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    Seimeisen reacted to Tokage in MERRY new album, "エムオロギー" (M-OLOGY) release + nationwide tour   
    i want samples..............
  2. Thanks
    Seimeisen got a reaction from suji in Unmasking La'veil MizeriA   
  3. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to suji in MERRY new album, "エムオロギー" (M-OLOGY) release + nationwide tour   
    Tracklist and covers has been revealed!!
    1. 「M」World Order
    3. 犬型真性MASOCHIST (inugata shinsei MASOCHIST)
    4. gaudy
    5. 平日の女 -A面- (heijitsu no onna)
    6. Black flag symptom
    7. 傘と雨 (kasa to ame)
    8. F.J.P
    9. Happy life –reprise-
    11. エムオロギー (m-ology)
    CORE edition

    Limited edition

    Regular edition

  4. Daria
    Seimeisen reacted to emmny in Where is our legend of depression art sadness emo queen?   
    Dear esteemed colleagues,
    As you all know, a year has passed since the passing of the legendary AvelCain. It has been a difficult year, but we have been able to rely on each other for emotional support in this trying time. In memoriam, we are continuing to hold on to the hope that he will be coming back in some form or another. While he may not be with us in physical form, he is in the air and he is the wind between the tree branches that hung his signature red noose. We continue to hope for his arrival back to this world, and for that we will utilize this thread to consolidate our understand of the beautiful being that had left with his absence.
    Please don't hesitate to share any information you have about his return, and together we will await the good news...the pot of gold at the end of the blood stained rainbow.
    PS. Distribute this throughout all your networks,
    Thank you.
  5. wow
    Seimeisen reacted to Tokage in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    & all of this just because they didn't play ash this tour, smdh guys
  6. Thanks
    Seimeisen reacted to WhirlingBlack in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    I'm pretty sure that foreign fanbase is an afterthought at best. 
    That said though, I attended the entire tour and didn't see one single of the many Chinese people present break out in tears, rip their Dir shirts to shreds or try to suicide bomb the venue. I didn't see a single overtly supremacist statement or controversial point beyond a very mainstream "free tibet" deal which makes sense based on their Buddhist backgrounds. It's about as dangerous and edgy as wanting to free Syria from ISIS.  I think it's safe to say these "problems" mostly exist in your head, and to be frank you present them in such a convoluted way that I think most people aren't even sure of what you're trying to say.
    Let that be an end to this for now, we don't need any "Dir en grey are supremacists" discussions based on hearsay.
  7. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Karma’s Hat in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    I don't... think anyone cares for that matter
  8. Thanks
    Seimeisen got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    ※ MIRROR is my favourite D'espairsRay album, fite me all of you
    ※ REDEEMER was their last good album [2]
    ※ I don't really care for MONSTERS, some of the tracks on that album are incredibly bad!
  9. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to nekkichi in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    blonde Kaoru looking like shit is a way bigger problem than whatever failed political message they've been trying to squeeze over this tour
  10. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to CAT5 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Ya know, speaking as someone whose tastes lie chiefly outside of VK...I think there's always been an element to D'espa that sounded distinctly non-VK...and even non J-rock to an extent.  Your Linkin Park comparisons kinda give a bit of credence to those claims on it's own. But Hizumi's voice...it definitely had a VK tone to it...but his delivery seemed sharper and more...controlled? than a lot of VK vocalists I've heard. He also had a kind of "pizazz" to his delivery that I thought stood out. I don't think I can properly articulate what I mean, but hopefully you kinda get what i'm hinting at.
    Also, the production quality for [Coll:set] was stellar, but I definitely wouldn't say it was typical of VK or J-rock as a whole. [Coll:set] was pretty densely layered (maybe even overproduced), but also had a really punchy quality to it that I could only poorly describe as "western".
    So in a way, I can see why you'd want to dismiss them add exclude them from the VK canon, but for those same reasons, I think that's why I've always been fond of them.
    Mind you, I pretty much stopped caring about their work post-2006. REDEEMER was somewhat "redeeming" tho.
  11. wow
    Seimeisen reacted to Chi in Trombe has disbanded   
  12. wtf?!
