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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. I love these. If those are two guys about to kiss in the still for the second video, even better. I'd love to watch them live here in Fortaleza if they ever come around Nordeste again. Thanks for the recommendations!
  2. @CAT5: I'm not too familiar with Joanna, but that song was great indeed! Will check out her new album for sure. @pedro217: I never stopped to think there might be Brazilian shoegaze bands lol but that song was actually rather pleasant. I'm in a rare mood of going after new Brazilian music to listen to (Maglore, although nothing new or groudbreaking, has been putting me in a good mood lately), so I'll give some other songs from Lupe de Lupe a shot.
  3. saishuu

    At least there was some hype surrounding vampires worldwide at the time they were doing it, so it seemed like a viable marketing move, albeit a lame one. But this? They are practically a gimmick and joke band at this point.
  4. saishuu

    ^ I really, really dislike this song for some reason. To the point I don't think I ever hear it again. lol I listened to a LQ rip a while ago and watching the video now only made it worse. To go from RITC/PCU, which was thoroughly great, to this...
  5. lmao and I thought cinema staff couldn't get any poppier

    this sound like a sappy Remioromen song, ugh
    1. CAT5


      This is a joke, right?

    2. doombox


      Wooooow. It's like they didn't even try.

  6. saishuu

    Seems like I missed this news too. Had no idea they were releasing something new and just found out about it now reading a news piece over at Natalie. Curious to hear the new version of AIMAI VISION. Listening to it now and it's pretty poppy and fits right into their current style, so no worries from me. I could swear they'd already release it prior to this too. lol
  7. Regarding Perfume, it depends. Both GAME and Triangle are good places to start imo depending on your musical taste: if you're more prone to enjoy "cute" and slightly poppier music, I'd go with GAME. However, if you want to go with a more mature album as far as the electro elements go, I'd go with Triangle for sure. I enjoy GAME a little more myself because it has better stand-alone songs if compared to Triangle (which, however, has the best singles).
  8. saishuu

    :'') that video the moment where everyone sings along ugh please just reform under a different name
  9. oops, I completely forgot about ammonite and Ink too lol hell, even Chandelier was good, although I wasn't a big fan of it when it came out. As far as albums go, though, Pura's been really solid for at least a decade now imo. Utsusemi and Donna Donna are my personal favorites and what I consider their second peak creatively, but I like all the others almost the same.
  10. I've become more and more of a lazy explorer over the years. I used to spend days just searching for new music up until a few years ago, but now that urge only comes up sometimes over the course of a year, mostly because I used to spend a long time downloading tons of new stuff and never heard 1/4 of it and just settled with the fact that I don't have the time and will to just go listening to everything that I can find. I no longer stick to a single scene (like I did with visual kei when I was younger), so I can't really go deep into something and just go trying out new stuff that easily too, if that makes sense. These days, I mainly stick with MH, YouTube, Last.fm (similar artists, etc) and friends recommendations or random music that pops up on my Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr timeline. I still do wish I had an easier time discovering new music. I can never let go of that feeling that I'm always missing out on some great stuff. lol
  11. saishuu

    Nice to see that a big crowd showed up. Ugh I'm gonna miss these guys so much. ):
  12. ^ you do. Utsusemi, Nega to Poji and Donna Donna are great albums. I hope this is good! Pura has always been an album band for me, so hopefully they stick to this trend.
  13. I don't do either, but D'espa is an exception to this and I second CAT5's recommendation 100%. There's more to their music other than just dark/heavy. "MIRROR" could be a good place to start too (although some people dislike it) as it's slightly less heavy than "Coll:set".
  14. saishuu

    It's weird how Passepied was all people could talk about just a while ago and now their hype has completely died down (with western fans at least), even though they're still putting out quality music. @herpes didn't know about CQ, but that song is so good, omg
  15. saishuu

    reform please
  16. saishuu

    I like both MUCC and SID, although I feel both have been releasing a lot of unmemorable stuff these past few years. I think If I consider how much I liked both at their peak, I'd vote for SID. But judging by longevity and current musical qualities, my vote has to go to MUCC. Also they have this performance, which is one of my favorites ever. As far as the other band goes, I like girugamesh a little bit, so my vote also goes to them. I don't care about the others.
  17. Oops, I completely missed this post. Sorry Trombe and mods!
  18. アルカラ (Arukara) will release their 8th album, 「ちぎれろ」 (Chigirero), on 10/21. 01. 消えたピエロと涙 02. やるかやるかやるかだ 03. 水曜日のマネキンは笑う 04. トロピカルおばあちゃん~ばーばばばぁ~ 05. 迷宮レストラン 06. さよならハッタリくん 07. サイケデリンジャー2 08. オーケストラは眠る
  19. I'm obviously biased as hell in saying this, but the amount of people in this thread who've never listened to B'z makes me sad. Everyone's missing out on the best (male) vocalist and some of the best and most fun performances I've ever seen from Japan.
  20. So far so good. The videos and the song are gorgeous. Can't wait to hear the rest!
  21. Hmm, I never really thought about this. Voted on 'articles that aren't reviews etc' and 'no other ideas' because 1) more variety in the content is always welcome (reviews are not always the best format to discuss music imo, so having something else would be good) and 2) I can't really give any new ideas on to how upgrade it. the current format hasn't really bothered me. I'd appreaciate some fresh stuff from the team though.
  22. their latest single (both songs) literally made me a happier person. I'm so glad they seem to be back for good. <3
  23. saishuu

    não sei se é porque tô acostumado, mas acho o fórum como um todo até bem movimentado. lol
  24. Listened to the leak a few days ago and it sounds great, as usual!
  25. saishuu

    Is that a new version of Lament, from their first single? If it is, it sounds completely reworked. Anyway, I actually really, really like the samples. Ryuga sounds great. Looking forward to this!
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