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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. There're more than a few I miss, but I'll only mention one: NEGA.


    They were my favorite band, being their fan brings so many nice memories to me, especially their live. I was very, very lucky I could see them, and in order to get there (to the Netherlands) I achieved something in my life I've been trying to make for years, just because seeing them was a very good motivation to me. Without them and their small tour, it wouldn't happen. The concert itself is also a very nice memory, they will always have a place in my heart and I still hope these guys will come back and make some more music.

  2. Then the VK fans that become anti-anime are also pretty cringe worthy awful people. They're probably the fans that got into VK because they liked Ready Steady Go from Fullmetal Alchemist and now need to pretend that they're not disgusting weeaboos.

    I don't like anime, I don't even know what Fullmetal Alchemist is??? I also don't know that song. When someone starts talking about anime to me, I wish they would just shut up and I'm not pretending... I just prefer real actors. The only thing I like looking at, is yaoi porn on tumblr ;p. Not all visual kei fans like anime, really. Some people like only visual kei and they don't pretend anything, it's personal preference. If I had to pick a drawing style from Japan, I'd rather pick eroguro (Suehiro Maruo and arts like this).



    About the main topic... I think I wouldn't dislike the band only because of their fanbase, but my interest in the band could be much smaller. If I like the music, I'm still interested in the band, but if the fans are annoying, I don't even bother to learn names of the band members and look at their photos, I just don't care. If I already know them, I don't really follow the band, except their new releases. A big part of fun is taken away from me, if I can't share my excitement with anyone. However, if I don't like the band's music anymore, stupid fans make me not want to look at the band's photos anymore, like... I know Gazette has some nice photoshoots and stuff, but every time I see them, I think of all these stupid jokes of their fanbase and I'm like "do not want".


    The only exception is MEJIBRAY, I know a few great fans and I talk only to them, while I avoid the others. I've been following them from the beginning, when they didn't have such an annoying fanbase, so I like them for my own reasons and it won't change, as long as their music is good. Most of their fangirls know nothing about the band, anyway. I haven't heard so many riddiculous stories about a band, from any fanbase. The most stupid ones are about Tsuzuku and Meto being married (and people seriously believing in it) and that they performed in my country (I was like wtf, they never toured outside of Japan, every fan of the band should know this). Oh, there was also someone trolling one of these tanuki blogs and sent fake info about Tsuzuku, then someone believed it and took it as a fact, soon after that the person sent a message it was fake. I laughed. I wouldn't be surprised if many people didn't even want to try their music because of the fans. It's sad, but I understand it completely.


    The best way is just to cut yourself off of annoying people, I guess. It's easy on the internet, just don't read some things, don't make wrong friends and stay away from fangirlish blogs/profiles on the internet portals.

  3. hmm... warsaw could be an option for me. hope i can find some company. should search for hostel or pub where to stay at night. any suggestions?

    I'm not going to the live, but I live in Warsaw. You can try these hostels:




    Progresja is far from the city centre and these hostels, though, but I don't know anything else (I don't need to use any hostels for obvious reasons ;p).

  4. Prices in Japan are higher, because their salaries are higher. It's cheaper for them and people buy them for this much, so why would the prices be lower?


    About downloads: people who complain this much about these, always come either from the country where it's easy to get a job, or they have a lot of money they didn't work hard for and they assume everyone's reality is the same. Not all people are able to buy CDs and like I said many times, foreign sales are irrelevant for these bands anyway, Japanese spend more money. The ones who complain the most are usually companies like PSC, lol. If someone can and wants to buy the music, they will. If the band is good, they will get sales. They should take care of themselves better if they aren't getting enough sales, imo. Usually bands who sound terrible complain about :D

  5. There's even no netflix here xD. Neither Amazon, just iTunes, but I heard it's very expensive compared to some local sites that sell digital music, lol. But there isn't much music available, so people just download, it's not illegal here (just keeping files for more than 24h on hd is). I remember there was one site selling Japanese music (I forgot the name of it, but most people should know it) that didn't have such limits, neither the prices were high, but they didn't have a good choice of the bands and apparently no one wanted to buy the digital releases anyway. I don't think they would make enough profit from foreign sales, but not letting people to buy even physical CDs isn't good either. One person will buy using the shopping service, upload it and post online, and why would anyone else bother to buy it in that case? People would more likely buy it if it's easily available... but not in the digital form.

