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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    voodoomunky? you were the guy/girl with that huge MegaUpload list of download links, right? or am I totally mistaking you for someone else? just asking because that thing was impressive and super helpful back in the day.
  2. saishuu

    so panic attacks are fun, 10/10
  3. saishuu

    did he finally find a place where he can freely avoid taxation?
  4. saishuu

  5. Dude, it's quite rude to keep using Portuguese everywhere in the forum that's not the language section.
  6. Errr, the maganize cover itself mentions how 9/11 will be their 15th though, so...
  7. I used to organize everything by artist/albums/tracks, but I gave up doing it in 2011 and now just toss everything in a single folder waiting for a day I'll have the motivation to sort it all out.
  8. saishuu

    is this DuelJewel?
  9. saishuu

    damn, this was posted 15h ago and it was already on page 2. almost missed it lol anyway, I need thisssss
  10. I seriously cannot deal with how adorable their vocalist is. Really, really like the song too.
  11. ame no parade is one of the rare bands I wouldn't mind changing their sound a little bit, just so it can stop being so repetitive most of the time. their music is already on the 'pop' spectrum, so an anisong from them doesn't sound like a bad idea. anyway, looking forward to the full single soon!
  12. saishuu

    Nao ffs what are you doing with your life
  13. saishuu

    you mean the best?
  14. saishuu

    oh man :'(
  15. saishuu

    not really indie, but new ame no parade! (ridiculously good, as always)
  16. saishuu

    "Fuck, I didn't die in my sleep this time again."
  17. saishuu

    new Kamisai!
  18. saishuu

    ^ Hadn't listened to it yet and straight up thought it was BREATHE once the guitars started. lol Don't mind the similarities with BREATHE and Providence myself. I think this is the most effort they've put in a song since they reunited, which kinda gives me hopes for the upcoming album.
  19. saishuu

    holy shit, bring the RECEIPTS!
  20. saishuu

    YOSHIKI always putting that Branding 101 course to good use.
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