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Posts posted by Nyasagi

  1. How could I miss this topic? :D


    Sun: Sagittarius (the best fucking sign ever)

    Moon: Libra

    Venus: Capricorn

    Mars: Scorpio

    Mercury: Sagittarius (moar best fucking sign ever)

    Jupiter: Aries

    Saturn: Sagittarius (and moar of this)

    Uranus: Sagittarius (and even moar!)

    Neptune: Capricorn

    Pluto: Scorpio

    Ascendant: Capricorn

    Chinese sign: kitty kitty Cat :D (or a Rabbit, but I'd rather use the Cat version)

    Numerology: 7

    (idk what other things I could list here)


    Basically, I have the most planets in Sagittarius and I'm totally one ;p (funny, rude mouth, honest, saying random and perverted jokes, philosphical, freedom lover, big child). Of course no person is the same, there are just some similarities between people of the same sign. I like asking for people's sign and observing them, there are really some things in common between them. I don't know all signs well, but it's also interesting how much I dislike people of some certain signs. That's when all the compatibility from the websites goes to fuck itself, because I totally hate Aquarius and Gemini (well, Geminis can be okay-ish if they're the fun friends, but nothing else), but all the sites say my sun sign is very compatible with them. That's why I say: don't look at compatibility people, it's bullshit. You need your own experience with people of the same sign. My friend (I have only one rl life friend xD) is Pisces and she's awesome. Pisces are great people in general. Also Aries, Leos, Virgos, Libras, Scorpios and Sagittarians, of course :D

  2. sai, maybe I misunderstood you, but that's how I understood your post, sorry. It's also too difficult to change it. I tried to lie to myself I don't dislike my appearance, but in the end all these feelings exploded with a multiple force one day, it was worse than before, so it's better to accept it, instead of trying to get rid of it.


    miyuu, I think it's a common thing to feel different about men and women. In my case I got more experience with girls and I haven't had a crush on a guy since high school, but crushes on girls happen once in a while (it's easy for me to have a crush on someone as well, but it dies very easily as well, no one is ever interested, so it's not a big deal, I already got experience with throwing such things out of my head). I usually like looking at photos of good looking guys, but in general men freak me out. I'm too ugly for them, I feel like they would be less accepting, because I was bullied mostly by boys and girls know what to expect from a female body. I'd probably feel the safest in a non-sexual relationship, I think.


    cruel-crucible, I thought I was the only one who doesn't like going out too much (some company is nice, but I'm often tired, so I want to go to sleep or just take my pants off and sit in front of the computer), but has no problems with socialising (just look at me posting all the time here, maybe I should stop lol). *high fives* I also feel the same about people. Just because they have a pretty face, it doesn't mean they're a nice person. Just the pretty face matters when you want to sleep with someone and nothing else, imo.


    RoseOfHizaki, it's good to know I'm not the only one who can't deal with the job bullshit. I always ended up leaving all my jobs after a few days (the last time was because the woman making a work schedule was a huge cunt and I didn't sign my contract yet, so I didn't come next day and shut my phone off xD), I also can't kiss asses very well, I'm too honest xD. If there was an interesting concert or other thing more important for me than a job, and they didn't give me a free day, I'd probably not come to job anyway, lololol. Don't worry, not all people are made to be slaves. You should open your own company and be your own boss, but then you'd still have to deal with the customers and that's also shitty xD

  3. sai, it's just a taste, like with everything. Why do you like the certain genre of music, but not the other one? You don't control what you like... but of course commenting on people who aren't your type is wrong. Don't tell people to stop disliking their size, because that's something they don't control! After hearing mean comments for years, even positive comments don't make it better, but bad ones make it even worse. If people minded their own business, others would be also more confident about themselves. Don't blame the victims.

  4. I dislike facial hair, I kissed guys once and their faces were so rough, I think they didn't shave themselves well... I didn't like that. I also dislike hairy armpits and men with hairy chests and backs. I used to dislike hairy legs either, but it would be hypocritical of me, because I don't shave mine and I'm not going to (I have very sensitive skin, it always ends up with a terrible rash), so I can accept any hair in the lower parts of the body, as long as someone doesn't look like a gorilla, like someone else said in this thread.



    like how??you have to be rich or have help. T_T

    idk, find a sugar daddy? xD I don't know how to get money, it's so difficult.




    the girl who had most guys wasn't the one that was the most pretty  ,in terms of what considered pretty. and she wasn't thin. and guys didn't care. i guess maybe because she was more easy.but i don't consider that bad. (or maybe because of her character?) and she did also have guys that were attractive and good looking.

    I think it depends on the country, it isn't very accepted here. Men in this country like only skinny, thin or a little overweight girls. I also know what comments they post online, even anime/Japan fans don't accept it. I saw lots of hate on overweight cosplayers, for example... and not many people are against such comments.



    also i am more crazy because i don't like too feminine attitude, even in girls too much cute attitude annoys me.

    but i like feminine physical characteristics. has nothing to do with attitude.

    so i am  more screwed. because probably a guy that acts too "girly" would annoy me as much as a girl.

    I think you're being a bit too stereotypical here. Someone's taste says nothing about the personality. Just because someone likes cute things, it doesn't mean they're dumb and cutesy.

  6. ishiki, I live in a country where people call gender studies a deviation... further comments aren't needed. It's basically what you just described. All these people just think they're open minded, but they're not in fact. No one has to date someone they don't find attractive, but being open minded is accepting every person as an equal human being, their taste and opinions, as long as their actions don't hurt anyone else. If someone doesn't do this, they aren't open minded. The only solution for you to be happy with yourself, is to move to a different country, where diversity is more accepted, I think. Look for someone from another country, with internet it's possible! Birds don't spend all their lives in the same place, people don't have to do it either, the whole world is available for us (minus North Korea maybe, but who would like to live there anyway? XD).

