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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. Twas an enjoyable day I spent with you guys.

  2. Using Wanikani to learn more nihongo no tango and it gave me this example sentence: "私が彼に、何かセクシーな言葉を耳打ちしてというと、彼は「テープやCDは好きかい?」と囁いてくれた。" --> "I told him to whisper something sexy in my ear and he said, "Do you like tapes and CDs?""

  3. Akward moment when Blitz vocalist told me "I know you from somewhere"

  4. Currently working on updating the RarezHut theme. We got a totally awesome new logo that was made by ender-ender and I decided to not use the default store software theme lol

  5. Currently working on updating the RarezHut theme. We got a totally awesome new logo that was made by ender-ender and I decided to not use the default store software theme lol

  6. Nothing quite like the feeling of buying a random old VK tape and finding out it was a female VK band *_*

  7. OMFG, FUCK PURESOUND JSAKDJKSLAJ Immedieatly sold out of H.u.V CDs! Why can't they just like give us foreigners an account we can use to buy shit for all fairness.

  8. I've been trying to stay away from everyone because I keep snapping and being bitchy for no reason :/

  9. Forty hours later and Kisaki is still following me. I wonder about his purposes.

  10. T.T Tears of Joy. Completed a few CD Discographies today.

  11. Someone at work asked them to send two Japanese songs just to hear what it sounds like. *sweats nervously*

  12. It's been like 3/4 years since DWP and Panic went into an "indefinite hiatus" and my interest in VK started to diminish since then. Never would I thought I would find a band that I would love as much as them until now T.T

  13. Started my birthday off with a shot of vodka xD

  14. I think my CD buying addiction is back :/

  15. OMFG I swear to god if I see another "BLACK KID KILLED/SHOT BY EVIL COPS" post on tumblr, I'm gonna explode. Reblogging this shit does not help. AT ALL. All it does is spread bullshit propoganda. Allows ppl to feel self-gratification for thinking they're really helping. And most importantly, it keeps ppl trapped in their delusional paradigms and belief-systems.

  16. Irokui spam is done lol


  18. DIR EN GREY ARCHE @__@

  19. DIR EN GREY ARCHE @__@

  20. Great...now I like born...I wonder who's fault that is...

  21. Great my period decided it wanted to come I hate you -__-

  22. Rovio shut down their Tampere office. RIP the last thing Finland was known for in the world :'(

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