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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    lmao I've just been asked to give an one hour lecture at my university. people are clueless
  2. Same. I already got used to the fact that Yumi is just going to churn out anisongs most of the time. I think at this point I like her voice and musical style more than what she releases itself if that makes sense, no matter how pop and far from school food punishment's golden years it is.
  3. lmao incredible. Tenten never disappoints.
  4. saishuu

    ^^ thar guitar riff in the beginning screams PIERROT too. lol but yeah, I've always got the same vibe from them. I hope they don't reach their FREEZE phase any time soon.
  5. saishuu

    from Under sounds exactly like when VK started to transition from that traditional 90's sound to a fresh one in early 00's where bands gave up their looks and started wearing suits most of the time. Amazing.
  6. saishuu

    No one looks as good and polished as these guys in modern VK. No one. Their guitarist looks stunning. That kote-kei look <3 Song sounds great too, as usual with them.
  7. Fluent in both Portuguese and English. Still trying to get myself to stop being lazy and start learning a third language already (probably Italian).
  8. Indie band イツエ (Itsue) announced today that they're going to be on an indefinite hiatus after their October 25th one-man live. I can't translate their reasoning for it so it'd be cool if someone else could do it. Source I just...
  9. This is gonna be a mess.
  10. ^ nah, I understood that from the main post, no worries. you don't have to take my post seriously at all.
  11. poor straight guys choices were overall good so A+ everyone. best looking male should've had a third name tho.
  12. saishuu

    ^ their personalities are kinda boring when compared to other queens from other seasons. which makes me sad for the queen who was eliminated yesterday, because I thought she was the highlight overall, especially personality-wise.
  13. saishuu

    ^ Good riddance tbh.
  14. watching a stream of the Splatoon demo and oh man, this game looks so much fun :'(

  15. saishuu

    I was honestly about to say that I favored instruments over vocalists, but then I remembered that there's a reason why I can't enjoy the big majority of Nightmare's music. I'm not comfortable saying I'm biased towards either one. I could mention enough cases where I favor vocals over instruments and vice-versa. However, there's something that's worth mentioning: in my case, I find it easier to get used to someone's mediocre vocals when they're backed up by good instrumental portions than to get used to bad instruments, no matter how good the vocals are. not sure if it makes sense
  16. saishuu

    Been here/in TW ever since the time Tonberry collapsed. How long has that been?
  17. hmmm, I like the preview, but it sounds really similar to their first single. and the two songs they released already sounded very much alike. lol the synths don't really bother me that much though. that new look, however, is flawless.
  18. saishuu

    Sounds like acoustic Sugar to me. Mushy production aside, I'm here for this.
  19. saishuu

    My B'z folder is split into singles, albums, mini-albums and compilations. lol 85 subfolders total.
  20. saishuu

    Some people actually make it work with LDR, yes. I have friends who endured one for years and were really happy with it. I tried a couple of times, but I was younger and dumber. The concept just seems like a stretch to me honestly. It obviously sucks to not have affection in person whenever you want/need and having to rely on videos and texts. Right now I don't think I'd have the patience or even mental stability to do it, but who knows. Lately I've been really into a guy who lives several km away in a city relatively far from mine (in the same state though), and because of that I'm trying to refrain myself and just be like
  21. saishuu

  22. saishuu

    if you're into somewhat hardcore stalking, check what they like and who they follow on instagram.
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