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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    Holy shit, the standard version's only $19?! Cool! Might buy my own copy for that price. I was kinda hoping that there wouldn't be an opening SE; I'm getting tired of those, and Code:0 was a fantastic way to open up FOCUS... ...... well now that all the complaining is out of the way... ZOMFG I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS!! And OMG 自壊's gonna be on it! I knew it would be a last song. I wonder if it'll be longer, maybe the demo version put out last year was just a snippet? Now to decide if I want to listen to the PV preview, or wait 'til I get the album. ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod
  2. Seimeisen

    Mac OS X Snow Leopard is slow at times, and there's so much stuff that's not supported by it, but damnit I'm kind of having a nostalgia trip right now!
  3. I have an Xbox 360 that I got back in 2010, a Nintendo Wii that I've had since late 2008, an ash grey Nintendo 64 (with the transparent parts) that sits in a box in my closet ('cause I'm scared to see how awful it will look on the 32" TV in my room), and a Chinese counterfeit Nintendo DS that I got because it was red, and I was stupid enough to think it was legit.
  4. Using my old '06 MacBook for the first time since 2009... still has Snow Leopard. It's like opening up a plastic time capsule that's trying to break apart, and that I once tried to clear out.

    1. nekkichi


      snow leopard is so flawless though, rip

  5. Seimeisen

    X10,000,000,000 I LOVE this single, so much! It's perfect! It definitely ramps up my expectations for future releases (言の葉, and hopefully a new album may come later next year?).
  6. Seimeisen

    Still haven't listened to MRC all the way through. I've read some reviews though. I've heard some songs too, 覚醒, a bit of TABOO, and 雨の輪舞曲 (am I seriously the only one that really likes that song?). And now for my overall opinion on Lycaon: I haven't been keeping up with them too much, but from what I have been hearing, I honestly don't mind the sort of "electronic infused" direction they're going in (as much as I'm getting sick of dubstep and shit alike). I like it much better than their "erotic era," which was kinda... meh it wasn't terrible, and I guess you could argue that they "pulled it off," but it just isn't my thing. However, Royal Order (and prior) material is definitely my favourite. But I like heavier music, so yeah...
  7. Seimeisen

    There is, I just never bothered to click it lol.
  8. Seimeisen

    I miss using my actual computer. I hope I can get the hard drive fixed ASAP. Having to use the Internet on my iPhone is starting to get really fucking annoying. I can't even see the new MH banner (that I didn't even know about until yesterday) lol.
  9. Seimeisen

    Uhh... I agree!!! I mean, I wasn't the greatest fan of their self-titled album, but CUNNING KILLER and the three mini albums were all incredibly awesome.
  10. Seimeisen

    My fucking computer won't boot past the grey startup screen. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Seimeisen

    I'm intrigued to hear more! That was pretty damn good, kinda surprising.
  12. All my stuff came in!! I wish I could read Japanese, I'd LOVE to translate all these SHOXX 260 interviews. R指定, Plastic Tree, DIAURA... ugh

    1. Biopanda


      I know how that is :( I've bought books in Japanese before and then realized that all I can do is stare at the pretty pictures XD

    2. Seimeisen


      @kyoselflove Yes, it came with the CD :D I had to rip the paper sleeve out of the binding at the end of the interview.... that I wish I could read. :/

    3. kyoselflove


      I'm glad, that sucks. I know I wish I could read tons of interviews. I love when Cure does some in English.

