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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. So I was flipping through some old VK mags my girlfriend gave me and this poster was tucked away in one of them. http://i.imgur.com/rqxZIyQ.jpg I want to put it on my wall so I can be like "No MOM I'm not gay it's called art GOSH!"

  2. lol @ ryoga holding his phone for one song because he needed to read the lyrics. but the concert was really amazing

  3. I so love strawberry pocky's and panda cookies omfg <3

  4. the doremidan THEY don't want you to know! http://youtu.be/uW9VDgmg7LE

  5. remeber girls to flash them your melons, to show them your happy they came to you. like Shakira said so wonderfully "Act like you mean it."

  6. Just got a pay cut of $6600 a year. FML so hard rn.

  7. lol I can't sleep because of Lycaon x BORN next week I'm too excited.. Although there're still 7 days left D:

  8. i think i wanna new name...

  9. Paypal is pretty fucking stupid :'D I copied and pasted someone's email in to send a payment and double-checked it and the payment somehow got sent to a random person who bought from RarezHut a few months ago. SMH so hard right now.

  10. Lost an auction for an ultra rare second tape from UNDEAD+SERAPH because I overslept. Feels so bad, man :<

  11. Lost an auction for an ultra rare second tape from UNDEAD+SERAPH because I overslept. Feels so bad, man :<

  12. Lost an auction for an ultra rare second tape from UNDEAD+SERAPH because I overslept. Feels so bad, man :<

  13. Survived my first week at a completely different school. Go me? :'D

  14. avelcain and lycaons boys only live today, yay

  15. happy World Cat Day, Cat! :D

  16. FLY!!!!!! i start a new diet of 悪女??微笑 and dahlia listen like other fans but laced in sick, the sun goes down i party now (x2) ...... count your fucking eargasms.... close your eyes pray for songs........ so clap your hand to the sound of Lycaon playing now, watch the doll come alive, sex will stand where boredness once stood!!!

  17. How can I lose weight when next to me are strudels that smells so irresistibly attractive. jesus fucking chriiiiiiist whyyyyyy

  18. Neverland gives me Kra vibes but the two sound nothing alike so what drugs am I on??


  20. Wohoo I'm yellow.

  21. So I was browsing through an old Cure mag and well... http://i.imgur.com/sjTq8gH.jpg I ship it.

  22. So I was browsing through an old Cure mag and well... http://i.imgur.com/sjTq8gH.jpg I ship it.

  23. fucking up this semester dropped almost all my classes and failed the last one u__u

  24. today i did some waifu stuff, cleaning and shit, and now it's time for a cold beer. feels good.

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