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Tokage last won the day on February 5

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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. Anyone here ever got a headache / hurt their ears listening to VK? Not talking 'lol bad music hurrrr' here, I'm talking like 'music causing actual physical discomfort'. For me one band that seems to cause it is 12012 with their earliest material. Something about the production on their older releases just makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe it's that weird tin can-like filter over the vocals.

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    2. saishuu


      geez, I remember listening to 12012's "gallows" the first time it came out and it was PAINFUL. I love the song, but listening to it in a reasonably mild volume is still too much. The other songs from those mini-albums were all the same too.

    3. Spectralion


      BPRecord always put their release's volume at 13 on scale of 10


      I need to make different playlist when I'd like to listen to Kiryu and co.



    4. Tokage


      Honorable mention also goes out to Dir en grey's Pink Killer, with that one I'm reasonably sure it's all in the drums.


      @reminiscing2004 decided to check out some other UC-produced bands, noticed that Codomo A also has it... thing is, they don't have it with every release, so i can't tell if it's just a case of shitty rips or actual bad production.


      I remember back when I first started listening to VK, Anti-Feminism's music used to give me a headache as well... Dunno if it's still the case, i haven't listened to them in ages lol

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