    Seimeisen reacted to Pretsy in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Quite a shame to see Dir suddenly politicizing - or should I say politically antagonizing -  their visual aesthetics as of now (not that they had not done it before but in less noticeable fashion).
    What a way to kill a part of your fanbase due to otherwise irrelevant "hot takes" you had to throw out of your chest just for more extra virtue points from your [a knot] fanbase.
  13. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to blacktooth in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    What do you mean by politicizing/antagonizing?
  14. LOLOL
    Seimeisen got a reaction from Mamo in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Being a wannabe loser??
  15. Daria
    Seimeisen reacted to Karma’s Hat in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    D'espairsray is the most unjustly lauded band in the scene curiously with next to no detractors.
    Started out as a fairly generic band of the times that made one decent EP before essentially making it a career playing vk's brand of linkin park for about four albums. They always looked terrible too, either ruining theoretically fine vk looks by mallgothing it too much or just giving up entirely and looking like l'arc en ciel jr later on. Their last album is the fucking pits.
    and as a personal note, I've started to dislike hizumi's voice despite really being into it when I got into vk. 
    edit: I decided to listen to in vain a little bit and it's... it's fine I think. For what it is. So it's not that they were obnoxiously horrible, but that they're regarded as potentially a top 10 vk band and coll:set a classic is absolutely ridiculous to me.
    I refuse to take anyone seriously who thinks this is even passable 
  16. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to enyx in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I'm just going to forget that @Disposableever existed and listen to this on repeat for the next 30 minutes.
  17. wow
    Seimeisen reacted to Zeus in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
  18. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Pretsy in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    So even MIRROR was that bad?
    The last album I liked from them and preferred over Coll:set (never understood the massive hype, sorry) was REDEEMER due to its otherwise consistent yet surprising diversity (i.e. not just trying to fanboy MM during each and every rocking number) for a vk band of that time.
    KAMIKAZE is still one goddamn banger, and even this:
    Along with Lizard...
    Makes me miss them even more.
  19. Like
    Seimeisen got a reaction from Chikage in ザアザア (XAA-XAA) Dr. Roji will depart   
    Usually, when a band member leaves, it doesn't bother me or worry me too much... this is not one of those times. I am not okay with this!
  20. Daria
    Seimeisen reacted to mikarudio in THE BLACK SWAN new single, "蟲聲" (mushigoe) release   
    I hope to finally include xxx in the box in the cd
  21. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to qotka in #101: MUCC - 新痛絶 (Sin Tsuuzetsu)   
    I'm definitely glad both versions exist. The original has an irreplaceable raw quality that they probably wouldn't have been able to recreate today, and they don't need to. I see re-recordings like this as part of a long Japanese tradition of retelling the same story from several different angles, and the story MUCC tell in 2017 is infinitely different than what they could tell in 2001. I recommend to anyone who wants to listen to this (and Shin Homura Uta) to consider this lens instead of a more nostalgic one (that's what the remastered album is for!). 
  22. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Zeus in #101: MUCC - 新痛絶 (Sin Tsuuzetsu)   
     CD 1: Shin Tsuzetsu
    —-. Momoku de Aruga Yue no Sogaikan (盲目であるが故の疎外感) Samidare (五月雨) Hai (廃) Itai Tegami (イタイ手紙) Chintsuuzai (鎮痛剤) Yoru (夜) Suna no Shiro (砂の城) Haitoku no Hito (背徳の人) Shofu (娼婦) Danzetsu (断絶) Ieji -2017 Hisyou- (家路 -2017 飛翔-) Kurutta Kajitsu w -2017 Haru- (狂った果実 w ~2017 春~) Kare ga Shinda hi (友達(カレ)が死んだ日)  
    CD 2: Tsuzetsu 1st
    —-. Itai Tegami (イタイ手紙) Shofu (娼婦) Chintsuuzai (鎮痛剤) Hai (廃) Suna no Shiro (砂の城) Yoru (夜) Haitoku no Hito (背徳の人) Momoku de Aruga Yue no Sogaikan (盲目であるが故の疎外感) Danzetsu (断絶)  
    | Aged like fine wine.
