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Status Replies posted by Biopanda

  1. http://www.niicmusic.com/ this is fuckign horrifying kill it kill it
  2. Biopanda and Caran are approaching the magic 100 days online time. Who will reach it first? What will happen when they do? Will the forum implode?

  3. Would anyone be interested in a bit of TT tonight? :)

  4. I'm getting promoted at work!!!

  5. I've given up on understanding straight girls *sighs*

  6. I am in dire need of a facial.

  7. DAMN it feels good 2 b a LIZARD

  8. I'm going to expose my gf to the GazettE tonight. Let's see how this goes...


  10. Srsly there's not an One Direction topic?:(

  11. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  12. Ok, maybe I'm not in love afterall, I thought I was this time...

  13. So...I'm in Love. With, like, an actual human being...and...it's mutual

  14. Just saw someone using the term "デスコア系" is this a thing in Japan? lol

  15. I know I probably shouldn't be freaking out when the package tracking doesn't update for a whole day, but I really thought it would have arrived today ;w;

  16. Just got my Charge 2 request from FromJapan. I think I set a new record :'D That being said, I'm poor now lol

  17. Just got my Charge 2 request from FromJapan. I think I set a new record :'D That being said, I'm poor now lol

  18. Just got my Charge 2 request from FromJapan. I think I set a new record :'D That being said, I'm poor now lol

  19. rumors on 2ch say grieva are disbanding soon :/

  20. team "we miss onshuu as much as u miss demon android"

  21. I need a prescription for the D.

  22. willing 2 give head 4 GAUZES album

  23. There are people who are offended by everything and then there are people who think everyone's offended by everything. For all goodness' sake people.

  24. Well True Cry got shared. Really wished it didn't though.

  25. My signature is NOT unplesant. How many VK MVs have nasty things inside of it and deemed coolz? yes, tons. Man up. :>

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