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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    hue samples actually sounds good enough for me. track 1 is okay, track 2 sounds like upbeat Sugar songs and track 3 makes me wanna kill myself, so naturally it's my favorite out of the bunch. Kaname needs to chill with his vocals though, it sounds way too forced at times.
  2. saishuu

    ^ I've been following them since 2005 as well and it sucks to see them go, but hey, I'm still shocked they managed to last this long (11 years!) with such a small fanbase in Japan. I expected them to disband sooner or later, but they've released some incredible songs throughout their career, so it's all good.
  3. saishuu

    these juggalos are looking good!
  4. saishuu

    it baffles me how much overlooked slsk can be by most people. like what the hell everything is available there and it's all so quick and easy?
  5. Happy Birthday, dude! :D

  6. Dark times ahead of Brazil following Dilma's impeachment. It's incredibly sad and infuriating to watch your country suffer a coup d'etat and now see it be led by top-tier criminal scum.

    1. Chi


      We're (even more) fucked! :[

  7. my Japanese knowledge is 100% basic, just like myself.
  8. saishuu

    so anyone can play at this event it seems
  9. saishuu

    Thank you for giving me life!
  10. saishuu

    update: I haven't found Jesus in my life yet so I'm still gay as hell
  11. saishuu

    @emmnyI summon you serving hipster rural couture realness, I'm here for it!
  12. saishuu

    o shit waddup
  13. saishuu

    What's more surprising to me is that Johnny's released the news by... fax. In 2016. Anyway, after the whole fiasco earlier this year, the disbandment was bound to happen I guess.
  14. saishuu

    the aesthetic is real! jk, that's a pretty great pic. if I didn't know them, I'd assume they were a shoegaze band based on the pic alone.
  15. yaaas come through Hikki! the cover art looks kinda like what I'd expect from 90's and 00's albums? Idk. she looks great though!
  16. hopefully this means Ladybeard can finally kick off his long-awaited career in gay porn!
  17. saishuu

    Excuse me ma'am, am I wrong or are you trying to justify sexism?
  18. saishuu

    heeeey, this sounds like hare-brained unity! Definitely interested in hearing this!
  19. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

    1. Tokage


      ummm i think u mean ''itunes''

    2. saishuu


      i'm sorry sir, what's an ""itunes""

    3. Tokage


      i dont know......

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  20. saishuu

    just a shout out to every non-Brazilian user that I keep seeing reading this thread lol HEY GUYS I SEE YOU
  21. saishuu

    eu tenho preguiça do dub :~ sei que é bem legal, especialmente pra interagir com o pessoal (o que ainda é algo que me falta fazer por aqui mais frequentemente), mas na maioria das vezes gosto de ouvir as coisas que tenho aqui mesmo. e putz, época do livejournal era bem caótico, né? eu seguia umas 500 comunidades, era uma bagunça. depois que o miusiq/bestfiction passou pro tumblr, abandonei de vez e tirei até dos meus favoritos.
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