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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    People who bought tickets for Matenrou Opera show can request reimbursement in the places where they bought them.
    If needed, you can contact us at [email protected] 

    so if I bought it through their website I message them there? because it's a very vague and a lazy way to approach the issue, they don't even have any refund policy written on their website, that's how "professional" they are...

  2. 22 hours ago, Lestat said:

    Absolutely my final straw with B7Klan, this being the sixth or seventh event or tour they cancelled (or rescheduled) that I was supposed to visit, and those are merely the ones I wanted to see. They never give adequate reason or explanations for their decisions either. No more, no matter which band it pertains.

    which ones exactly did they cancel? it happened to me for the first time


    but I don't like them, because they always do their lives in the same, shitty venue with a stage that's too low and I can't see anything, unless I go to the back that's far, far away from the stage... any venue I've been to is better than that one, yet they always do it there :/

  3. OP, notice the difference between the troll comments and personal opinion. I noticed many of these people just want to troll, because it's currently cool, or they dislike the fanbase of a certain band. Also, many fans just can't stand any form of criticism about their favorites, which isn't a good thing, either. Unless it's a troll, then simply ignore it, because they will say anything to keep provoking you.


    I actually think that obsessive fangirls and people being rude to each other during the concerts is a bigger problem than some comments on the internet. We all can have our opinions, but we shouldn't do hateful and annoying shit to each other in the real life, since the group of fans is getting smaller and smaller.

  4. They used to be my favorite band, but I've been gradually losing interest in them during the last... 2-3 years? The start was good, then they became to sound the same, and also weren't present online as much as they used to, stopped releasing funny making of videos, etc. For a foreign fan it's a huge difference, because it's not just the music that's important when you can't experience anything else about the band. I also think that there are better bands in the vk scene, but I just liked them anyway... until they started losing unity in their image (each member began to look way too different than each other, and it was a mistake, in my opinion), and ran out of new ideas for the music.

  5. 3 hours ago, Disposable said:

    I tried looking sum on tumblr, but unfortunately the individual member posts were only translated in Spanish. 

    Tumblr is just full of fangirls whining as if they were going to disband. Also, hardly anyone in this fandom does anything for the fans and it's been like that for years, so don't count on the fanbase to translate anything at all. They prefer to spam the social media of band members and tumblr with riddiculous comments.

  6. Am I the only one, who's not surprised? They've been releasing way too much, their music just sounds the same all the time, it feels like they're out of new ideas. A break will be good for them, because they've been too busy with shit. I highly doubt they would announce a hiatus if they were going to disband, stop being such drama queens.

  7. 6 hours ago, drnic010 said:


    Lol. I'm a repeat offender of this particular one. There are certain well known VK acts that I've literally never given a listen.

    Like the GazettE. Never heard them. Couldn't even name you one song.


    There are a couple of apparently known bands I never gave a try, or tried 1-2 songs and never got interested. You're not the only one. As for The Gazette, you didn't lose anything, imo (no offense for the fans, it's just my personal opinion).

  8. After having sex with 2 different women and a failed relationship with one I realized I'm straight. Not only women are too complex in relationships, I just don't really get turned on from sleeping with them and when I think of my ex I have a gag reflex. I'm just not an attractive person, so I was just staying away from men, because I was scared of them (and I'm not attracted to most of them, definitely not the type that's common in my country). I'm still doing that, but at least I'm aware of it now.

  9. 17 hours ago, Tokage said:

    hope they leave half their menu's ingredients unavailable due to sanctions for authenticity

    best comment in this thread, I can't xDDDDDDDDDDDD



    I wonder why they have a board with euro banknotes, though, because Russia doesn't use euro??? Only a small part of it is in Europe, as well...


  10. Dealing with it is only his responsibility, you don't have to deal with it if you feel like you aren't ready for this. Babysitting a person with a mental illness may be some very hard emotional work. If you want to stay with him, maybe go to a psychologist to talk about it? They know it better how you should handle it.

  11. I thought I was the only one, who didn't like manga and anime and is a Japanese music fan, but there are 19 votes for the last option, including mine. I do like to play yaoi visual novels, but like the name says, it's a written story with pics+sounds+choices to make, so it's nothing like anime or manga to me. I may be convinced to read mangas, but I'm picky... I usually don't laugh at the humor and the drawing style irritates me, I only like the eroguro style, because it's more realistic and not so cute. As for animes, they have a weird way of cutting scenes, the characters move in a weird way and often act illogical, it's totally not my thing, even yaoi.

  12. I think Kaleidoscope has a point here, but I also think that visual kei bands do have a specific sound that is somehow different (but I don't know how to explain it, I just hear it... maybe other bands just sound too perfect and too clear and it's awkward for me, idk). I said that years ago to people here and they kept telling me I'll drop visual kei and listen to something else, but it never happened. I really struggle to find any newer rock/metal bands I'd like, everything that I like is older music, from the times when I was a teenager and didn't listen to visual kei, yet (when this emo/screamo trend happened everything went shit). Calling someone else a hypocrite just because you don't see something they see in the bands is lame, that's all I have to say.

  13. After my experience I can say relationships are more effort than it's really worth (but my experience was a really bad one, in the end and I don't want to talk about it publicly). Not being in one makes me feel lonely, though... and I'm scared I'll never find someone with similar interests again. This is important for me, somehow I don't get along with too different people, because I don't understand them.

  14. I don't think visual kei is dead. People have been saying that rock music is dead for decades... but there are still people, who like it. It just changes, evolves... the negativity of this tread irritates me, because I think that the foreign audience has completely no influence on this scene. We're only responsible for keeping the interest abroad, which these bands are completely not interested in. Their only aim is the Japanese market. For us it's a niche interest. I've been a fan for 11 years and I saw changes, all I think is that people who really love it will never stop loving it. As for the bands, they evolve... maybe some people won't like them, but the trends will change and it's always good to keep an eye on them. Many bands small in Japan were just treated as music gods abroad, so... it all depends on where the fans are from.

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