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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. I usually drink just one, it's one glass from one pill that melts in water, it contains 64mg of caffeine. It's not that much, sometimes I have 1-2 days of a break from drinking it, but if I had none, I'd spend some days laying in bed, because it's to the point I can't even sit straight in front of the computer and my head often hurts as well. I know I should go to the doctor, but I won't, I have no patience to deal with the public health care.

  2. I watched the first movie and I read the first book after watching the movie. I love dystopian themes, so of course I liked it, but after reading the book I noticed the movie was... not the best. The book is much better, the movie looks like it was made for children, compared to the book.


    Do you prefer bright and colorful, or darker clothes?

  3. The books are so looooong, though (like a roll of toilet paper, you keep unwrapping it and there's no end xD). I read only the first tome and like... half of the 2nd tome. I was planning to read them all before the next season starts, but that's not going to happen xD

  4. Bad day, or maybe a bad life, because of a non-supportive mother who thinks only about her own needs and doesn't understand I have mine own too. Why did she even give birth to me if she's neglecting me now? That's because I'm not a cute baby anymore. Being an adult sucks :(. You're still the same person as before, but everyone suddenly turns away from you...

  5. ishiki, I'd try other ways if I could afford it, but I unfortunately can't. Everything for the hair removal is so overpriced. They created an idea to shave your whole body and now they're making huge money on this. In the past it wasn't unacceptable to not shave, so all the body hair wouldn't be a big deal for us if we lived at that time probably. Men only shaved their faces (which was an obvious thing for the army, if your enemy caught you by your beard, it would be bad xD).

  6. Ito, nope. I'm tired all the time, even when I sleep long enough and started having these terrible headaches. After a week or something I took mom's migraine pill (I don't know if mine are migraines), it immediately helped. Its main ingredient is caffeine, so I started drinking energy drinks every time I'm so tired I can't function properly, or when my head hurts. Sometimes it's every day, sometimes I take 1-2 days break.

  7. A Game of Thrones thread! (I have to be really boring to post so much on this forum lately xD)


    I love this show, I watched all 3 seasons in 6 days. The best moments were sadistic Joffrey (he's a huge jerk, but I just like this kind of stuff), Daenerys with her dragons and my fave chara - Tyrion the midget :P. For some reason I like Lannisters, they're so crazy xD

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