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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. I kept thinking "I wouldn't like to work in Japan", but someone made me realize Europe isn't a good place for people of my nationality, because they're being treated like Mexicans in the US :/. I want to try to go to Japan and work as an English teacher and I've just started my university (American Studies major, with all courses in English), I'm also taking Japanese classes on my uni. Would an American Studies BA be enough to get a job as an English teacher there (no experience of course)? I read it doesn't matter what kind of degree someone has, but posts in this topic are discouraging me... Maybe I don't have any chance, after all...

  2. I have a feeling I know who influenced the OP to create this topic... fucking Mejibray fanbase.


    1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not?
    No, because people are supposed to buy it, if someone is nice and shares, that's great!
    2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band?
    It depends on their attitude. Sure, they have the right to not share, but it doesn't mean they have to be assholes about it and post gifs of their rarez all over tumblr. I hate such showoffs. If you want to respect the copyright, then do it! Making and posting gifs means you don't respect it anymore... and if someone's like "bla bla bla I have this and it's great bla bla bla" I want their face to meet my fist, seriously. Not all people can buy, so just enjoy your stuff and shut up about it.
    3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it?
    They can choke on their money and start minding their own business.
    4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities?
    I think it's just more difficult to get many releases of visual kei bands, so people look for them harder. That's the main problem.
    5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD?  Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip?
    If it's 128kbps and listenable, I'm okay with getting such rip. Just make it listenable. It's fine if you don't want to share 320, just rip it well and nothing lower than 128.
    6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction?
    I think I didn't reply when I didn't want to share (but it was only when the person sounded like they were demanding from me to share it), but most of the time people were polite... I haven't gotten anything rare/wanted for a while (or if I did, I just didn't talk about it, to not upset others, because it's stuff from my friends who don't want me to share), so I don't remember, anymore. Basically... when someone asks politely, don't be a dick to them. When someone wants to ask the person to share, also do it politely. The manners matter a lot.

  3. So with that comes the question of, is it harder to get into the music of many VK bands now, are the videos not what will even interest today`s audience, and even if it does, will the audience care to take the time to make a comment, or join a community, discuss, support etc... with so many other options out there.


    I think this also favors certain sides of VK prospering in the social universe more than others. The `shock value` has shifted, some things are redundant now, some things are expected, and there are other things popping up that seem to create better responses to new viewers.

    Tetora, think about the current VK videos. What are these about? Just the band playing and looking pretty... not many bands make interesting PVs anymore. I often watch them just once and never come back to them again, because there's nothing to see. Maybe the videos are good for girls who want to stare at their favorite member, but I just don't care about it that much. I'd rather see them performing in an interesting PV story, than look at them playing/signing all the time. This is just boring!


    There is no shock value anymore, because bands stopped using it. The bands focused on gathering female fangirls, not shocking people. I think being cute always creates better response in Japan? Everything is cute there. The idea of VK is supposed to be different, than this. I don't understand why they do it, because VK has always been an underground scene. Do they really expect to earn piles of money like this? Or maybe it's just a music trend that will go away, eventually.

  4. The reason of comments dropping: youtube wants you to get google plus for this, so most people are too lazy to bother with that. When I'm logged in with my youtube account, I want to post comments with the youtube account, damn. I'm not going to register or log into some other stuff just to waste even more seconds of my life to post a comment. Most youtube comments are extremely dumb, anyway. I had to turn my e-mail notifications off, because it was just some retarded fangirling and I didn't want to know about new comments on the vids I uploaded anymore, lol.

  5. I'm for marriage equality, because I'm not straight and I also see no reason why it would affect anyone. I only hope I will never fall in love with a girl from a country where it isn't allowed and have an urge to marry her, because it isn't allowed in my country and it never will (people would never agree to it). In my case, it's better and safer to be interested in a man. If I was in love with a girl from a country where it isn't allowed, I would have a hard time getting a visa to that country to stay with her (I'm not attracted to people in my country, I have a thing for foreigners, so I'm sure it will never happen with a Polish person). There are many law things, that makes it easier for people who are married. Because of no marriage equality, I have to drop the idea of being interested in girls, because it has no future.

  6. Friends irl - they're rare to find, but once you find a good friend, they're fun to be with, you can go out and plan activities together.


    Friends online - they're easier to find, especially with the same interests, they say nice stuff, but it isn't possible to get closer to them, because you can't meet them and they always value their real life more, than yours, so eventually they just leave.

  7. People abuse such things everywhere. At least the one who need it are able to get help. Here they only help drunkards, who use that money to buy more alcohol... and people who need help, can't get it, because of stupid rules... so basically there's no welfare in my country, there are only booze stamps -___-

  8. 2nd , VK is poor , yeah seriously then get a job , i know many ppl who have a band and still have a normal work cause they cant afford to live from music . If you start to make music for cash you are not better than a prostitute , a lot of ppl do it for fun and the money making stuff is just as a side effect of it . Also if they are so poor , why are some VK bands making an account on bandcamp and offering their music as "pay as much as you want from 1 dollar" ? No matter how you look it its being greedy . If you dont see it its okay , it seems we live in the same country , but in different worlds . Its like with ppl who still belive that our politics will start to care .

    Many of them have jobs, you don't even know the reality, yet you assume you're entitled to call them music prostitutes. I agree with what Tetora said. Everything costs a lot of money, there are many people working for these bands. Get a band and try to record you all playing on a cell phone or even a computer. It would sound like shit. You just can't record music in good quality for free.


    I don't know any VK bands selling stuff for one dollar on a website like that? But there are different labels, different situations, maybe some bands just have a better financial situation for some reason? I don't know... maybe they don't mind losing some money first, to promote themselves in a cheap way? In the end, most musicians would like to make enough money on their band, to live just off it.


    We don't live in different worlds, you're just being close-minded, like most people in this country, lol. You can't imagine someone may have a different opinion about this (and I can't afford buying CDs either... but if I could, I would buy from the bands I like, because I know why do they need money. VK ISN'T A MAINSTREAM MUSIC INDUSTRY FULL OF MONEY.)

  9. If I remember well, airmail shipping for 1 CD on cdjapan is 750yen and 1140yen for two (it could change, that's how much I paid like 2 years ago). If you buy in expensive shops, then it's your own fault.


    You take food and bills into consideration? Then you can afford 0 CDs monthly. You also want to save up from that salary, lol... so how can you afford buying CDs? I can't comprehend that.


    I may not like the band's attitude, but they have the right to dislike downloaders. Just don't listen to them anymore, jfc. That's what I did, because I can't pay money. I don't think they're greedy, most vk indie bands are very poor, they aren't like these famous artists. I just dislike the way they're approaching the issue and I felt offended by them.

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