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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Gesu

    Super excited for this band! I do love me some good neoclassical rock. Also, that piano song sounds like it could be in a VN. I adore it! I hope it gets turned into an actual song and not just a Valentine's day one-off.
  2. Gesu

    Remember, it's the band and not the fandom that counts. There are going to be pricks in pretty much every fandom, but you just gotta say "fuck 'em" and get on with it. Hell, I hate to say it, but the J-rock community in general has its fair share of dickheads, and I have considered just leaving from time to time, but then I remember the good people like those here on MH, not to mention all the bands I've come to know and love, so I stay. Hmm... while I'm typing, I may as well confess something new. I consider Chisa from ACME to be the best-looking J-rocker when he's in full makeup, but Hitomi (ex-Moran) is the most naturally beautiful person I have ever seen. Good lord, I hope I look that good when I get to forty.
  3. So wish I coulda gone to this! Good for them, though
  4. Gesu

    I did once, you're not missing much. On the subject of not having listened to popular bands, I've barely listened to any of the older stuff. I know they did a lot for the genre, and I am grateful for that, but I guess I'm just drawn to the more modern stuff. I'm sure I'd like it a lot if I listened to more of it, but I just can't seem to get around to it. I dunno, I guess I'm just a dumb millennial.
  5. Gesu

    I used to do that every now and again, but I think I eventually got sick of reading it because I didn't like to think of my favourite musicians like that even if I never believed a word of it. I dunno, maybe my mental constitution's weak in that area? Either way, it's a curious subject.
  6. Gesu

    So, seeing as every confession blog on Tumblr seems to die after a few months/years, I thought I'd start a thread dedicated to VK/J-rock confessions to keep it going for a while. Bear in mind that, unlike on Tumblr, you can't be anonymous here, so don't post anything you may regret. Also, don't be a dick to other people for saying something you don't agree with (not that I think you're dicks, but I guess I had to say it). Okay, I'll start; MiA really pisses me off now, but dammit, I still would. Please don't hate me for saying that.
  7. Haunting imagery, though. If you aren't a writer already, I say you should become one.
  8. Didney buys Tanuki and makes sure all rumours are family-friendly. They also make a film starring Hizaki and Kaya as the two new Disney princesses with them fighting for Kamijo's affections (sorry to bring him up again, he's just so easy to speculate about), only plot twist; Teru wins his heart instead and it becomes an iconic piece of LGBT media
  9. *VENT*


    I wish my best friend would stop expecting me to listen to her problems all the time if she's not prepared to listen to what I have to say back. It really gets me down... it makes me feel like she doesn't trust me at all. She says it's because she doesn't want me to feel like I have to say something, but I always tell her I don't have anything to say and that I wish she'd stop telling me about all her hypochondriac issues that I can't do anything about (she's been doing this for years, and it gets old pretty quickly), but she does it anyways even though she knows it pisses me off and makes me feel helpless. It wouldn't be so bad, but she's not the first person who's expected me to just sit there and nod my head before. Don't they realise that making people feel like they can't do anything to help their friends makes them feel crappy, too? I get that it can feel good to get things off your chest (as I'm doing right now), but if it's over and over again and you're not going to listen to what the other person has to say, it's meaningless.

    1. nekkichi


      I feel like this type of ppl always has actual best friends they never bother with their shit and also friends of convenience that they dump the bullshit onto, and you should teach them boundaries/switch the subject once the whining comes up giving them an idea you aren't interested if the conversation about life issues isn't mutual.

      my current go to line when i run into this behaviour is nodding a couple times and then outright telling them like 200 reasons I prefer candle meditation over talking to people who I know for a fact aren't interested in my personal problems.

    2. platy


      Can totally relate. You could just outright say "if you're not gonna listen to what I have to say then we should just skip this conversation" or something. I've got to the point where I don't bother with niceties, some people will only get a reality check once you're blunt with them. 

    3. Gesu


      I always am blunt with her at this point, but she still doesn't listen. The weird thing is, I don't think she does it on purpose, but as I said, it's not the first time it's happened. I'm not a pushover because I've managed to end multiple friendships like this, but it still always happens to me and I don't know why... guess I'll just have to try being even more blunt. Thanks, you two. :)

  10. When can I edit my rank? I'm already sick of being Kisaki's errand boy.

    1. BrenGun


      you cannot yet~ 

      you should be yellow firts,,o( ̄ー ̄)○☆

    2. saishuu
    3. Himeaimichu



  11. How did he get away with it for that long? To put this into perspective, 180,000,000 yen is roughly £1.2 million.
  12. What are your plans for Valentine's day this year? I'm going to be making a tenancy awareness course appointment and playing an otome visual novel because I don't have a real date.

