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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. Do anybody know any of these bands? nano Mother ted / DICTATOR CIRCUS / ISDEAD / NAINE / Ms.LIAR / sForzato... I want to see La'veil mizeria (at this live) but i dont wanna pay 3000 jpy for one band so i wanna know if any other of them are good ;(

  2. Do anybody know any of these bands? nano Mother ted / DICTATOR CIRCUS / ISDEAD / NAINE / Ms.LIAR / sForzato... I want to see La'veil mizeria (at this live) but i dont wanna pay 3000 jpy for one band so i wanna know if any other of them are good ;(

  3. All I hear is 'Dance My Generation' coming from my roommate's room.

  4. Whats the best position to record a bootleg of a show?

  5. Whats the best position to record a bootleg of a show?

  6. All I hear is 'Dance My Generation' coming from my roommate's room.

  7. Six orders through my store and it's only been one day @_@ You guys are awesome.

  8. Six orders through my store and it's only been one day @_@ You guys are awesome.

  9. I uploaded Teddy's live DVD if anyone is interested

  10. Some day I want to finally meet the legend in person.

  11. do anyone know any small live houses in shibuya? i wanna go check some bands out but i can only think of shibuya star lounge..

  12. why are all the status updates about anime

  13. Biopanda is gay for my inner man, arite fellas.

  14. Finally after 5 years I got AILE's Eternal Love PV!!! Also managed to snag Somatic Guardian's Best Album as well. It almost kinda makes up for not being able to get vier la drain mini-album.

  15. With TT.fm slowly turning into shit, maybe it's time to give mumu.io another chance? Less functions and no shiny interface, but at least it still allows user uploads...

  16. "To get your tracks into Turntable, upload them to SoundCloud and then search for them here. This will allow anyone to find and play your music."....Just when I thought tt.fm couldn't get any worse...

  17. Do I continue studying for this exam or do I just give up and go make a sandwich?

  18. What's the fox say? Reding ding ding dingeding

  19. dear mucc, can you please just disband for the sake of everyones ears

  20. Eiji made a blog post a few days ago..and it was about Amano. This is the first time Eiji blogged in almost two years ;< http://ameblo.jp/sandwich120/entry-11600787981.html

  21. Really effin' tempted to order ying&yang right now but it'd cost me quite some, and it's either GOATBED or a new phone. Help.

  22. This is awful. For the past two months I have been all about ordering CDs all the time. Goodbye money. ;___; hi money, bye money -day now

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