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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    fucking kill me
  2. ^they were total garbage lmao you missed nothing
  3. Fair to Midland was actually damn tight...

  4. Tokage

    bring back amber gris....... bring back............ the boys............
  5. Tokage

    this is what happens when you're stuck in a scene focused entirely on making fangirls want that colorful rainbow dick tbh
  6. Tokage

    n i c e sad that they didnt manage to top their previous mini's title tho lmao
  7. Tokage

    [listens to folk punk once]
  8. Tokage

    i grew up with that good boy Samson & his homeboy Gert too ; )))
  9. Tokage

    [cheap immature ''the poop'' joke goes here] but yeah, seconding that opinion, if that's the actual music, I might end up being disappointed as well, considering how they're coupled with The Novembers now and all.
  10. Tokage

    I started watching the first season of True Detective at the beginning of November, now that it's December I'm somehow still not finished. Why do I always take series so fucking slow? It's only 8 episodes too, god damn it, and I only have 2 episodes left to go. Maybe I just don't want it to end.. :^)
  11. Tokage

    im already in the ring im ready
  12. Tokage

    i agree w/ Bear, however, if any of you punk-ass motherfuckers dares to even say anything remotely bad about MY favs, i will DESTROY YOU IN MORTAL KOMBAT
  13. its been like 10 million years and i still dont get the hype behind AvelCain..... have i just been listening to the wrong stuff? do they have any ''must hear'' releases out?

    1. emmny


      their s/t album is stupid good. like STUPID good.

    2. peffy


      I'm not a huge fan of them. They're OK. Mostly I don't like the drumming, but I believe they just got a new drummer so maybe that will improve. Bottom line is, don't believe the hype. Everyone has different taste. Just listen to whatever you think is good. Don't force yourself to like a band just because they're popular.

    3. plastic_rainbow


      At first I thought they were just okay too, but I got more into them after seeing them live. I like their ID and Hebi to ubume release.

    4. Show next comments  360 more
  14. just discovered there's a shitload of translated Onmyoza lyrics on lyricwiki, sweet

  15. Tokage

    Klonoa 1, damn, that was a good franchise, shame it died (
  16. when will america finally let us see the first visual kei musicians on Sesame Street..

  17. Tokage

    when vk vocalists do ''the kermit''
  18. Tokage

    (bride & groom on indefinite hiatus due to musical differences)
  19. what the FUCK are bicycles?

    1. Biopanda


      what are the FUCK bicycles?

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      what the BI are fuckcycles?

    3. -NOVA-


      omg the comments lol

    4. Show next comments  360 more
  20. ''graphic design is my passion''
  21. Tokage

    plz gib me a ride 2 tallinn tbh :^)
  22. Tokage

    if i see 1 more post about adele on my facebook feed i'm gonna roll into the fucking river
  23. Tokage

    can't believe that the secret to fixing my internet was simply ''plug that sim card into a different phone bro'' god damn it whew
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