    1. yomii


      i haven't played hakuoki so i'm intrigued! wonder what's so difficult about it, guess i'll have to figure it  out now~ haven't played an otome game in a while and valentine's day is a perfect day for such kind of guilty pleasure.

    2. Gesu


      It's really good! The art and music are absolutely gorgeous, as per usual for Otomate (the company that made it). It's difficult in that it's just so hard to get the guy you want. There are twelve of them, and if you're not careful, you unfortunately won't end up with anyone at all, but even if that happens, it's worth it for the story. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that it's set in 1860s Japan and you learn a lot about that time period from it. You come for the bishounen and you stay for the history lesson, lol. Also, check out my cover photo. It's a screenshot from my favourite scene in Kyoto Winds. X)

    3. Aferni


      Blasting llll-Ligro-. Literally ALL Day.

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  13. Gesu

    I have returned with more sweets! Only three this time, but when you see the mahoosive packet I have to show you first, it makes sense.
  14. Was just playing Spore and it crashed 😠

  15. Gesu

    You know what I love about this band already? Every single one of them stands out. The singer's got a great voice and face, and all the instrumentalists are great at their respective instruments. Not to mention the song's great! Will definitely watch this band.
  16. Is it weird that if I look at a hot guy and notice he has a little mole somewhere on his face/body, I find it really cute?

  17. Gesu

    Picking a favourite is hard, but Moran's cover of Mousou Nikki stands out to me (solo starts at 1:50). Sizna is the most underrated guitarist there is and you cannot change my mind. His playing throughout is phenomenal, but that solo really caught me off-guard (in a good way) when I first heard it, especially the end part.
  18. Gesu

    Lots of brown-eyed people here I don't like wearing glasses either. I would like to wear contacts, but as I said, I'm squeamish, so I mostly just go without. My eyesight's not that bad unless I'm reading, and even then, it's only a little blurry. Why can't there be more visual kei glasses? Shiina Mio from UNiTE pulls them off well.
  19. Gesu

    Also, make sure it's the BBcode and that you link it (using the button at the top) instead of using the "insert other media" option. I have to do that, anyways. I dunno if that's the case for anyone else.
  20. I love how the vast majority of KAMIJO's solo career is basically just boss fight music
  21. Every picture of Yuuki from Lycaon's thighs/ass. Oh, baby, does he have some top-quality booty. 💦 ETA: I know he's been in Intial'L for quite some time now, but I don't like to think about that.
  22. Mine are brown, but I kinda wish they were icy blue or light grey. Just something a little more... VK. I've always been a bit squeamish about putting contacts in, especially since I saw a girl nearly have to go to A&E because her contact rolled into a part of her eye it wasn't supposed to. Anyways, enough of that gruesomeness. Here is my eye.
  23. Gesu

    I made this a while back. Also, I did this to beautiful Hitomi and I don't know why. Just... the urge struck me. Also also, I captioned them. This one's not so bad. Don't remember if I made any others. If I find some, I'll post them here.
  24. Gesu

    I have mild autism and ADHD. I don't so much mind the autism - in fact, I personally really like it because it allows me to be creative/imaginative, plus I'm not high-functioning so it's relatively easy to deal with - but the ADHD is a bitch when I'm trying to do homework and it's taking me hours longer than it should. It really affects my sleeping patterns, which are bad enough as is. For some reason, I've always had trouble sleeping. I've developed some sort of breathing issue which isn't helping much. I went to see the doctor about that today, and she didn't find anything wrong with me during that appointment (which thankfully means it's most likely nowt too serious), but she wants to do blood tests in two weeks to see if I'm anaemic. Not sure how that's gonna work out, seeing as I'm actually too light to donate blood. Not really a disability, but I'm 4'11.5" and I weigh 97lbs, and I have a very fast metabolism. I can manage it (97lbs is petite for my height, but not underweight), but I have to eat a lot if I want to stay healthy and not have my weight fluctuate. Oh, and I have chiari malformation (the bottom of my brain pushes down onto the top of my spine, which isn't nearly as deadly as it sounds), which means I can only spin once or twice on a spinny chair before I get dizzy. Runs in the female side of my family. Also, it means I can't swim (I don't even float, I just sink *.*) or ride a bike. Being born with a fuckton of dislocated bones (the worst being my right hip) didn't help matters much either. My bones are alright now, but they crackle and crunch a lot and it's kind of gross if you're squeamish about that kind of thing... but hey, I can touch my head with my right foot, so that's something! Also, I have anxiety but it's not that bad. Whew! That's pretty much everything.
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