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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. 72 and counting...

  2. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  3. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  4. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  5. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  6. http://i.imgur.com/HJKWoTk.jpg Picture of the RarezHut headquarters?
  7. I tried watching ATOT on netflix but Eren is so annoying and made me stop also when does it get good?

  8. The future of VK
  9. ゆ???? is a super awesome detective and caught jack the ripper~ Gotta rewrite those history books now.

  10. jfglsgjbsdkfj My friend is going to the My bacteria heat island one man on 7/13 and it going to get me their shirt and stuff fhbgskdfhgs gonna rep that shirt forever.

  11. It's funny how all of my musically knowledgeable friends can see the depth in and appreciate music that some would perceive to be shallow and generic, and are quickly judged by pretentious music fans who know little to nothing about music and who disregard anything that isn't uber technical or blatantly "unique" lol.

  12. Video from the latest MH meetup is finally online!

  13. WE'RE LATE NIGHT PLUGGIN' AGAIN! http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  14. i need more sex-android in my life.

  15. Anybody learn anything while the forum was down? I realized I can use hairspray to freshen up the scent of my favorite shirt when it starts to stink.

  16. yo...has there ever been any ska in VK?

  17. Holy crap! Matsutake Works finally announced their first live! I was pretty sure Eiji was just trolling and the band was going to do nothing :x

  18. so are cheki like vk magic the gathering cards or

  19. Idea: next time when we're plugging, we should have a last.fm top tracks night! :3 A night when everybody is only allowed to play their last.fm top tracks starting from the first one.

  20. Hold onto your butts, everyone! A new update is finally live on www.rarezhut.net!

  21. Hold onto your butts, everyone! A new update is finally live on www.rarezhut.net!

  22. Hold onto your butts, everyone! A new update is finally live on www.rarezhut.net!

  23. Moms are the best ;___; It's almost 4AM, mom just came home (from a pub & she's a bit tipsy) and we're having some really deep conversations, and now she decided that we have to make pizza.

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