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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

  2. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

  3. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

  4. I have been a member in MH for 300 days now and I've been online approximately 4.83 hours every day. Oh god.

  5. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  6. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  7. All my stuff came in!! I wish I could read Japanese, I'd LOVE to translate all these SHOXX 260 interviews. R指定, Plastic Tree, DIAURA... ugh

  8. Oh fuck!! Demon Android's on JPopsuki lol.

  9. Totally regret selling all my visual kei CDs 4 years ago. It's taking forever to rebuild my collection T__T

  10. Watching nazi porn with MH members. #yolo

  11. Totally regret selling all my visual kei CDs 4 years ago. It's taking forever to rebuild my collection T__T

  12. For Dir en Grey's new album, should I preorder the 90$, 80$ or 30$ one? Damn. They love raping my wallet.

  13. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  14. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  15. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  16. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

  17. Biting my tongue so hard right now ;/

  18. i have internet at home again.

  19. aaaaaand i'm back! 4 days of boozing and gazillions of chemical plants are now over!

  20. http://i.imgur.com/Q06DnyS.jpg Tani with cleavage?? What is life.
  21. http://i.imgur.com/Q06DnyS.jpg Tani with cleavage?? What is life.
  22. Is this racist? I don't even know anymore. What the fuck VK bands.
  23. Just booked my flights for Chicago and Helsinki this December. Woop woop.

  24. So I was flipping through some old VK mags my girlfriend gave me and this poster was tucked away in one of them. http://i.imgur.com/rqxZIyQ.jpg I want to put it on my wall so I can be like "No MOM I'm not gay it's called art GOSH!"

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