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  1. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from meat in How would you define Angura?   
    like this:
  2. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to sads123 in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    Its from 2019's FC membership gift; there's 1 CD (or 2) every year. Here's the link to its release:
    Here's the translation for the tracklist:
    1. Time Capsule (Original song for this release)
    2. Kimi to boku [cali gari - (2002.10.30) 舌先3分サイズ] 
    3. Kaminari ga saitara [FIGURE'71 - Live Limited CD] 
    4. Shitsuren planetarium [FIGURE'71 - (2005.09.14) 東京負け犬エレジー]
    5. Koibito wa ramune iro [FIGURE'71 - (2005.09.14) 東京負け犬エレジー]
    6. TOWN OF SIREN [Lab. The Basement - (2006.02.14) Town of Siren]
    Oh, its available for 9900yen for 2nd hand:
    I got mine for 5000yen at mandrake though :X
    You beat me to it!!!! XDDD
  3. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to Jigsaw9 in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    Managed to find the info in an old Trombe news thread, heh (songs listed are not in order but they are the same tracks).
  4. Interesting
    Tokage reacted to sads123 in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    cali gari's official website do feature their live-limited/buy A, B & C to get D/lucky-draw only (I'll elaborate on this later) CDs like:
    but they stopped updating since 2017 and its missing a few releases. I have my own list, which is by no means exhaustive:
    [2002.04.03] ただいま。enf disco dub MIX edit (live only)
    [2002.03.14] 極秘 (FC only; basically songs from a live gig)
    [2012.XX.XX] 初恋中毒 (Kenjiro Vocal Version); live only
    [2013.06.22] 『1』 (狂信盤); FC only 
    [2013.11.01] 『2』 (狂信盤); FC only
    [2014.02.01] Kenjiro instrumental track (buy 10000yen worth of kenjiro goods at a gig and you'll get it for free; see link below)
    [2014.02.01] 非金属の夜 (given out free at their live; recording of their live gig of the same title)
    [2014.03.16] 俺≠俺 (instrumental track; buy 10000yen worth of goods at a gig and you'll get it for free) 
    [2014.09.27] トゥナイトゥナイ ヤヤヤ (Demo version), given out free at their live
    [2015.11.07] みんなの発狂 (Demo version), given out free at their live
    [2017.09.02] マグロ-電車は急に止まれない篇-, given out free at their live
    [2017.09.09] 舌先3分サイズ ver.2.0, given out free at their live
    [2017.09.23] 青春狂騒曲 凌雲立志篇, given out free at their live
    [2018.03.14] 『3』, limited release 
    [2018.04.04] 『4』, limited release 
    [2018.09.11] オヤスミナサイ~2018新録, comes with preorder of concert DVD
    [2019.01.14] 二十五周年記念贈呈盤「0」, buy "14", get a coupon inside and exchange for the CD at "14" concerts
    [2019.06.23] ヘルニア (comes with 3000yen pamphlet)
    [2019.12.13] ある職業病への見解と、それに伴う不条理な事象とか” <椎間盤>
    [2019.12.23] Secret Demo (Lucky-draw only)
    I'm not including the live limited DVD releases (there's ALOT) and CDs that are sent to your address, as long as you are a FC member and re-recorded version of cali gari songs by Ao that he releases only at his birthday lives and collaboration with book releases (yes, its a thing. He did 2 so far, from what I know).
    You can find photos of some of the releases mentioned here:
  5. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I've been back at home for like 3 days and already feel like I've slipped back into the pit of depression & stress. LOVE it.
    At least there's the fact i'll have the opening of my first 'proper' long-term exhibition next week to look forward to.. it ain't much but it's still something
  6. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from LIDL in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    hint: think of the first letter in each of the band members' names... ; )
  7. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Cereal Killer 13 in 8P-SB 3rd album "richardland" release   
    i cant believe the absolute madman got ''see you at my anniversary performance in june'' tattooed on his back like a tramp stamp
    fucking amazing
  8. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    芸夢 translates to 'Y'all foreigners aint gettin this'
  9. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    wow racist much?
  10. I feel ya..
    Tokage got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Xa-Vat new mini-album “芸夢”   
    芸夢 translates to 'Y'all foreigners aint gettin this'
  11. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to Kiyoharu is God in TOKYO JIHEN returns   
    Releasing a new song today called 選ばれざる国民 (ERABAREZARU KOKUMIN) and have announced a tour.
