went to shit after 2010 lmao
  13. Yikes
    Tokage reacted to Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Said every VK elitist who got stuck listening to moth-ridden bands yet is still active in the scene shitting on anything post 2010 that comes out lol
  14. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Kabukichoatmidnight in Dir en grey   
    i really wanna see the full PV now. that ending part must have some hella climactic shit going on 
  15. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Egnirys cimredopyh in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    I like the single and all but god DAMN. It really feels like they're unable to write a >6min track without inserting the obligatory heavy ''btw we are a metal band u guys ; )" bit at the halfway point
  16. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from LIDL in Dir en grey   
    Acoustic Dozing Green is G R E A T. Probably my favorite 'unplugged' they've done (not that there's all that many)
  17. Yikes
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in What are you reading?   
    Recently finished The Magus by John Fowles. Goddamn, the edition I read has to be one of the absolute worst printing jobs i've ever seen. Pages where the last letters of each word are cut off, random white spots in the middle of pages that make the letters unreadable, shitloads of intact typos, sentences where words are repeated ''like like this''... It's like they didn't bother proofreading the thing at all. Embarrassing. Novel itself was... alright. Couldn't get into it for the first hundred pages or so, then gradually began to warm up to it, then began to lose my interest in it again when the ending just kept dragging on
  18. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to EvilHippy in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
  19. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from kuyashii in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    acoustic dozing green sounds gud
  20. LOLOL
    Tokage reacted to blacktooth in DIR EN GREY announces new Blu-ray/DVD, single, JP, US and EU tour   
    Just think of all the things that can happen in 22 seconds. 
  21. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from spockitty in New Band Ashmaze. has formed   
    This entire thing feels like it was put together in a boardroom tbh
  22. 悲しい
    Tokage reacted to Milayou in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    Had to do a double take when I saw this one at the mall. I never found a 1:1 reference picture for it but it obviously takes very liberal inspiration from "No Pains No Gains" Mana

  23. Like
    Tokage reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in New Band Doukete Karasu (道化て鴉) has formed   
    道化て鴉 appears to have formed in August of 2019, and are from the Kyuushuu area of Japan. They just released their first music video "怖い譚" (Kowai Hanashi) a couple of days ago:
    Vocals: Takuya (twitter)
    Guitar: Rito (twitter)
    Bass: Raike (twitter)
    Support drums: Daru
    They will be playing at the Kyushu event "S.T.G PRESENTS 神世界創造 -白昼夢-"  on October 15th, at Fukuoka INSA, along side Kizu, Lucifer, and Chicktak
    (The MV kind of sounds like 9goats, no?)
  24. Like
  25. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from saiko in CHIC BOY new look + new member   
    honestly though i'm pretty sure that 2012 me would've loved these dudes
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