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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Trying to download a 500MB file from baidu... it's going 17KB/s... FUCK!!

    1. Seimeisen


      After maybe five failed attempts... I fucking give up!

    2. acbpn


      here download speed for baidu, mediafire and rusfolder is about 500k/s, but for 4shared and depositfiles is about 100k/s, for 2shared and googledrive is about 150k/s, and nothing happened with fxxking MEGA! shxt MEGA

  2. Seimeisen

  3. Seimeisen

    Took longer than I expected, actually...
  4. Seimeisen

    I am very glad that the best-of album includes 幸福論, ひぐらし, and メリーさん.
  5. Seimeisen

    Thanks! I google'd the song for lyrics earlier today. Guess I just didn't look hard enough.
  6. Seimeisen

    So, I could use some help transcribing lyrics to MERRY's ハーメルン. Here's a low quality booklet scan: I also found typed up lyrics for the chorus. And here's what I've come up with: Anything in purple is purely guesswork. I could be totally wrong. I don't know if someone out there has a copy of the CD, can understand distorted voices, or can simply read freakishly small kanji, but could anybody help me fill in the blanks? I would appreciate it! Thank you!
  7. Seimeisen

    I'm really starting to hate the weekends. No... I DO hate the weekends. My sister stays at my house, my fucking parents are home all the time too; it's so hard to put up with. I don't want to spend anytime with these people... And of course the aforementioned fucking sister just had to fucking wake me up this morning with her fucking making noise and talking and shit (just ONE day after my mom wakes me up with her fucking HIGH HEELS) because she's a bitch who fucking trashes my damn house and apparently I'm the only fucking person in my family who can speak without being SO DAMN LOUD and they just never fucking respect the fact that OTHER PEOPLE STILL CAN STILL BE ASLEEP AT 9 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!! At least they aren't *making* me be around them, fucking family togetherness nightmare. At least they don't know how much I resent them. Wow, I have serious anger issues, okay! o_O I don't understand what people mean when they say that "family is everything." I don't know if I ever will understand. ...... Damnit I'm 21 and I'm still complaining about my family; I feel so immature right now!!
  8. Seimeisen

    The standard edition was illustrated by Ryosuke Aiba.
  9. Seimeisen

    fucking why Although, I am curious to see how cringe-inducing the artwork and tracklist will be...
  10. Seimeisen

    It looks like they're doing ANOTHER live-limited release. "折り紙" (Origami) Release: available between 2014/10/26 - 2014/11/30 Limited to 1,000 copies Price: ¥1,500 Tracklist: 1. 数謳 (Kazuuta) 2. 折り紙 (Origami) 3. 雪女 (Yukionna) credit: http://ameblo.jp/karma-avelcain/entry-11880359116.html EDIT: Trombe already added to main post
  11. Huh... I didn't know about the hidden track on Plastic Tree's "cell." ... sounds quite interesting.

  12. Seimeisen

    ... yeah... that's the artwork... It might just be a slipcase with actual artwork behind it... maybe.
  13. Seimeisen

    No no no no no no NOOOOOOO!!!! I know they haven't released anything since 2012, but seriously? Disbanding? I was expecting an indefinite hiatus at the most, but... this?! NO!!
  14. Seimeisen

    Artwork Time! I really like these!
  15. Seimeisen

    Not as many impressive new releases as I expected, but... I Killed The Prom Queen - Beloved グリーヴァ - 終焉 DIAURA - メナス/境界線 omnerod - Ivory Dune lynch. - GALLOWS
  16. Seimeisen

    Sai's comment: I can never listen to EROS again. XD
  17. Seimeisen

    I've been single my entire life. Never dated a guy. Because I'm 21, it feels weird as fuck! I have a friend who I think I have a budding crush on (who lives quite far away from me, but we've met in person), but I feel like it's too soon to say anything to him about it. I don't really know how he feels. I had this idea of dropping a very obvious hint at him (asking some hypothetical question like: "if there was a scenario in the future where I was interested in dating you, would you be interested, too?"), just to gauge if I would ever have a shot with him since I honestly don't know if I do, but I now think the idea of asking that seems kind of dumb. I don't even know if the idea of him and I dating has ever crossed his mind. Never mind, I'm just going to learn to get over it.
  18. Seimeisen

    レイニングレター 「シェルター」 「月」 黒猫が通る レクイエム 構想日記
  19. Seimeisen

    Credits go to karin-adele for booklet scans. Lyrics for アマヤドリ coming soon! 五月雨 ギザギザ回路 拝啓、雨日和。
  20. Seimeisen

    Credits: http://cache.cart-imgs.fc2.com/user_img/kasaya/0bac0ab0261422df5939b8c8eb1770c4.jpg 開口 早々 悪態。 世界の平和を切り刻んで 全線盲目構想生き急いで 警戒+慎重=妨害 言葉をいつも塞いで アクセル 全開 状態・・・ 離して 意味の無い現実逃れて 君のいる世界に飲まれて きっと 僕はいつか気付いて 世界の終わりを見て酷くキレイだね。 解放 寸前 決壊 虫食いの法律を掲げて 全面 戦争 構造 死に急いで 絶対+信頼=後悔 結局は常識のカテゴライズ 愛国心を一回話して? 色のない花に溺れて 虹の見える世界は壊れて きっと僕はいつか掠れて 無力な夢を知って 君は冷たいね。 赤い僕の「シグナル」で。
  21. I had a dream about a future iOS X with icons that would fall from the top of the screen and they would all move around and it wouldn't fucking stop. lol

  22. Seimeisen

    Also gay
  23. Seimeisen

    For the past year, I've been blaming UNIVERSAL. I mean, it could be a coincidence that they released two marvellous albums on TOKUMA, and are releasing very sub-par material on UNIVERSAL, but still, it's kind of difficult for me to not blame record labels when stuff like this happens. Don't know if the following is relevant enough to post in a review thread, but the tracklist seems to be a common complaint about Supernova. So, I'll ask you all this: how would any of you change the tracklist? Which songs would you move to a different part of the album, replace with others, or simply remove? I tend to change up tracklists with albums quite often ('cause I'm sooooo rebellious with audio file tagging bands aren't very good at arranging them themselves). This is what I would do: Prelude would be a bonus track (like Overture from GEMINI), KID and one minute kidding would be joined as one track. It's still flawed in my opinion, but would sound a lot better than the current tracklist.
  24. Seimeisen

    So, what does everyone think so far? It seems that this album is to Alice Nine what "DIVISION FRAGMENT [ARTERY]" is to the GazettE, with all the electronic elements. It's not *as* terrible as I expected; it's definitely better than "Alpha." Not all electronic elements on this album are tasteless, but I think they did a much better job with electronic/softer elements on "VANDALIZE." I'm not less impressed with this album because it's softer, or because of the electronic elements, but because there are some compositions here that I'm just not so fond of. "Daybreak" and "shooting star" are kind of the black sheep of the album. I tried to like both songs. Also, while there are 12 tracks, the album seems to end before you know it. I think this album would be better if "shooting star" was replaced with "Affection," and maybe "from KURAYAMI" was placed between 開戦前夜 and that prelude track. Tracks that I'm really enjoying: SHADOWPLAY, Exist, 開戦前夜, +- Tracks that I'm less fond of: メビウス, Daybreak, shooting star for the official tracklist when "shooting star" is replaced with "Affection;" "from KURAYAMI" and re-rec of "jellyfish" are included
  25. Seimeisen

    Fixed. Thank you!
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