  12. Like
  13. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to sleepy coffee in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    Man idk if I'm just dumb af but I've listened to TIW like 5 times and I still dont know any of the words I'd be able to sing along to it lmao
  14. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to saishuu in random thoughts thread   
    it's her Facebook and you have no business telling her what she should do? if it's bothering you, just don't look/block her, it's that simple
  15. Thanks
    Tokage got a reaction from GreatNorthernVK in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    Very bold of Kyo to think overseas fans know any of their music beyond Gauze
  16. Thanks
    Tokage got a reaction from saiko in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    Very bold of Kyo to think overseas fans know any of their music beyond Gauze
  17. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from nomemorial in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    Looking at the footage of that The World of Mercy performance it looks like Kyo got his foot tangled up in the mic's cable or something?
    cant believe dir en grey are a post-metal band now
  18. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from Ruri in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    here's a bunch (put 'em under spoiler tags just in case)
  19. LOVE!
    Tokage got a reaction from CAT5 in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    here's a bunch (put 'em under spoiler tags just in case)
  20. LOVE!
    Tokage reacted to ahnchc in THE GALLO best album "黒鶏学-GALLOXY-" (Kokkeigaku)   
    For those curious about where the poses are derived from:
    Nov - Killer Queen:
    Andy - Kars or potentially Shadow DIO:
    Kaede - Johnny
    I'm not sure about Wajow's pose, but JoJo is just doing Giorno's pose in the picture Ultra Silvam posted above.
  21. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Good shit:
    Last night I dreamt I was back in my hometown, wandering the streets at night by myself. I think I either managed to lock myself out of the house or lost my keys.. While wandering around I stumbled upon a couple of mildly strange things: First I stumbled upon this absolutely massive, extremely rickety looking slide someone'd apparently just decided to put up in the middle of a side street. It was as tall as a two-story building and  looked incredibly unsafe so I made as wide a circle as possible around it.
    I also vaguely remember seeing some kinda big leafless tree that seemed to either have security cameras embedded in it or had 'em growing from its branches butit was just kind of.. there.
    Next thing I remember I was at the complete opposite side of town, somewhere on the main street, having somehow gotten my hands on a bike in the meantime. I noticed that for some reason there were a whole bunch of small hooded figures wandering around a bit further ahead of me and I kinda just noped out of there and decided to go back into my own street.
    At this point things started to get really weird. As I got closer to my parents' place, some extremely disheveled looking, long-haired fat guy with meat hooks where his arms should be (up to the elbows) came at me outta nowhere and started attacking me. For some reason he was able to conjure up a mass of knives, nails, saw blades and general sharp objects out of the ground that would start homing in on people without stopping (like some weird shit outta JJBA).  At this point in the dream the sun had started to come up and people were already going about their business. From there on out the whole thing p much turned into me trying to somehow get away from that shit, assisted by some other people I happened to run into. I woke up before was any 'proper' conclusion unfortunately
    Another recent dream involved some weird retro-futuristic style health spa that had some ridiculous tennis court surrounded by a moat, a kid begging his mom to let him go into the piranha tank and people sitting in trees chucking walnuts at the heads of random passersby. Also a LOT of struggling with locker doors
  22. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    the plot twist? they're the same neighbors
  23. LOLOL
    Tokage got a reaction from nullmoon in random thoughts thread   
    the plot twist? they're the same neighbors
  24. I feel ya..
    Tokage reacted to Kabukichoatmidnight in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    This really should have been the single itself, WAYYYYYYYYYY better than Kuroi Ame, even the other B-Side is better than main single track. But yeah, got to admit considering this is the only song I actually liked that much on either version, feeling like I'll be skipping this release. Would have liked to check out the live footage but I'm not paying that ridiculous price for it, you can buy the 4th oneman DVD which is a whole set (as far as I can tell) for the same price.... So why would you pay the same price for just a few songs? Feels like a bit of a rip to me. lol.
  25. Like
    Tokage got a reaction from Furik in deadman to hold a oneman live in September 2019   
    imagine checking one of those setlists and seeing [new song] written on there..........................
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