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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. still cant believe i had a fucking MULLET in the 90s....

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Post a pic of it in the Show Yourslf thread :DD

  2. Tokage

    This weekend I watched... Stung: Well, I'll honestly admit right at the start that the whole ''oh no, giant versions of regular earth creatures!'' subgenre of horror has never really been my thing, but this movie was a pretty okay way to kill the time. They could've gone WAY overboard with the CGI-creature stuff, but they actually managed to strike a pretty fine balance between practical effects and computer effects. That one wasp pulling off a Wilhelm scream as it burned to death killed me though, that was so fucking dumb. Honestly, if I actually saw this at the film festival it was playing at over here I'd probably have been disappointed overall, but yeah.. Not the worst. Just not something I'll remember a month from now, probably. Friday the 13th II: Actually the [spoilers]first[/spoilers] part of the franchise I've watched. Don't ask me why, I don't know either. Totally a by-the-numbers slasher flick, but hell, it's a classic, and it's fun. I'm not even sure if the ''standard slasher formula'' had totally developed yet at this point, honestly.. The movie delivers some pretty damn nice eye candy too. I actually think it's sort of sad they ditched the whole ''burlap sack'' look for Jason in future installments, as it was pretty cool in its own way...
  3. Tokage

  4. yeah, i was always under the impression that Urbangarde was basically ''sweaty NEET otaku''-tier in terms of audience, not some super popular thing lol anyway i would like to see both of those bands live...
  5. Tokage

    im that boy who always eats dessert first
  6. Norwegian Wood is like literally Murakami's most ''normal'' and boring work, tbh... His other novels like ''Kafka on the Shore'' or ''The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle'' are a lot more interesting. I've read about 3 or 4 novels by Ryu Murakami, so far the only one i've REALLY liked was ''Coin Locker Babies.'' Felt like a Shion Sono film in book form or something.. Good stuff. I managed to finish ''In The Miso Soup'' and ''Piercing'' in like 1 sitting as well, really quick reads, but at the same time... I was left wanting more after I was done, not quite feeling satisfied. Also read several novels by Kobo Abe, but so far I like the concepts of his novels more than the actual novels themselves.. I dunno why that is, could have something to do with the translation or something like that..
  7. Tokage

    Goosebumps was so fucking cheesy holy shit disclaimer i mean the 90s franchise not that thing with jack black
  8. so is that new hollowgram mini better than the last one or not???

  9. Tokage

    Oh hey, that reminds me, I've got Stung on my HD as well, guess I'll give it a spin over the weekend
  10. Tokage

    I wish Gackt would accidentally stand too close to a candle and have half his face melt off
  11. what if sukekiyo did the superbowl half-time show?

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Oh God both of them would be awesome!!

    2. yakihiko


      a lot of people would turn off

    3. Spectralion


      They'll throw things at them

    4. Show next comments  345 more
  12. Tokage

    it's 2016 and everyone who manages to listen to goatbed's ''Johnny Ride'' without at LEAST tapping one of their feet should be thrown in jail
  13. TANUKI RUMORS: Mana is rumored to cry while watching porn. ''But only during the emotional parts,'' one anonymous bangya says

    1. JRD


      You should make a thread for this. Would be the best thread on the whole forum imo.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      When is the emotional part?

  14. TANUKI RUMORS: Kamijo recently purchased a monster truck & wont stop popping sick wheelies and thats why Versailles reformed

    1. Chi


      there is enough proof out there that confirms this rumor!

    2. violetchain


      Can't see his face, but a user posted a pic of someone driving a monster truck with the same keychain as Kamijo. Must be legit.

    3. emmny


      apparently he also fucked the monster truck and is on the new episode of my strange addiction on tlc stay tuned kids

  15. Tokage

    I honestly don't know how the fuck they manage to do it, but they're like the one band associated with that whole '90s nu-metal/alt-metal thing that didn't fall off the bandwagon and managed to stay fresh throughout their career...
  16. Tokage

  17. I don't like this sample as much as BELIAL... still sounds aight tho
  18. Tokage

    One band with absolutely HORRIBLE lyrics is D, in my opinion.. They're so fucking cheesy in a bad way, i can't deal with it also i sort of am getting sick of the ''blooming like a flower'' metaphor japanese bands LOVE to use...
  19. Tokage

    Someone on Tanuki posted that Yoshiki is going to give me 50% of his money for my birthday
  20. idk why, but im feeling KEEL a lot more on that Float of R'lyeh album than on their other 2 releases so far

    1. Jigsaw9


      it's dat #dank #livesound bro

    2. Tokage


      its weird cuz normally i fucking hate live albums

    3. YuyoDrift
  21. Tokage

    Last time I tried to torrent House of the Devil i spent like several days waiting for it to make some progress, but it never did... so i sort of gave up. Guess i'll have to retry at some point if/when torrents will start working for me again at the library.. So today I decided to rewatch Suspiria... Well, what can I say about that one? Classic. Love the atmosphere, the stylish as hell visuals, the use of color... Great stuff.
  22. Eddy Wally... No............................

    1. herpes


      Mijn oma is devastated.

  23. Tokage

    Cant wait to hear Pink Killer (Jazz-Funk Mix) as the new single b-side
  24. ''We don't give a shit about going major but wahhhhh we're not allowed to perform at Budokan : ((((( buy our singles''
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