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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. ^^ Downloaded immediately and am making an audio rip. This song is pretty awesome and I'm on quite a MEJIBRAY kick right now.
  2. The new mini album is gonna be collection of rarez. SWEET! Tracklist source: here Sorting in the post above is [probably] not final. Missing a few songs, but I like that the totally awesome 最期ノ晩餐 has a home so to speak, and I think that this "相剋ノ[baiser]" thing is from the $200 終焉 MAD DEATH single. I feel sorry for anyone that spent $100 on the 最期ノ晩餐 one track CD lololol.
  3. Seimeisen

    Oh yeah hahaha, I'm pretty sure all those questions were all answered in the earlier days around the time SEXUAL BEAST was released. I saw the same Q/As on a fansite that was abandoned centuries ago.
  4. "Bondage" will FINALLY be released on the new mini-album: http://ameblo.jp/grieva/entry-11926818990.html I guess the song will be available to preview/download on that stupid fucking dwango shit next thursday??? Anyway, I'm excited to hear it when the CD is released.
  5. Seimeisen

    Uuuuhhhhh... the chorus wasn't bad? I think I'm just done with CROSSFAITH. I didn't like Apocalyze (or whatever it was called) at all, I was a little iffy about ZION. These guys are just going in a direction that's not for me.
  6. Seimeisen

    "Story of a different dimension" is the only track that I'm not super thrilled about, but I am still excited as fuck for this mini album. It seems there may be less engrish this time around, which is always a plus. I will definitely miss them while they're gone. "the red" and "alone" they will most likely be my favourites. Also, curious to hear the rest of "aqua."
  7. Seimeisen

    I don't really care about 凛, especially their new "second era" or whatever it's called. I heard the previews for everything they've put out this year, and none of it has captured my interest. However, I haven't deleted any of the UNDER CODE era stuff that's on my computer, and I'm still willing to give it a chance. I've heard Independent MAZE a few times, and there are some really good songs there, but apart from that, there's nothing mind blowing in their discography, and not a whole lot that can keep my interest. ... There, I said it. Also, the only stuff I really liked from GALEYD were their instrumental tracks (such as the op songs from the 2012 singles).
  8. Seimeisen

    I'm not a fan of SE tracks, because it seems that VK bands use them as lazy excuses for not making a proper first/last track. There are a few exceptions, though... NEGA - OMNIA VANITAS While this song was probably treated like an SE track, it doesn't feel like one; it feels like "a song" that just so happens to be short and instrumental. Apart from the fact that I simply love the composition, this song is a great way to wind down the album after the very depressing HINDSIGHT. It's very calm, but very emotional. It's a nice little epilogue to the preceding track, and a fine way to close out the album. Fragments Of Unbecoming - Up From The Blackest Of Soil I really like an intro track that segues perfectly into the following track, as if it's simply a cut segment from that song, and this is a great example! Also, I love, Love, LOVE, the atmosphere created by this song, with the simulated sound of rain and the acoustic guitar, that sets the mood for the entire album. I always like to listen to this album when it rains. Every other band in the world could take a lesson or two from FOU on making intro/outro/intermission tracks! Following track for reference: the GazettE - 剥離 (Detachment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A8N5ikDu6c It's calm, serene, atmospheric... it's misleading. It's very well known that the GazettE aren't big on incorporating atmosphere and ambience into their music, "SE tracks" aside. Hearing tracks like 剥離 and [Depth] really make you wish that they would incorporate a similar atmosphere into their "main music." Also: that guitar composition! It's damn beautiful. I really don't know what else to say. This is fucking awesome, just click that damn play button already! the GazettE - PEOPLE ERROR Again, another outro that's really a song that happens to be instrumental. Something about this song (maybe the fact that it's at the end of the album) feels pretty awkward, so the name PEOPLE ERROR is quite fitting. While I like the composition. PEOPLE ERROR is an awkward ending to an awkward album. Also, side note: I saw a live clip of this (it was played over the PA system at one of their shows)... the audience clapping along did more than a perfect job at completely destroying the mood. These are the only ones I can think of at the top of my head...
  9. ... *exasperated sigh* ... That's the third live-limited release this year...
  10. That's probably more accurate, thank you!
  11. Listening to the demo CD in from the DL section; so far it sounds nothing like AYABIE, which is good. Very good. But they don't really have a unique sound. Also, they are not a metal band. They have more of a SID/R指定 kind of sound. "It becomes rain sound of the bell heard well" is very awkward. My Japanese grammar is beyond shitty, but I think a more graceful wording would be something along the lines of "It will rain and the bell will be heard." Something like that...
  12. Okay, there's a good chance that 故に、摩天楼 will be stuck in my head for all eternity... :/

