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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    If it's just Daishi again, no thanks.
  2. saishuu

    mais fácil jogar dinheiro no lixo, hein. e caralho @chemicalpictures, que desenterrada MONSTRA dessa música do KuroHana lol eu realmente gostava disso quando saiu.
  3. saishuu

    I think this might be my favorite single since they got back together. The song is kinda simple and standard LUNA SEA, but the chorus is killer.
  4. saishuu

    Seeing sfp dead last is sad. I voted for D'Ray though. They were one of my first VK bands back in 02/03 and as much as their latter output sucked, it was still surprising and pretty upsetting to see them go. I'm more surprised to not see RENTRER EN SOI here other than anything else.
  5. saishuu

    omg these VULGAR + ARCHE setlists <3 not sure if it's been talked about yet, but what is this butchered version of OBSCURE? did they finally realize what a mess the remake was?
  6. saishuu

    I feel you. Gonna celebrate a would have been our 1st anniversary on the 26th, hopefully destroying myself in a bar.
  7. listening to it right now and yaaaassss
  8. saishuu

    watch this new group be formed just to ghostwrite the new X album.
  9. saishuu

    jfc ask Tomomi herself if you're so eager about it
  10. lmao I just noticed "4N'S" reads as "phones". their name finally makes sense to me wtf sample sounds meh, but that's what I expect from them anyway
  11. saishuu

    I haven't listened to these guys in quite a long time. Their debut album was great, but I wasn't a fan of their second one. Still need to give a chance to Jamie xx's album as well.
  12. Ahhh I love this song. :') I haven't watched them live in so long, but they still sound great.
  13. saishuu

    just noticed they didn't use a backwards R, which therefore makes this name change 100% invalid. totally missed the chance to use tЯaeh.
  14. saishuu

    for real though? mess
  15. saishuu

    Watch this be like 10 variations of the same song.
  16. saishuu

    they're still trying with this Wonderland theme, huh even though I really liked KINGDOM, I'll pass on this one
  17. 13 artists and they still don't get any sort of recognition from DIR EN GREY
  18. Odd line-up indeed, but also kinda interesting to see 3 different generations of VK bands going on tour together (D'ERLANGER 80-90, cali-gari 90-00, DEZERT 10~).
  19. saishuu

    tem mais uma coisa do Wataru que ocorreu que foi [YOU MUST HAVE AN MH PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO VIEW THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE], foi bem bizarro na época porque [YOU MUST HAVE AN MH PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO VIEW THE REST OF THIS MESSAGE]
  20. lmao Kyo sounds exactly the same as always though? At least he has a voice again after barely having one during the TMOAB-UROBOROS era.
  21. remember when Vinett of all things dropped one of the best VK bops of the last decade? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnCRBMjp1UU


    1. Alkaloid


      One of the best oshare bands ever tbh.

    2. saishuu


      Other than Charlotte and PANIC*ch, no one ever came even close to them.

    3. Paraph


      My soul soared out of the abyss with this one.

    4. Show next comments  189 more
  22. saishuu

    why the hell are they playing Urawa Narciss though
  23. saishuu

    "Limit" doesn't sound bad for an anisong at all. At this point I'm just thankful it's not as bad as RAN.
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