  7. ishiki, that's the kind of guys I'm attracted to as well. It's often a matter of the personal style, I just don't find the regular, manly style attractive. I think all these "manly" men look so boring, especially the ones with short hair. It's a huge turn off for me and it's been the same since my teens. I've always been attracted to the ones who look more delicate. Unfortunately, there aren't such guys in this country, they would probably get beaten up for looking gay. I hate Polish men, because they're obsessed with that not looking and not acting "gay" thing. The only ones who don't act like this, are bi or gay themselves and they're the only guys who actually don't annoy me. I could never date someone with that anti-gay obsession, even if he was totally my type in appearance.


    I think I'm more into girls, actually, because there are too little men of my type. Even the ones considered "hot" by most women, are unattractive for me. I remember one guy hitting on me in high school, all the girls thought he was hot, but he was totally not my type (darker skin, black hair... a bit like a latino type, it's just not my thing). Maybe I shouldn't be too picky, because I'm fat and unattractive (I looked better in high school, fyi), but I'm one of these people who aren't able to lower their standards just to date anyone.




    RoseOfHizaki, and I was going to delete that post for being so pathetic, but now it's pointless, because you quoted it. Oh well, it's the only site I use this nickname on, so no one will track my pathetic self online :'D.




    I tend to break my toys so durability is a bonus. not saying that im incapable of being gentle but i like to manhandle fragile things like a bull in a china shop.

    As long as it's not just being careless about what you do, people should rather enjoy it, especially girls. Sadism is sexy :D.



    I won't quote the whole rest, so I'll just reply to it here:


    I only get sad about it, because there's no one who cares about me. People usually focus on their work and family, so a friend wouldn't care for me as much as I need it, I think it's the only reason I want to date someone, to actually get out of here and get busy with something else, because I have no other possibilities and only a person you date makes you their priority, friends don't do this.


    There's nothing wrong with spending money on yourself, why do you see it as a problem? I don't understand this. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, so I was raised different, I have no idea... or maybe because I have nothing, so I'd be excited about having money to spend on myself. When people buy me things I feel terrible, like I was using them, to be honest. But yes, having money helps with depression, you can treat yourself with nice things all the time.


    Well, everyone is sad sometimes, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think girls dislike it when men cry, or get emotional, or upset, because it happens to everyone. Men who act too tough are usually huge dicks. Maybe some girls like it, but I find it unattractive. They usually lack any common sense. Think about love stories for women, they all are so emotional and romantic, I don't think most women like too tough and too soft men (mommy's sons for example). Something in between is the best, nothing too extreme. People in general dislike it when someone's in a bad mood and they expect you to put on a happy mask, but you're supposed to get closer to someone when you're in a relationship, so I think it's better to be honest, at least you wouldn't end up with a person you can't stand this way. All the pretending to attract a certain type of people is a bad idea, imo.

  8. I didn't even remember I posted in this thread, after 4 years nothing has changed for me, still here (26 years old and never dates, so pathetic lol... should I even post it here? Maybe I'll delete this post later, it's so embarrassing). I'm the weird combination of a person with an extremely low self esteem and probably too high standards. I'm not good looking and poor, it's not a good combination to get someone either :(. All the guys of my type always have such pretty girlfriends... or they're gay.

  9. I think everyone has one or a few of these "teenage embarrassment" bands they used to listen to, that's okay. I still like many old music from my teens, though. When I hear it, I'm suddenly like "woah, I haven't heard this for ages!".


    My taste has never changed much, but for example with visual kei, there were bands I started with, and I don't care about these bands anymore. I either liked a few songs of them and I found the rest boring later, or they stopped making interesting music and my interest in them just died. I also found many other bands I liked much more than the ones from my beginning. I even had a kpop phase, but it started making me boring after I discovered all the music I liked and the rest was all the same... the trends have changed as well, and I didn't like that "new" sound. I still don't. I have a friend who likes it, so I was basically forced to watch their videos. There was only one interesting boysband, but when I checked their other videos on youtube, I was like "nahhhh".


    Something that changed with time in my case, is the whole point of view and attitude on the visual kei scene. I can see it more from the real, not just the fanasy side. Maybe it has something to do with my age, or maybe it has something to do with the knowledge I gained about it. I can't deny I hate it sometimes, because it's far from that image all foreign fans have on the beginning, but somehow I still manage to find some bands whose music and image I like. There are less than before, so I just focus on them more and follow them more closely. Maybe one of  the reasons why some people stop being interested in vk is discovering the real facts about the scene, so their imaginary world shatters?

  10. PSC is the shittiest vk label, of course most labels would be better than them (except some small ones that don't even sell the CDs of their bands in shops that ship abroad, like Dear Dolce used to sell CDs only in their webshop, Japan only, boo). The only Danger Crue band I listen to (but only sometimes), is D.I.D. I used to be interested in ALSDEAD, but they became boring for me. There's nothing exciting about the label, just a label with some bands I don't listen to. -le shrug-


    About relationships: I doubt band members would like to reveal them themselves in most cases. Why would they need so much drama? Japanese fans are different than us, the musicians would lose popularity and sales if they made such things public. Why lose popularity, money, and deal with angry females, if you can avoid it?

  11. My playlist are cluttered, yes, but it's my mess and I see the order in it :D. I meant the skin, it's very simple and there aren't many details in it. Just the tabs with playlists and the lists of the songs on the playlists. To me cluttered is: too many features. If you say this about my foobar, maybe it's better if you don't imagine what my download folder looks like :P.


    Your skin... I just don't like it. There are too many icons, I also don't have to look at the CD covers on my playlist, I listen to my music when I'm doing something else anyway.

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