  13. Seimeisen

    Hmmm... not sure what to think. I mean yes, there were only five previews, but the given previews don't really sound as good as "V," although I definitely wanna hear how Ⅰ-回顧 turns out. They aren't bad, but they aren't super good. FOLLOW was very good, though. On the other hand, I was definitely NOT digging track 10.
  14. https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/guni-mo-tian-lou-ep/id910467270 Judging from the preview, Conquest is very different from 故に、摩天楼. I like both songs. 故に、摩天楼 is indeed a soft song, but there's something very sad about it. And Conquest might be better than most songs on THE END OF THE WORLD.
  15. Seimeisen

    Fucking took them long enough to make another album I like how there's a shit ton of tracks and only two of them are singles. I presume the bonus tracks are intro/outro? Anyway, looking forward to this!
  16. Seimeisen

    Well, it doesn't really look like オトギ is impersonating Marilyn Manson this time.
  17. Seimeisen

    Strange covers, the album title seems to be unfitting so far (I mean, aside from their look, maybe), and as for the 15 second preview, I know it's too short to make too much of it, but it was very... bleh. It wasn't terrible, it was just... well, bland.
  18. Seimeisen

    Other way around! The PV version is re-recorded. But yeah, I agree, PV version is way better. As for my opinion on re-recordings as a whole, it's a band-by-band basis. I didn't really like any of the re-recordings of SUICIDE ALI (most demo versions were always way better), most DEATHGAZE re-recordings are really good (although Ai just can't do justice for DOWNER; Sou did a better job for once), I absolutely love it when Plastic Tree re-records something from centuries ago (though it's a rare occurrence), I absolutely hated the DIAURA re-recordings for the 失翼の聖域 2013 single so I assume that any re-recordings from them are going to sound like shit (although VIRGIN MARY 2013 was really good)...... that's all I can think of for now.
  19. I'm... somewhat sleepy... and it's not even 1 AM yet...... this is weird.

  20. Seimeisen

    I am absolutely thrilled! The new song preview sounds awesome.
  21. Seimeisen

    I've also seen: GodzettE, GagazettE, GazettEstep, GagazettEstep, etc. (from their TOXIC era) Dir en Grieva (can't remember who made that one up...)
  22. Seimeisen

    COCKTURNAL FUCKLUST (NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST; read somewhere on a tanuki tumblr) NOCTURNAL BUTTLUST (read it somewhere on MH, I habitually call them this now) Blunt Ass Nord (Blut Aus Nord; can't remember where I read it) Oh, and my personal nickname for Royz is Slutz.
  23. Don't worry, it'll leak. Not immediately, but someday.
  24. Seimeisen

    Not sure if anyone cares, but I spent all day typing up lyrics from the booklet and felt like posting them. The engrish in DIABOLIC FILTH is definitely worth reading for the lulz, but might be very offensive. 翻弄【ホンロウ】 REGULATED SUICIDE DOGMA DIABOLIC FILTH 崩壊の虚像【ホウカイのキョゾウ】 LEFT BEHIND 背徳なる漆黒【ハイトクなるシッコク】 陵辱に注ぐ遺灰、さながら微笑にも似た嘔吐【リョウジョクにソソぐイハイ、さながらホホエミにもニたオウト】 CRIMSON DUST BELIAL
  25. These fucking engrish lyrics to SILENT DIFFERENCE's "DIABOLIC FILTH" ...... oh god, they may have ruined the song for me lol

    1. Zeus


      i need them

    2. Seimeisen


      I'm working on lyrics for the whole album, so I'll post them soon. ;)

      Transcribing kanji from the booklet just takes a bit of time.

    3. Zeus


      +1 i should take the time to look at the booklet when i get home

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