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  13. Seimeisen

    Awww, I would've liked to see all the vulgarity. XD 1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? No I do not! Uploaders upload their releases because they make the decision to, not because there's some law stating that a 20-something American kid NEEDS HIS R指定!! If I can't find a rip, and if nobody is willing to share what they have, then I will pay for my own copy, simple as that! However, I still think that sharing music is part of what keeps the J-rock-related randoms alive, because there are many people that cannot afford expensive CDs and to pay for expensive shipping. That does not mean that anyone who cannot afford expensive music is entitled to have it for free. It simply means that people share their awesome music out of generosity, and to spread awareness for so many amazing bands out there. Hope that made sense... 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? Your call, bro! As we all know, music is not free, and as I've stated, people share out of generosity. But if someone asks you for a rip of something, I don't think it's okay to give a rude response like, "NO GO FUCK YOURSELF!" 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? If you buy something, it's pretty much your decision what to do with it. YOU don't own my music collection, I DO! Don't tell me what to do with shit that I FUCKING PAID FOR!! 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? I echo paradoxal's statement. The music is a lot more expensive and high shipping charges are nearly unavoidable. Also, most of these releases are not available on iTunes, Bandcamp, etc. 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? I don't think I'm entitled to an ALAC rip, but I think people sharing their stuff in 128kbps to "encourage" users to buy music is stupid, and I'd be surprised if it actually worked on most people. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? Before I answer that, I will say that I'm one of those people. I'll admit that I hit up a lot of people here for lossless rips of CDs, and quite a few of those people I have messaged have answered this thread. I don't ask them because of some sort of "entitlement," but because I don't think it would hurt to ask. I carefully plan out how I request something directly from one user: DO NOT BEG, and simply state "you have the right to say no." Having said that, yes, a few people have hit me up asking me to share some stuff, and I haven't said no to anyone... yet.
  14. Just finished listening to GANGSTA, which was a complete drag with only a few good songs. Recovering with 12012's AWESOME EP!! Why can't Sadie be the band that's going on hiatus? Why does it have to be 12012? :(

    1. Bear


      Because 12012's got some smart members. They've realised they've been godawful since 2007 and they decided it was about time they stopped this bullshit after 7 years of ruining their good name. They've done enough damage already. Good on them, even though it's 7 years too late.

    2. Elazmus


      LMFAO. Yeah, XII is amazing

  15. Seimeisen

  16. Artwork time: TYPE 視: TYPE 聴:
  17. Seimeisen

    AMEN! I don't want buttlust rip-offs in my Lycaon. If they're gonna follow the vein of heavier bands, I'd rather they take cues from ones that are waaaayy better than NB.
  18. Oh fuck!! Demon Android's on JPopsuki lol.

    1. sai


      LMAO, classic. Wouldn't get anything from there, probably a transcode

    2. Biopanda
    3. Slsr


      I bet DA is reading this message too.

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  19. AWWW YEAH! MY CDS WERE SHIPPED!! I can't wait to listen to the new AvelCain! :D

    1. Seimeisen


      Don't worry, I'm gonna share, so you'll get to hear it too. :)

    2. Seimeisen


      Right now, the estimated delivery is Monday, but since it's shipping over the weekend, it might change. FedEx can be annoying like that, but it's okay.

    3. beni


      <3 Enjoy listening to it! And I hope it's not a long wait for you.

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  20. Seimeisen

    Just added SHOXX vol. 260 to my CDJ order, and it's supposed to come with a CD featuring a new song from R指定. It means I'll have to wait a day or two longer for my precious 妖の匣, but if it's possibly for an R指定 song that'll probably sell on auction sites for $30, why the hell not?
  21. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-1688314 I really wanna buy it, but can I be 100% sure that the R指定 CD will be included? hmmmm...
    1. kyoselflove


      Order it or you will regret it lol xP If it doesn't come with the CD and Cdjapan doesn't help you, then I will give you 12$ haha.

    2. Tetora


      Buy it, contact them, ask them to verify before shipping.

    3. Seimeisen


      If it's not too late to add it to my order I placed on Monday, I will order it when I get home. I guess then I'll email CDJ and ask them to make sure. If I get the free CD, I'll post a lossless rip.

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  22. Does it sound like the second song on this CD?
  23. Ugh, I ordered my CDs on Monday and they still haven't shipped. :/

    1. Seimeisen


      Yeah, I know, there are a lot of CDs on CDJ that take 3 days to ship, I'm just really impatient haha. XD

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I understand ^^ don't like when they took more time to shipped.

    3. kyoselflove


      I feel your pain T__T

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  24. I don't often comment on looks, but both looks are cool. Their "Bandage Man" look is very festive for Halloween, and their 八幡の薮知らず (Labyrinth) look is actually quite surprising, very nice, and I like it the best. I can't believe that's 宏崇 that's second on the left!! I think he especially looks great, but overall I like that look; although I'm like WTF AT 七星's braids lol.
  25. 最期ノ晩餐 sounds much better than the live dist. demo version. Can't tell if 相剋ノ[baiser] is any different... is it also re-recorded? Don't really care for the re-recording of 退廃的狂葬, I already have a good rip of it. Giving zero shits about the last two tracks.
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