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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. Shhh my mothers a Gemini :P that must be why i find her annoying as fuck lol You should NEVER disrespect your parent(s) and tell them to fuck off but my mother will just just bitch, whine moan and nit pick about the smallest thing till you either just put your fist through a window or deliberately smash something like the cup youre drinking out of at the time of the 'convosation'


    Part of the time its gossiping


    She has no idea how difficult she is to live with. She also doesnt understand how to speak normally and alot of her comments are quite toxic and are like daggers stabbing at you cuz she likes to criticize everyone but is completely stone deaf when you give her the same critique.

    Don't say you should never disrespect your parents, because some aren't holy beings. Just because you're blood related to someone, it doesn't mean they deserve your respect. Parents aren't perfect people, so talking about wrong things they do isn't wrong. In fact, it's good to notice that to not make similar mistakes yourself (which isn't easy to do).


    It's like you were describing my mother here. (there used to be some personal rant about her, but I decided to remove it, if you really want to read it, PM me) Really -___-.


    About Scorpios:

    I've never dated anyone, so I can't tell anything about dating. However, one of my online friends is a Scorpio and the best treat about them is that they're patient and loyal, if you're on their good side, of course. They don't trust anyone, it's true, but I'm the same, so I understand it and it doesn't bother me at all. People really can't be trusted, even the closest person may betray you anytime.


    Scorpio is great when you manage to become an important person to them, even if they may be difficult to deal with, sometimes. They're painfully honest and snap at you, so relations with them require lots of patience and bravery at the same time, because they dislike weak people, they want honesty, but if it's something mean, they don't reply with nice stuff either. They also have a good memory and remind you of some shit you said a long time ago, which you totally don't remember anymore. But unless you don't get onto their bad side, you shouldn't be scared of them. They would see right through you, so if you never pretend, you're safe. My friend can see even the smallest difference in my behavior when I'm upset. She always knows everything, so you just can't hide anything from a Scorpio, but they hide a lot of things from you.


    That's the bad stuff, but they aren't as bad as people say. It's just an intense sign, they're either amazing, or your worst enemy. They can be very supportive, patient, great to have fun with, very protective (can do very nasty stuff to people who hurt people close to them), ofc perverts too, they love kinky stuff (especially related to domination, submission, power play, etc). If someone likes people with depth, mysterious - Scorpios are great.


    About your girl - I don't know her, so I can't say much. Trust issues, I already explained. That's nothing personal, just a trait of Scorpio. They want to know every corner of your soul to make sure they can trust you even a little. Her bad experience probably hurt her a lot, because Scorpio's emotions are very intense. You have no idea what they're coming through, because they never show you. If she called back, she probably cared. But you didn't want to continue, so it's also fine. The consent of two people is needed to have a relationship.

  2. Aquarius backstabs you tbh!!


    or maybe it's just me, lol.

    It's not really backstabbing, but they just ignore the shit out of you. I found it impossible to be friends with them, because they're always unavailable and no matter how many times you tell them to stop doing something, they ignore you and keep doing it anyway. All these websites say Aquarius is compatible with my sign, but that's total bullshit :/. It's one of the signs I dislike the most.


    mainly Gemini's imo but thats just me. I really cant seem to get on with them. I can be friends with them but its like i gotta watch my back incase one of them wants to shank me.

    That's exactly Gemini. They're good only to have fun with them, but when it comes to serious business, the best idea is to stay away from them as far as it's possible. They're very manipulative and lying is their hobby. They don't even need a reason to lie, they do this for fun. My abusive mother is Gemini, so I know about them a bit... and I met others too, they were similar -___-. Seemed nice at first, but in the end they were just fake. Geminis are good at talking and charming people, but they aren't that great people, in fact.


    Just for shits and giggles...(but also because my results are eerily parallel to actual astrology)


    What Sign Should You Never Date?


    You Should Never Date a
    Jealous, paranoid, and possessive - deep down, your Scorpio will never trust you. And even if you are very trust worthy person, Scorpio's paranoia may drive you to act out. Instead try dating: Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius
    ^ disagree, Scorpios are sexy and interesting. Fuck you, test. My inner masochist disagrees.

  3. The PV doesn't fit the song.

    Epic video with epic fire and...a simple pop song ... 

