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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. He's still performing. He's in a band called Matsutake Works together w/ Takken. They basically only seem to play tracks from Eiji's past discography, but they have no new songs as far as I know
  2. Tokage

    I was expecting Jesus Christ B & B...
  3. Eiji you old bitch, release something under Matsutake Works already!!!! also Codomo A revival (minus the douchebag drummer) when???
  4. wtf i didnt know there was a kuroyume tribute album that had yazzmad, speecies & vampilia on it

  5. Tokage

    Anyone have any thoughts on the new album yet now that it's been out for three days?
  6. Are y'all familiar with Decay FM? It's a web radio channel that focuses pretty much entirely on shoegaze/dreampop music from all over the world. Definitely worth keeping an eye on, as they play some cool shit from time to time! Check it out here . They sell their own merch as well. The blog Shoegazer Alive is also very useful to help one discover newer music within the genre. The blog doesn't SOLELY focus on shoegaze music (there's post-rock, post-punk and such as well, for instance) but there's a lot of cool and relatively unknown stuff to be found there. No direct dl links, just bandcamp shares. Check it out here! When The Sun Hits is another blog dedicated to promoting newer bands on the scene. They often share interviews, bandcamp links and such. Check it here! Another site that deals with shoegaze, post-rock and related artists from all over the world is Noise Artists. They share interviews, reviews, bandcamp links and other music-related articles. Check it here. Anyone else know any other cool sites like these? Don't hesitate to share!
  7. wow i love dir en grey in all seriousnes, i'm probably gonna check at least 1 of those 2 new albums out...
  8. the horse mask thing peaked w/ the japanese man cooking mushrooms vid tbh
  9. both @herpesand @DESTINYGUY0316just HAPPEN to turn 29 on the same day..... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................................

    1. Chi


      coincidence? I THINK NOT!

    2. DESTINYGUY0316
    3. herpes


      Gypsy magic 

  10. I'm gonna shill a couple of bands as well. Not all of them are necessarily recent discoveries, but still recommended listening. The Earth Earth These guys have apparently been around since 2010. I've only heard their album 'Dead Matador's Funeral,' but it's a pretty fucking good one! These guys also do the male/female vocals thing. They were on the cruyff in the bedroom tribute album if my memory serves me right. The band was still active on bandcamp as late as 2015, but beyond that I have no idea what these guys have been up to or whether they're even still together at all. Check them out here: https://theearthearth.bandcamp.com Oeil A shoegaze band from Tokyo, apparently already around since 2006 or so. According to their own description, their sound's just as much influenced by obvious names such as MBV as by the new wave / darkwave genres. They're a male/female duo. Check them out here: https://oeil.bandcamp.com/ Taffy A shoegaze and britpop-influenced band that sings in English. Their music has been distributed in both the UK and Europe through Club AC30, and (if the internet isn't lying to me) they've been featured in some form in NME apparently?? They're a recent discovery of mine, I quite dig them. I think they've only released two full-length albums and not much else otherwise, but I could be wrong. Their album Nyctophilia came out this year. Check them out here: Honeydip Yet another relatively recent discovery of mine. They're one of the more old-school Japanese shoegaze bands, having formed in 1996. They went on to change their name to Sugarcoat in 2002, but ended up splitting up the next year. They released at least 2 or 3 full-length albums before splitting up. Check them out here:
  11. Tokage

    what the f uck
  12. I dreamt that instead of releasing a new album, Dir en grey decided to release a series of one-track singles. One of the tracks was some sort of slow, brooding ballad w/ oriental vibes, but for the other ones they decided to adapt some sort of super trashy semi-pu.nk aesthetic & go for a sound that was like Jessica w/ harsh vocals thrown into the mix occasionally lmao

    1. WhirlingBlack


      extended version of the blossoming beelzebub on the shamisen. 

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      dir en grey 4 month consecutive concept single release


      10/17 - 霧

      11/17 - TRXSH x COMA x 君の...

      12/17 - schweinの椅子 (Cover of Merry covering Dir en Grey)

      01/18 - Egac

  13. hapy birtday boijijeeee

    1. Zeus


      T H A N K S  B O Y E

  14. Tokage

    So my landlord apparently passed away recently.. I actually find myself somehow feeling sad about it. He was a solid and friendly guy. Moreover, now there's the risk that I might end up without an apartment looming over me.. good stuff.
  15. Tokage

    This is a case where the cover version overshadows the original by a huge margin lol
  16. Tokage

    There's nothing wrong with covers if they do something interesting with the original or if they're done well, but the problem here (and also w/ the Plastic Tree cover album, those VK goes Disney cover albums from before, and several others) is just that half of these covers feel fucking soulless based on the samples, like the members are simply phoning it in. That one cover album MUCC released several years ago was VERY good on the whole. Lillies and Remains released a pretty damn good cover album a couple years back. That Japanese Loveless tribute album was pretty good. The Uchoten tribute album was solid. That one Michiro Endo tribute album was downright awesome. Those two covers Merry included as b-sides on their Gekisei single were brilliant too.. It's not like there's no such thing as a good cover / cover album. It can be done. In the case of this particular tribute album I'm simply left feeling like a lot of these bands either picked or were handed songs that just don't fit their style very well, or they just didn't care to try all that hard.
  17. Tokage

    2017 is the year of shitty tribute albums. MUCC's cover sounds n i c e though. Comforting Sounds 3.0 sounds good too. I don't mind the people in the box one either, but everything else does nothing for me. a crowd of rebellion's one sounds downright awful, Kiyoharu sounds like he was crying while they recorded this, and LM.C should have disbanded like half a decade ago already
  18. Tokage

    this WILL end in "WB found dead in LA"
  19. Tokage

    thats actually a good-ass band name though
  20. Tokage

    they could just pull a D.I.D. and recycle Kyouka's old material t b h
  21. its friday night sweaty!!!

  22. Tokage

    aint no fuckin way u gonna get me to watch some nearly 4 hours long bollywood film fam
  23. Tokage

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 fucking rips, I love the aesthetic and vibe of the whole film. Very maximalist and over the top, especially compared to the relatively gritty and raw original, but I still think it's great.
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