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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    ''Something deep and emo'' is basically a PERFECT ironic name for a deep & emo band too
  2. From what I've heard by them, these guys are pretty consistently solid, so I'm interested...
  3. Tokage

    ''once u pop u cant stop (delaying the recording sessions 4 ur new album)'' - yoshiki
  4. basically just about every band i used to listen to back when i only recently got into japanese music... But the biggest example probably has to be MUCC. They were just about my favorite band at some point, but nowadays whenever I hear something by them I just feelall... meh.
  5. Tokage

    Liza, a rókatündér: Basically what you would get if Wes Anderson was a Hungarian weeaboo, and I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way. While I do think the movie was sort of trying a bit TOO hard to be quirky at some points, it was still pretty damn entertaining. It's aout a woman whose prospective romantic partners keep ending up dead in ridiculous ways due to the influence of an evil kitsune (who spends most of the film looking like some type of Showa-era jpop singer)
  6. Tokage

    Rewatched The Thing (1982 ver.) today, it's been like half a decade at least since i last watched it, but it's still as fucking awesome as ever. Really nailed the whole ''oppressive frozen wasteland'' atmosphere. Great creature effects too, of course...
  7. Tokage

    goddamn i love some of the lyrics for Future of the Left's ''Robocop 4 - Fuck Off Robocop'' ... too bad the actual song itself aint the best on its album, but that line about billy corgan ...
  8. Tokage

    [whispers in ur ear] quo vadis baby.....
  9. lmao its still weird how the worst song on DEZERT's new album is also the longest one

  10. Tokage

    Ooh, I gotta give Manborg a spin as well. What's bad about Father's Day, exactly? Today I watched Phenomena. Pretty good stuff, as usual with Argento. The effects used for the deformed child were kiiiiiind of lame though, guess they just aged badly. Also, hell yeah, that themesong is SWEET. One other downside was that the version I downloaded had some issues.. The audio track would sometimes randomly switch from the original audio track to a spanish dub for like a minute or so before jumping back again. Weird.
  11. Here's some more, first one's from the city I grew up in, actually. Saw them live once, they're alright. Second one's actually from belgium lol oh well, close enough
  12. Here's some tight post-punky and new wavey shit from the Netherlands:
  13. Tokage

    currently discovering a bunch of dutch post-punk/new wave acts and im quite satisfied w/ what i'm finding : )))))))))))))))))))))
  14. Tokage

    Watched The Editor just now and... hell, i was entertained. The (i'm guessing) intentionally bad acting, the female eyecandy, the gore, stylish visuals, the dumb jokes. Nice giallo tribute/parody. Dat soundtrack too, love those dark synths. Guess I need to watch Father's Day by the same directors as well, hopefully it's equally entertaining.
  15. Tokage

    The Sour Milk Dads Genre: Noise rock
  16. All new songs? bro.... yea.... also LOVING that faux-retro aesthetic
  17. Tokage

    thats exactly what gaming in space feels like
  18. lmaooo that's some Maria Cross-tier audience there
  19. Tokage

    that blonde dude next to danchou kind of looks like a vk'd up Narasaki from COTD lmao
  20. Tokage

    i think it's more like someone's trying to put some kinda pipe there but at this point i honestly don't know anymore, last week the same guy was out there drilling and hammering for like an hour and the end result was that the toilet paper holder thingy was moved like 10 cm to the left.....
  21. Tokage

    update: hole in the toilet floor disappeared, now there's a hole in the ceiling instead?????????????????????????????
  22. Tokage

    THERE'S A HOLE IN MY TOILET FLOOR???? and its not the toilet
  23. no u dont get it, they're intentionally tryin to recreate not just that early 2000's low-budget music but also the videos, look forward to upcoming Gossip pvs literally looking like
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