    Exactly what I think. I'm really disappointed in the song, I was hoping for something heavier, like their recent songs. What the hell are you doing, Royz???

  4. this is the new fashion style ? after, yuuki of Lustknot akane... Visual kei makes people freak...

    hpe he can be treated

    Nope, visual kei attracts people rejected by the society, so it doesn't make them freaks, it attracts freaks.

  5. ^ No, that's not what she's saying. That's what the BAND says according to her interpretation. The band states that people who don't buy are toxic and ruin the band itself, and if you can't buy the CD you have to buy the iTunes version (which is total bullshit imo because there's only a price difference of like 10$ and if you don't have the cash 10$ isn't going to make such a big difference).

    Exactly, that's what I mean. It's the band who's saying that, not me. I understand it well that someone may not be able to buy music (for various reasons) and it's not a reason to treat them like that, but the band thinks different. They could say it in a different way, without offending fans. I like their music and looks, but at this point I just refuse to be their fan anymore. Music is about entertainment. If it makes me upset, it's not what it's supposed to be. If I have money again one day, I will support a band that keeps entertaining me, not the one that makes me upset with their attitude.


    iTunes prices are shit, really. They just convert the euro price to pln here (in the Polish iTunes) and it costs the same for us, even if we have much less money than people in other countries. The prices should be lower too. 1 euro for a song in mp3 is way too overpriced. It would be cheap for me if it was 1pln (~0,25eur). But still, with no cash, spending any money on music is a bad idea. I can't imagine why would someone pick music, instead of food. I'm sure these musicians wouldn't support another band if they were hungry. No, they would also try to get food, first. iTunes is an option only for a person who has some income, but not enough to buy tons of CDs each month. Suggesting people to use it instead, is a sign of insensitivity. I understand the attitude towards people who say "why buy, when I can download?", who have money, but not all fans are in this position.

  6. I haven't seen this topic before, so I'll say what I said on tumblr already.


    Do what the band wants. If they want only fans who spend money, let them keep only these fans, because they obviously don't care about others. Why would you be the fan they hate (uploader/downloader)? They don't want you... so leave them alone. There are other bands who don't ruin your experience of being a fan. You're here for entertainment and seeing such comments isn't pleasurable. There are many bands who don't complain. I used to buy their CDs when I had money, but now I'm completely broke, so I don't have the right to be their fan anymore. (iTunes is a shit argument, because it's riddiculously expensive compared to stuff here, plus I'm not even sure if any vk bands release music in the Polish iTunes... I honestly doubt it. So iTunes argument is totally shit. I'd rather buy myself food, than waste money on expensive mp3s, it's not an option for people who are poor, definitely! It may be an option if someone buys many CDs and can't buy more, so they grab some iTunes music to support one more band.)


    I also wonder why they didn't complain about their PV I uploaded on youtube a long time ago (it was my own copy fyi, so I spend $$$ on it lol), it has almost 60k views, lmao. Maybe I should delete it, why would I promote bitchy musicians for free? They don't even want it. But at the same time, people may want to see it, so I'm not sure. I wouldn't like to have my youtube account deleted, though (I had a warning in the past, PSC happened, lol! Do they delete your account after 2 warnings or more?).


    Btw. I got into this band because of people uploading their songs on tumblr, otherwise I wouldn't even pay attention. If their music didn't appear online, no one would even pay attention to them, or they would just fangirl to the nice photos and nothing else.

  7. I don't think JIN listens to 12012...


    It's pretty obvious they named the band after the movie, though.

    I think it's more after the movie, too. Japanese people don't only know Japanese stuff and nothing from the rest of the world, you people know?


    Btw. I watched this movie a while ago (because I wanted to know what they got inspired with) and it's good, so watch it :D

  8. No matter who writes the music, they took their time and effort to do that. The work should be always appreciated if the sound is decent. The song writers should be credited, but they probably aren't, to not ruin the band's image. Who would like to think someone else writes music for your favorite musicians? It's always better to think they're so talented (I don't know if any talented musicians need song writers, though... but who knows, maybe their skills are good, but they can't write any good music). Even if they don't write their music, they still do their work. Dealing with all the public attention and playing their roles isn't an easy thing to do, because people will notice even the smallest imperfection and they aren't going to be nice about that. Song writers are safe, because they're away from the public eyes.

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