    Ever the black sheep of MUCC's discography, color me shocked when it was announced that 痛絶 (Tsuuzetsu) would be among the first two albums MUCC would re-record in full fifteen years later. This release, entitled 新痛絶 (Shin-Tsuuzetsu), includes two discs: the first disc including re-recordings of the entire album, the second disc including the out-of-print original first press of the album (and 友達が死んだ日 (Kare ga Shinda Hi), an extra track that didn't make it). The original 痛絶 (Tsuuzetsu) is not the coveted starter album for new fans: that honor belongs to their second album, 葬ラ謳 (Homura Uta). It's not an album anyone talks about with rose-tinted glasses, between huffs of nostalgia, it's not even an album people bring up when discussing their favorites! I chalk it up to the style. This style of angura-kei wasn't all the rage back in 2001 and its popularity has only been sinking since. In this age of bands courting old and new fans with new versions of old material, 新痛絶 comes across as the most honest and straightforward application of this tactic thus far. Fifteen years later, this album may finally make the impact that it originally should have. Plus, the new jacket for 新痛絶 (Shin-Tsuuzetsu) is dope. The one for 新葬ラ謳 (Shin Homura Uta) looks like Robot Chicken claymation, but I'll leave that alone.
    The success of this entire venture rests on this conservative approach. MUCC takes the adage "if it's not broke, don't fix it" to heart. They demonstrated this in 2006, they tackled "娼婦" (Shoufu) and "五月雨" (Samidare) for pre-極彩 (Gokusai) singles, and "断絶" (Danzetsu) in 2007 for the WORST OF MUCC compilation; they didn't sound out of place then and they don't sound out of place among the other seven tracks now. For all the changes they could have made, most of them are not alterations to the songs or their structure.  This is more important than I had initially realized. The international scene has felt burned by sub-par re-recordings in the past and this hesitation carries over to MUCC despite their good track record. One thing I desperately hate is for a re-recording to share little similarities with its original - for all of that tweak it some more and sell a new song! I want to have an air of familiarity around what I receive, and in this regard, 新痛絶  exceeds in spades. It's the same album, but it feels new without changing much (or anything) at all. A part of me wonders if this was planned long ago and they finally got some time to do it.
    The quality difference is night and day. This can prove to be a problem for the handful of 痛絶-era fans used to hearing the album a certain way, and the second disc would be for that crowd. There's even a third disk live performances to sweeten the deal, but only for those who bought the pre-release edition. I find myself in the group that likes both versions, but prefers the clarity of the new version. There's no doubt in my mind that the budget-conscious choices of the original pressing has become a part of the atmosphere and experience, but hearing these songs with new details and increased clarity is more important to me. It's not going to cause a resurgence of angura-kei bands no matter how for it I am, but it does provide a window into what turn of the century visual-kei would sound like with modern recording techniques and that's worth the price of admission alone. I can confidently can state that I gain more than I lose in this exchange, and I would have no problem recommending the new version of the album to anyone interested.
    Support the band and pre-order your copy today!
    AmazonJP | CDJapan
    ✣新痛絶 (Shin-Tsuuzetsu) is not yet available for general purchase ✣
  23. LOLOL
    Seimeisen got a reaction from Visutox in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Being a wannabe loser??
  24. 悲しい
    Seimeisen reacted to Zeus in lost.fm   
    and even that was better back in the day! When they gave it a facelift, they took out a bunch of old features they thought no one used. One of my favorite things that's now all but useless was the last.fm playground, which was a site with a bunch of tools and aggregation options built by last.fm to display music stats to you in different ways (and there was also a track undeleter in there somewhere). Normalisr is another plugin I missed a lot and it would rank your music played by minutes listened rather than times listened.
    Fuckin hell if last.fm was really going to break their site so bad I wish they did it in a dimension people cared about, such as fixing how you quantify a listen or how artists are categorized and pages generated. The UI was the absolute last thing I would have suggested to change back in the day.
  25. Like
    Seimeisen reacted to Saishu in ザアザア (XAA-XAA) Dr. Roji will depart   
    There are tons of amazing drummers, and I'm sure they can find one that can play his parts perfectly. The real question is can they find someone with his passion? They also need someone that can write their own parts for future material that fits the band's energy. 
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