  6. I doubt vk bands have much money from the foreign sales. Foreigners are also ignored by many bands (there are CDs or services available only in Japan), while people in Japan can go to the instore when they buy the CD, for example. Foreigners don't get anything else, than the physical CD and bonus items sometimes. It's so easy to complain about people who don't spend money, but these bands totally don't care about any other market, than Japan, so the sales outside of Japan probably don't matter to them. I've seen many bands open to foreign audience and happy people all over the world listen to them, but Japanese are so closed about everything. Sometimes I feel like a worse kind of a fan, because I can't even participate in everything fun.

  7. Pop artists work hard to keep doing what they're doing, some of them are very good dancers, they also have to be on diet to look great, because everyone tracks their every move, so they have no private life. I think the problem is how the teenage girls behave, most people make fun of their riddiculous behavior. If someone is just a pop fan who really likes the music, then they should listen, but if some girl keeps talking to me only about her idol and does riddiculous things, it's starting to be irritating and bothersome.


    Justin Bieber is another thing, he's just a dick, lol. His fans are also riddiculous, they cut themselves for him, there's something wrong with them. Pop idols for teenagers should be a good example for them, because they're still growing up and they need to learn from someone.

  8. Well DIE KUSSE it isn't just because there's female vocals. The rift, the song structure, the R&B hiphop opening and just the whole thing is basically pulling a Grieva. DIE KUSSE is the most obvious but other similarities lie with songs like Worms and My Devil on my Bed. I know the dude likes Ruki and is inspired by them which is cool, everyone is inspired by something or someone. Yet when people deny they don't "borrow" heavily from Gazette must be in denial, it's like Grieva fans denying Grieva and their redo of every Gauze era song ever.


    Yes, but it doesn't mean their all music sounds similar and when someone says that some band is similar to another one, they mean their most or all songs sound alike, not just two. I never denied these two are similar. I even like these songs, Tsuzuku's voice is much better than Ruki's.




    OMFG, yes! It may be an unpopular opinion (because some people are extremely touchy about this topic), but I totally love vk bandguys in nazi uniforms! It was pleasurable for the eyes to see San from NEGA in such an outfit, I wish the whole band did that... That's one of the newer examples, but I wish they could do it more often.


    In the newest picture I saw of hakuei he was wearing those weird underpants with spikes on his crotch and I'm pretty sure he's also still wearing his red pvc uniform. Also Chisato suddenly turned super visual over the last 3 years or so after spending the whole 90s dressed in skater fashion.


    Yes! Hakuei still dresses up a lot, like in Litchi Hikari Club, for example. I also remember these spiked pants, I laughed at them xD. He's amazing to keep looking so young and crazy at his age :)


    I'll just leave this and this here.

    Just because one, or two songs of the band sound similar, it doesn't mean their whole music sounds the same. Tsuzuku is a fan of Gazette, so of course the music can be influenced by what he listens to, but you shouldn't judge the whole music because of two songs. Yes, two of them sound similar because of female vocal in them, but the rest don't.


    Like... does http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTgLs9PDq7Q'>this song really sound like Gazette to you? Because to me it totally doesn't, lol.

  10. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean everyone dislikes it. Many bands create something different than mainstream music and they want to shock people, but there's also audience who likes this kind of stuff (like me, for example), so it's the matter of taste. The real art shouldn't be censored, as long as no one gets hurt in the process (torturing animals for "art" isn't okay, for example). If you don't like it, just don't watch it.

  11. My unpopular opinion:


    MEJIBRAY is my favorite active band, but I don't like most of their fans. They're only after their appearance and nothing else. Many of them are also Gazette fans (maybe because it's Tsuzuku's favorite band? No idea...), I don't think it needs any long explanation (everyone knows what their fans are like). They like posting stupid shit on tumblr, tagging weird photos with the band's name, reposting everything (even photos of cheki someone owns and asks to not repost) and spamming shit that's already been posted 43953576358 times. I'm happy for the band, because they became so successful, but at the same time I miss the times when no one knew them and there weren't so many horny girls, who need a dick asap, after them. I know every band has such fans, but in this case, there are way too many of them...

  12. I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, because I've been mostly into vk for years, but I think their growls are good? I like these bands at least. I know more bands, these are bands that are active right now, not the disbanded ones.


    If you like DELUHI you should listen to UNDIVIDE (Leda's band, disbanded) and Sujk's solo project.





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